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Byeongkwan pov

I always liked y/n but I was known as the popular boy in school.... And there were rumours I was sleeping with every girl... But I didn't not even once.

She was a very kind girl who helped everyone. Once there was a boy who was being bullied for taking ballet lessons. She went up and defended him. She had taken taekwondo since young so now she is the school's taekwondo president for the taekwondo club.

Y/n pov

I liked byeongkwan since the second semester started since both of us are in the student council. But he is the popular boy and there rumours about him being a player but honestly I don't believe it.

Present time

At lunch

Y/n pov

I didn't get enough sleep last night as I was finishing up the presentation for next week's teacher farewell

I was at lunch sitting with my friend and my siblings, my sister and older brother

I ate my food quickly and fell asleep on the table

Byeongkwan pov

We were sitting at lunch and I look ahead of me, I saw Y/n and she was asleep with her head on the table...

I thought of and idea, but I had to ask her siblings first

I went over to her brother and sister and asked

Byeongkwan: uhm sorry to disturb but hyung and noona I have a favour to ask...

Hendery: hey yeah sure what is it?

Byeongkwan: uhm..

Hyein: hey hey don't be nervous it's okay

Byeongkwan: so I liked your sister for very long and I was thinking of how to confess to her... And I thought of it but I wanted to ask u first

Hyein: aww that's sweet

Hendery: thank you for being such a great guy

Byeongkwan: yeah... I want to ask if I could confess to her by...... (Read to find) 

Hendery: yeah sure, we will help u with it

Byeongkwan: thank you so much hyung and noona

Hyein: no worries but

Hendery: but make sure to take care of her if not-

Byeongkwan: yes don't worry I will take care of her and love her a lot

Hendery: great okay let's start your plan?

Byeongkwan: okay

I sat down at my spot and took a picture of y/n

She looked so cute and peaceful

I posted it on my private story with the captions of

My love is sleeping

(It's cringy for some I know, don't kill me please)

I posted it and waited for her to wake up soon she did

I made a sign to hyung that I posted it, he nod

Y/n pov

I woke up and my brother comb my hair with his hands

Hyein: y/n-ah?

Y/n: yeah unnie?

Hyein: could u check your phone insta? It was dinging just now...

Y/n ; oh okay

I picked up my phone and went to insta. I saw I was tagged in a story.

I clicked in and saw

Byeongkwan posted a picture of me sleeping on his private story. With the captions...

I has shocked as in the next story he wrote (also on private story)

Y/n Huang, I know I'm a popular guy but I really like u. Ever since I saw u, I fell in love...
I really like u Y/n... I hope u can accept me.... I will meet u on the rooftop at 4:45 pm

I was shocked but happy. I looked at the time it was 4:40 pm I took my stuff and ran

I went to the rooftop and saw byeongkwan there

Byeongkwan: hi y/-

I hugged him

He chuckled and hug me back

Y/n: I like u too byeongkwan

Byeongkwan: thank you for liking me back

Byeongkwan: do u mind if I call u princess?

Y/n: why not

Byeongkwan: okay~

Y/n: it was a creative way to confess~ 

Byeongkwan : really? i thought it was okay 

Y/n: nope, its really nice and creative for me... i also love how u asked permission from my brother and sister 

Byeongkwan: of course i had to ask permission... i can't just take your picture without permission from u or your siblings

Y/n: thank you for this baby

Byeongkwan: im glad u are happy 

The End

I apologize for any grammar errors or misspellings... I don't proof read / reread since I write them in the middle of the night or very early in the morning... Please let me know if u guys have any ideas or anything for me to take note of...

Thank you for reading 💙 stay safe luvs

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