Chapter 8

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Hi guys I'm sorry for the late update I'll try also updating tomorrow to make up for it i was just busy with school :) And thank you everyone for the nice comments it really means a lott <3 

enjoy the story :)


Baji Keisuke? Why do I feel like I've heard that name before? Who cares. Actually, I do, the man in front of me is fine as fuck.

"Hey, can I have your number?" I blurt out without thinking a second thought. Y/N WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT. I'm going to kill myself this is so embarrassing. His eyes widened before,

"I thought you'd never ask," he says, growing a smirk while pulling out his phone as we trade numbers. We said bye to each other as I went back to Emma and Hina who were holding my bag. We then all went our separate ways.

I got home as I lay on my bed while my cat lays next to me. thinking about how I stupidly asked for his number. I really need a filter. We drifted to sleep. 

Day of the festival - 3rd August

I started getting ready a few hours earlier for the event. I don't know why I was nervous the entire time too. I had done my hair and makeup and the only thing that was left was to put on the kimono. As I slipped into the Kimono I stared into the mirror looking at the material on my body. I couldn't even believe it was me. The colour complimented my skin perfectly and the makeup and hair were perfect with the rest of the look. There was a perfect harmony between my features and what had been added on. In short. We looked amazing.

Ding! Oh, It was a text from Mikey. Maybe he was outside already.

Hey, I'm sorry I won't be able to make it... have fun tho :)

My chest grew heavy, I looked back up in the mirror while having a pity laugh at myself. He really canceled on me... I don't even know why I was so happy to go with him anyway. Some tears started pricking my eyes as I looked longer at the message. God, I don't even know why I want to cry. Of course, we didn't. We're better than that. I shut my phone off as I threw it on the bed. I really wanted him to see me like this. I was looking so pretty and he just had to cancel. I wonder what he would have said, his reactions are literally priceless.

I didn't see a point in going now since I would be alone anyways. I changed into an oversized shirt with shorts but forgot to take off my makeup as I pulled out my laptop to update a fanfiction I was writing on Wattpad. It was a Gojo x Reader. That was until my phone started ringing, weirdly hoping it was Mikey. Reading the name only to find out it was Yamagishi. Why is he calling me so late at night?


"y/n listen to me. You need to go to the festival asap"

"What why"

"Someone is trying to murder Draken. You need to get there like right now."

"Wait what? Draken? Murder?"

"Takemitchy will explain it to you. Just get there. Now!"

"Okay okay, I'm going!"

Not worrying about my clothes as I threw on some boots running outside my apartment. My legs were moving as fast as they could but it felt like I wouldn't get there in time. And it started raining too. Fuck this would be a great time for a motorcycle. Definitely, after this, I will buy one. Ironically I start hearing one coming from behind me. Lucky asshole. Weirdly he stopped next to me. MIKEY?!

"Hop on quick"

Without saying anything I quickly jump onto the bike.

"Hold on tight"

As if. I hold the back of the bike only to realize that he wasn't playing around. The speed almost made me fall off. Ah, who cares I'm not trying to fall off. I quickly let go of the back of the bike as I grip on Mikey's waist. I know I should be concentrating on the fact that Draken's life is in danger but I couldn't help but get distracted from the heat that I felt from Mikey. He was warm and holding his waist made me burn up a little since I could feel his abs through his shirt. Good thing he couldn't see my face. He suddenly stopped which made me grip tighter since it was such an abrupt stop. He whispers in my ear to get off and to stay away from the fight. Yeah as if.

He walks up to some guy with dyed hair as he says something I can't hear. I walk up a little closer since I'm here to help not to sit around.

"Oh, and who are you missy?" The man with tattoos on the back of his hands says to me as he tilted his head. Damn, that's some nice eyeliner.

"y/n" I couldn't come up with anything cocky but I tried to say it with the most confidence I could muster up.

"That's some fashion choice you got y/n" He says while staring at my legs. Perv. But my mans not wrong. I went from looking beautiful in a kimono to looking like shit in an oversized shirt with shorts and combat boots with a little bit of my makeup smeared under my eyes. Not really the best look.

Without warning, Mikey tries to kick the man on the head until he just grabs onto his leg. Wait what. So it's like 6 v 100 and the dude can stop Mikey. We are royally fucked my friends.

That was before I heard these loud motorcycle sounds coming from behind us. Looking at them as they all wore the Toman symbol proudly. That surely gave me a boost of confidence as a smirk grew on my face I even added a little bit of a tilt upwards to really look down on them.

"Fancy seeing you here y/n" A familiar voice says only to figure out it was Baji.

Seriously, he has to see me ugly too?!

"Hehe hey," Mikey gives me a weird look from the side. Somewhat like this. ಠ~ಠ. I just shrugged it off as we declared war. God this is gonna be fun. 

Again I'm sorry for the late update I've just been caught up with school. It's also kind of short so I'm really sorry. I hope you guys enjoyed though and Love you guys so much <3 AND OH MY GOD WE HIT 700 READS THANK YOU SO MUCH I WISH I COULD SHOW MY GRATITUDE MORE BUT JUST AHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Byeee :)! <3

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