Chapter 6

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It's been around 3 days since the incident and I haven't heard a thing from Toman, then again it's not like they have my number or anything. Maybe I should pay Takemitchy a visit, knowing where he lives since I had seen him go in once as I walked by. Changing into a hoodie and leggings (or anything you'd like) I walk out of my small yet cozy apartment. Having a motorcycle just right about now would have been great.

Having a small limp while walking was surely annoying. But then again having three days of doing nothing made it bearable. Realising I shouldn't appear at someone's house the first time without anything, I quickly went to a vending machine to grab some coffee. I know it's not exactly the fanciest thing but it's better than nothing.

Knocking on his front door as his mum opens the door kind of shocked to see me. I politely let myself in as I went to Takemitchy's room. Opening the door to see him stand in front of a small coffee that had even smaller pieces of puzzles on it.

"Hey Takemitchy, how you feelin? Here. hands the coffee".

"Oh thanks, and yeah I'm good it's not as bad as getting stabbed in the leg"

"Yeah I guess, so what's that?" I pointed to the puzzle as he had a proud look on his face, I was about to touch it before.


"3 DAYS?!?!?!? BRO STOP THAT'S SO SAD" As I burst out laughing not believing that this man really spent three days finishing a puzzle

"To be fair it was a 3000 piece puzzle" Takemitchy rebuttals trying to defend his boring life. Before our conversation could continue his other friends had walked in. They started chatting a little while I just stayed a little back giving them space.

"Wait. IS THAT SCAR?!" The boy with the glasses and blond hair says while pointing at me. Ah so finally my presence has finally been revealed. Seems like he knows who I am too. I start talking with him as we exchange numbers as he fangirls over the scar I showed him on my forearm.


Let me guess some dude tried touching his puzzle. Turning around only to find out I was right. Letting out a small laugh as I realise. I'm with my friends. Friends. Huh, I like the sound of that.

Suddenly the atmosphere turns more serious as Takemitchy asks about the relationship between Mikey and Draken. What could be wrong with them? They're joined at the hip.

"They're fighting pretty bad..." The boy with black slicked hair says. Wait what. Mikey and Draken are fighting?! And it's actually pretty bad too. It can't be because of the Pah situation, can it? He said it himself he wanted to turn himself in and we should respect that.

"Who are you name dropping about fighting or not?"

Speak of the devil. Draken stands tall at the door's length with a watermelon in his hand as he enters.

"Oh you're here too Y/N? How's your leg?"

"It's doing better thanks Draken :)" Giving him a toothy grin glad that he must have forgiven me. The conversation continues about Drakens relationship with Mikey as he lets his frustration out by SMASHING TAKEMITCHYS PUZZLE. What a poor fella.


"I said I was sorry." Draken says as a small irk forms on his forehead. Being scared of the 6ft boy we all just agree. Even if I feel bad for Takemitchy I had to let out a small laugh for the puzzle. My mans spent 72 hours only for it to be destroyed in less than a minute.

"Toman's finished," Draken says while getting up and leaving. Wait what happened. I should really stop spacing out like this ಠ_ಠ

Following him out to grab Draken asking him why Toman was finished until Mikey makes his presence known by clearing his throat. Wait what Mikey? Is this just a meet up now, how is it all of us are coincidentally at the same place.

Mikey takes a glance at my hand grabbing on to Drakens forearm as he deadly smiles which makes me remove my grip.

"What are you doing here," They both say at the same time. This is not going to end well, which means...great time to record everything. Taking out my phone as I start recording everything that was going down.

"He's my friend, aren't I takemitchy" Mikey says as he glares at Draken

"Shut up, he's literally mine, right takemitchy" Draken replies as he takes a glimpse at the poor boy who seemed to be stuck in the middle.

"Stop fighting please!" Takemitchy says trying to stop the argument which only made it worse. Thinking Takemitchy's words actually hit Mikey as he was walking away. Oh, what a boring fight so not worth recording. (╯°□°)╯


Oh, what's this. MIKEY THREW A WHOLE ASS BIKE. Oh, shit starting to get good! I try capturing the best angle by circling the fighting dimwits. Takemitchy starts screaming as it seems like fire went blazing behind him as he charges Mikey. Making sure my camera was focused since this is probably the funniest but also the most idiotic thing I've ever seen. Mikey easily dodges Takemitchy's slopey hits as he falls into the garbage. Pffffft ahahahaha this is great blackmail. OH, AND DID IT GET BETTER! On my screen you could see was Takemitchy screaming with a whole ass turd sitting on his head!

Akkun tries holding him back as he actually starts saying crap that makes sense. But Takemitchy I'm sorry I can not take you seriously with that turd on your head, although he did give a splendid speech.

"Wow, very well said captain" (Please get the reference). I say trying to boost Takemitchy's confidence but I hope someone tells him about that shit on his head.

"You know Takemitchy...the entire time you've had a shit on your head," Mikey says finally pointing it out. Takemitchy starts shrieking as he wacks the shit off his head.


"Run Kenchin! Y/n-chin! The shits coming for us" Mikey says while laughing as he grabs my hand running off.

"NOOO Y/N PLEASE DELETE THAT, NEVER SHOW HINA!" Takemitchy hollers hoping I do what he wishes. Oh please, I am never deleting this. With all the laughter I couldn't notice the fact that Mikey and I were in fact holding hands. 

Hey guys I'm sorry for a short chapter and I will be uploading every second day even if it's a weekend :)

Hope you guys enjoyed and don't forget to vote <3

Byeeeee :)

{Save me... please} - Mikey x Y/N discontinued Where stories live. Discover now