Picking her phone up, she returned to the bedroom. 
She got dressed into a pair of leggings and a baggy T-shirt. 

Picking up her phone she had a quick peek at Instagram.  She laughed as she saw a photo of Joel pulling a funny face.  She smiled as she saw a photo of one of her old colleagues engagement announcement.  Then she froze. 

She saw a photo of Seb.  A recent one in Miami, according to the poster.  He was with Lewis and Daniel in some kind of bar.  And he had his arm around a girl.  A slim, beautiful girl.  She put her hand over her mouth in shock.

She swiped to the next picture.  The girl was kissing his cheek, her hand was on his thigh and he was beaming.  Daniel was kissing the girl next to her. She choked back a sob. How could he?  She trusted him!  They'd just moved into their new house and they were having a baby.  And he was out on the town with some tart.  She was upset but she was also angry. 

She stood up and marched down the stairs as fast as her legs could carry her, which wasn't very fast in her current condition. 

Seb was still slouched in the armchair,  fast asleep.  She picked up a cushion from the sofa and threw it at him.  He jerked awake. 

"Hey, shit. You scared the hell out of me.  Everything ok?"

" No Seb,  everything is not fucking ok," she shouted. 

"Hey Luce, calm down.  What's wrong? Is it the baby?"

"Baby, baby, baby.  Be honest, is that the only reason you are with me?"

Seb looked confused.  What had gotten into her?

"Lucie, don't be stupid.  You know I love you."

"Love me? So what the hell were you doing canoodling with this tart in a Miami bar?" she screamed, holding her phone up to show him the picture. 

Seb's heart sank.  "Sweetheart it's not how it looks."

"How can it be anything else?  Are you getting fed up of screwing an elephant? Is that why you went out on the pull with Lewis and Dan?  Was she good in bed Seb?  Better than me?"

" Now you're being ridiculous," he sighed, running his hand through his hair, evidently agitated. 

"If she's so amazing why did you bother coming back?  Oh yes.  The baby.  I can't believe this. I trusted you Sebastian."

" Nothing happened Lucie.  I am in love with you.  Only you. We had a drink.  Dan fancied her friend.  She tried it on.  I turned her down.  Ask Dan, ask Lewis."

"They'd lie for you."  She threw another cushion at him. He dodged it and closed the space between them. He grabbed her wrist as she tried to walk away. 

"Lucie, you know me.  You know I love you.  I would never cheat on you!" he shouted, exasperated.

"Then  why didn't you even warn me about this? I didn't even know you went out!"

"It was one drink for fuck's sake.  I am allowed a life you know!"

"Well why don't you fuck off and live it then? Let go of me!"

"You're overreacting."

"She was all over you!"

"I pushed her off a split second after this had been taken!"

"You had your arm around her in another picture!"

"We were posing for a photo.  I didn't think. I'm sorry ok.  But you need to trust me.  There's no one else but you!"

"I was stupid  to think I could keep you.  All these women throwing themselves at you.  Natasha was right!"

Seb dropped her wrist.  "Is that what you really think of me?" he asked, looking hurt.  Lucie looked away from him.  "I guess so," he said.

He grabbed his car keys off of the coffee table and stormed out of the house.  Lucie followed him to the door.

"Seb, I'm sorry. Please don't go!  I'm just scared of losing you.  Please!"

He slammed the car door behind him and started the engine up.  Lucie started sobbing as he drove off through the gates. 

Why had she acted like that?  Of course she trusted him.  She put a hand on her back and went back indoors.  She'd lost him, hadn't she ? All because of her stupid hormonal insecurities. 

She stopped in her tracks as a strong familiar pain tore through her bump.  No.  Not now! It was too early.  It was just a Braxton Hicks she told herself. 

She went and sat on the sofa and switched the television on. She looked at the clock.  Freddie would be finishing school soon.  He wasn't coming home tonight though.  Her mum was having him. She'd offered, saying that Lucie and Seb should spend some time alone before the baby arrived. 

Two hours passed.  She tried calling Seb, leaving him an apologetic voicemail when he didn't answer.  She left him a text too. 

Lucie:  Seb I am so sorry.  I don't know what came over me.  Please forgive me.  You're right.  I overreacted.  I do trust you.  I love you.  Please come home xx

She'd had no more pains other than her almost constant back ache.  She got up and went into the kitchen. It must have been a Braxton Hicks.  Opening the fridge she cried out as another pain ripped through her.  This was one stronger and longer.  

She breathed through it until it abated.  She padded  over to the sink and filled a glass with water.  Then she felt something pop, and her knickers quickly became soaked.  Shit no!  Not now!  But it was.  Her waters had gone.

Perfect Strangers (Sebastian Vettel)Where stories live. Discover now