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We'll tell the moon when we're old,
The greatest love story thats never been told."

"So where to ladies?" a man with thick accent smiled.

"Charlotte street please." The raven smiled.

"Charlotte street in a few then!" The driver said happily.

"Why Charlotte?" The brunette asked confused.

"You'll know when we get there." The older one smiled as she kissed the back of the hand intertwined with hers.

"You're happy today." Camila smiled looking at a smiley Lauren.

"I get to hang out with you again, who wouldn't be?" Lauren smiled squeezing Camila's hand lovingly.

"Well except for the fact that we shouldn't be seen." Lauren chuckled.

"I'm sorry for interfering your conversation ladies, how long have you been together?" The driver smiled looking at the mirror.

"It's ok, We've been together since 2013." Camila sheepishly smiled.

"Oh! So 3 years then?" The driver said.

"Yes Sir! 3 years and counting." Camila smiled. Lauren couldn't help but smile at the sight. Camila was still her cutesy kind of goofy baby, despite the change of appearance. After a few instructions they reached the destination.

"We're here. You take care now." The sweet driver smiled as Lauren handed her the fare with a huge tip.

"It's for keeping us safe, and being accomodating." Lauren smiled.

"I wonder what Jauregui's up to, walking here in the Bronx." Camila teased Lauren as they walked.

"I'm kidnapping you and hiding you here." Lauren grinned and threw Camila over her shoulder before running inside a building.

"Put me down!" Camila squealed.

"Never!" Lauren said sas she continued to enter the building. She then slowy put Camila down as she talked with the person in the front desk while Camila sat at the mini lounge.

"Thank you Anne." Lauren smiled as Camila turned to look at Lauren. She couldn't help but admire her girlfriend, except for the fact that this Anne girl kept touching Lauren's forearm.

"Hey." Lauren greeted Camila as she felt Camila's hand snaked onto her forearm. Lauren knew what it already meant and moved away from the table.

"Hi." Camila smiled as she moved her hands from Lauren's arm to her waist, as Anne turned around giving Camila a look of disapproval.

"Here you go Elle." Anne said as she handed the key to Lauren. Lauren just nodded and walked away with Camila.

"Elle?" Camila asked confused as they walked away from the front desk.

"michELLE" Lauren winked at Camila.

"Is that your secret name? How can I be so sure you're not using that to cheat on me?" Camila teased raising an eyebrow.

"You did not just doubt me woman." Lauren laughed as they entered the elevator.

"It would make sense. Considering that front desk girl knows you, Elle." Camila continued on. Lauren turned to look at her in disbelief.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2021 ⏰

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