Chapter 14

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Mikey frequently visited to teach me how to ride and it was going pretty well, I had gotten down pretty much the whole thing but like fancy driving was still impossible. Tomorrow was the day, the day I get appointed to the first division. Now you're probably asking why not under Mitsuya right. Well let's just say after the incident at his house, Mikey didn't like the idea too much although he didn't like the idea of Baji either. Mikey despised the thought of it so much that he even picked up my uniform for me and gave it to me today.

I really tried sleeping but I was so excited for tomorrow like ooo under baji the first division. Wait until I show my aunt. Ahh, I'm so excited.

The whole day passed painfully slowly and boy was it just nerve wracking. I was in my uniform all ready to go and I waited until it was time to go. I rode my bike to the meeting spot as I waited for the words of the new member out of Mikey's mouth.

As the words left his mouth I entered the area with heads turning my way and whistles leaving mouths. I held my head up high walking in my amazing uniform which was perfect and didn't reveal too much either. I was starting to get nervous as I walked up to Mikey standing next to him.

"She will be joining the first division, everyone better show respect and keep their hands off her" that last line had something else to it since it sent a shiver down everyone's spine. He told me to go wait down a few steps and as I was just standing I could feel eyes burning holes in the back of my head. Some people were questioning if I could even fight and some if I was a joke or related to someone and weaselled my way here. For now I Ignored since it was probably not the right time to bring anything up or start a fight since it was a meeting and I was a fresh member.

I start paying attention again as I see someone who had declared themselves to be the third division captain. Kisaki tetta. I was already getting a bad vibe from him since the way he spoke and not gonna lie his ugly ass face. Somethings up with this kid. Time froze as all we saw next was something that was not possible to even imagine.

Takemitchy had run up there and punched Kisaki square in the face. I can see his facial expression change multiple times going from anger to oh shit. Everyone started yelling at him too, even worse since he wasn't even a part of Toman yet. What an idiot. Observing seeing what should happen next until Baji had gone up there and grabbed takemitchy saying a few things before starting to punch the absolute shit out of him. Look I know what takemitchy did was wrong in some way but we all know he wouldn't punch someone if he didn't have a reason.

I ran up there grabbing Baji's arm stopping the fight which only caused more uproar. Well that was dumb of me. Does takemitchy feel like this half the time.

"Disobeying your captain already huh?"

"What you were doing was fucked up, I just stopped you simple as that since my so called captain is an asshole"

"Well good for you then I won't be your captain for long, Hey mikey you gonna kick me out? Give me another suspension? Well too bad. I leave, I QUIT!"



(I know that's not how it went down but please this book is so behind the plot I need to hurry up)

Well that was intense. We all waited in silence to see what happened next as our first division guy just left. To break the silence, Kisaki walks up to Takemitchy asking gut or face. Oh this bitch. Before he got a chance to lay his hand on him I grabbed his rolled up fist and forced it behind his back hearing him grunt from the pain.

"Calm down and get over it for fucks sake." I then push Kisaki off, making him trip onto the floor. I looked down on him before he got up again trying to punch me. I blocked it with my left hand and knowing if I hit him again that would lead to trouble so instead I dodged every attack. When I saw this was embarrassing for him it was EMBARRASSING.

"We should make her the third division captain!"

"Bruh he sucks what the hell"

"No wonder it was easy for that blonde small fry to get a hit on him he sucks!"

This could be heard from the crowd and people cheering for me. Wow this feels nice. Letting out a cocky smirk with my hands behind my back as I swoop his leg with my own and dropping him on the floor. The cheers got louder before another shiver was sent down spines as we all looked up at Mikey who seemed to shut up everyone with a hand. Oh shit.

Kisaki's minion fried thing was helping him up before he smacked him and got up himself glaring holes into my soul. Why want a second round so you can get your ass beat again. What a loser.

The meeting ended as everyone started to disburse.

"Y/n we need to talk" Mikey says sternly. Oh shit I'm so in trouble.

"y-yeah...I saw that coming" I reply, sending my prayers now. We were on the steps with takemitchy laying in the middle of us.

"So why'd you do it?" Which sounded more of a statement than a question but I answered nonetheless.

"He pissed me off"

"Why? Takemichi is the one who punched him, he deserved a punch back"

"I don't know if my man gives off bad vibes. He seems like someone that would be the master of manipulation since clearly he didn't get up that high with his terrible fighting skills."

"He has 300 people under him. We need him, you get it?"

"Doesn't excuse his bad personality"

We started to hear grumbling and it was Takemitchi starting to get up.

"I'll leave you guys alone"

"Alright bye y/n"

I nodded as I started walking to my bike. Turning the corner to be met with Kisaki's fist to my face. Stumbling a bit back before I look at his face.

"Don't fucking get in my way" He spits out. Ew, say it don't spray it.

"What if I don't huh?"

"Then I'll kill you." Kisaki says coldly

"What would Mikey think if I told him about this interaction huh. You think he would believe me or you"

"He wouldn't trust someone who has betrayed him. So he would believe me", he says. What?

"I haven't betrayed Mikey? Nor will I ever"

"Well not yet, it just has to look like you did right"

"What are you planning bitch ass"

"It's a secret" He says as he looks me dead in the eyes before walking away.

I jump onto my bike as I drive away with my head flooded with what Kisaki said. I need to watch my back or else I'm going to die. 

 hey guys i know this a short chapter sorryyy. But nonetheless things are getting interesting and i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. 

Get enough sleep guys <3 byeee :)

{Save me... please} - Mikey x Y/N discontinued Where stories live. Discover now