Anything for love

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Y/n Pov 

I walked in school carrying my bag on one shoulder, and a lollipop in my mouth... The students saw me and made way

I walked towards my locker and met my friends, Jun and Chan they both treat me like a sister ever since my parents became abusive and I moved out and is staying with Jun and Chan but they came to school early as they have to help the teachers

Jun : yo y/n, u okay?

Chan: yeah, we saw him just now

Y/n: was he with his friends?

Jun: yeah as usual

Y/n : hm Kay

Chan: when are u planning to confess?

Y/n: I guess a week before graduation?

Jun: up to you, u are confessing we are just helping u

Y/n: yeah but I'm sure he wouldn't accept, I'm a bad girl when he is basically the a Ace student

Jun: yeah but I don't know how he feels so don't judge yet

Y/n: whatever let's just get to class

Chan: yeah let's go

Okay a little background

I was once a girl who was very nice until... My ex boyfriend cheated on me
And since then Jun and Chan was with me, and I stopped being so nice and changed and stop trusting people the only people I trust was Jun and Chan

And I was feared all around school, but I don't mess with people unless they bother me first

Okay that's all

After class

At lunch

Chan: yah, he is sitting there and u are staring dude

Y/n: I'm sorry... I probably freaked him out

Jun: u have a soft spot for him don't u?

Y/n: I guess... But well he wouldn't like me anyways so I should just leave it

Chan: yah, maybe he likes u too, don't think too much

Y/n: yeah yeah, come on I wanna go home after the last class

I stood up and walk to put my plate

Jun pov

Jun: Chan, do u think we should go and ask him about it?

Chan: yeah I think we should but don't let y/n know

Jun: okay let's go

After school~

Jun: y/n-ah, we have to help teacher, can u wait for us at the main gate ?

Y/n: oh yeah sure

Chan: okay see u later !

Y/n pov

I walk to the main gate and wait them there

Chan pov

Chan: hyung, let's go?

Jun: yup!

We walk and saw him with his friends

Jun: Sehyoon ! Wait up!

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