"Yup." She went on to explain how Jesus was born and lived a sinless life. Then He was crucified on a cross, was buried and rose three days later. What she said was not too hard to believe. I mean when you have been to Tartarus and back, when your blood was used to awaken a primordial goddess, all this was not so surprising.

She went on about how now, through Him, we had access to eternal life; we would be free from the bonds of sin.

Free from the bonds... It clicked. I looked at her. So, it was her that was helping to cut me free in my dream. "That means I have been...imprisoned?!" I thought to myself.

Suddenly,I came to a sort of realisation. If this was real (and I think a dream predicting her coming was enough proof) then my life since I was 12 years old was a lie. I had spent 8 years going on quest after quest, from war after war, from death after death for a place that had held me bound. I had strived to prove myself, to earn love and respect from even my dad yet this random stranger was offering me freedom freely. Freedomfrom gods who had basically played with my life. I suddenly realised what was different about her. The pure love that rolled off her from a God who gave everything freely in hopes that you would find him. I couldn't understand it.

"Percy, y-you are crying!" Annabeth whisper-shouted. I reached to my face to feel the wet streaks that ran downwards. I hadn't even realised when they continued talking, when I had hung my head and begun to cry.

Annabeth's POV:

"Percy, y-you are crying!" I whisper-shouted. Percy rarely cries, and never in front of strangers. I had not noticed him until I heard a soft sob. Now he was openly weeping.

"What has gotten into you?" I asked, concerned. He looked at me, his sea-green eyes piercing. He started talking about some dream and how it was coming true.

"Annabeth, we have been living a lie. Yessica is giving us truth." He said with a strange confidence that I had never seen.

I cringed. I felt that she was saying truth, but I could not relent. Why did I have to go to this Jesus? I could do it my... I stopped. I couldn't do it. My 'fatal flaw' was surfacing. It would not let me admit that I needed help, that I was weak. "You aren't weak Annabeth. You can weather this." I heard the voice say. But I knew I was near breaking. Hermes never forgave me for the Luke incident and neither have I. Then there was Jason...

I groaned and pressed my temples. "Well, if this Jesus loved me, why hadn't he met me sooner?" the voice pressed. But, with a jolt, I realized it lied. This Jesus had tried to reach to reach me many times. I recalled Trish, the Christian classmate of mine from 7th grade; Joe, my dad's professor friend who had always said that this God wanted to hear me.

"Why on earth am I lying to myself?" I mumbled. I had not realised that my mumble was loud enough to be heard by Percy and Yessica to hear. Percy looked confused but Yessica's eyes widened in understanding.

"Annabeth, that isn't you. It is a lying spirit." Yessica said gently.

What?! That voice had been with me for as long as I could remember. I had always believed that was me talking. "Please get it off." I said, probably sounding desperate. If there was even the slightest hope that I could be rid of this burden, I would hang on to it. To be told that it wasn't even mine, that I was being lied to... No way was that holding onto me.

Yessica had that authoritative glare again. "Your time is up, you lying spirit. Come off her in the name of Jesus!"

Just then I felt something untie from my ear and fall off my chest. It hit the ground with a thud. As I looked at the slithering monster a memory came to mind.

"You!! You are a minion of Dolos!" I shrieked. I remembered it all too clearly. My first year of camp, Dolos, the god of trickery had come to Camp Half-Blood. His sly smile and urgent tone had made me scared but I could not escape when he called me. He told me that I was pretty and had drawn my hair behind my ear. I had left the Big House thinking that I was safe since he had left. Now as I looked at this slimy demon, I knew the truth.

"In the name of Jesus, Leave and never return." Yessica glared at it. As I looked at Percy's dumbfounded expression, I couldn't help but let out a strangled sob. He was right all along. Those Olympians, they had manipulated me. I was enraged when I thought about my mother, Athena. She surely must have seen that spirit, yet she had said nothing and left me to live the rest of my life with it.

"This remission of sins, how can we get it? How can we be saved?" I asked. I was done with the Olympians, done with the 'gods'. If this Jesus had removed that demon then I was ready to leave that world of manipulation. What good had they done for me anyway?

"Believe in the Lord Jesus with your heart and confess him with your mouth, you will be saved." Yessica said, smiling.

"Believe and confess? I think we can do that." said Percy. Yessica led us in a prayer and Percy and I said it with all our hearts. We renounced everything to do with the Olympians and we made Jesus our Lord and Saviour. When we were done I felt a lightness I can only compare to when Percy and I stopped holding the sky. The peace I felt was absolute. Percy actually sighed from the release.

"Brother, sister! Welcome to the family of Christ. There is a huge party ." Yessica said sounding elated.

I smiled and knew that my decision was wise. 


Hello y'all! Cookie here!

You guys have me dancing! 58 actual reads ? 13 votes? 8 followers? You all are the best!🥰🥳🥳❤

So, what do you all think of Yess ? I thought for a long time before naming her Yessica and I am glad I picked that name. You know you are a writer when picking a name for a character is like naming your first-born child. Am I right or am I right? 😌😏

And I feel like this chapter was a little rushed *sweats and paces my room*. I have to say, it took a lot of urging to post this because my inner critic kept getting in the way. 

Enough of my rambling. I am going to take a cue from @Precious_Nkem and ask y'all to politely point out any and all mistakes.

Please vote and comment if you feel like it. (I hope you feel like it *wink*)

God bless you all!

- Cookie😜🍪

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