(one of the riders noticed them)

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 (one of the riders noticed them)


''*oh mierda! son esos asiáticos! ¡rápido! ¡Necesitamos compañía!''

*oh shit! it's those asians! Quick! we need company!''

(then more than 10 motorcycles followed Jungkook and Lisa)


''oh fuck! Lisa! get your weapons!''


''copy that,''

(Jungkook and Lisa took out their swords

(when the thugs arrived near to them, they cut them right in their neck, it was a nasty sight, [for sensitive people I guess] )

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(when the thugs arrived near to them, they cut them right in their neck, it was a nasty sight, [for sensitive people I guess] )

(Jungkook cut a thug's hand, the thugs hand dangled and it got stuck in motor cycles tire, and motor bike busted and it blasted, meanwhile Lisa sent her sword right through a thug's side abdomen and head, they all did this while riding, [what a talent right? who thought the youngest and the cutest of the two gangs will be thrillerful killers?] Comment about your thoughts bout this nasty scene. but new thugs keep following them. one of the thugs shot Lisa's motor bike tire.)



(Lisa was loosing control, but when the motorbike was about to hit to a nearby car, she jumped a backflip and landed right in front Jungkook's seat)


''huh, that was hot!''


''do have one holster?''






''I have two holsters! quick! dig in!''

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