Chapter 3

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Ruby Point of View

I parked my car outside, then I saw him wearing his odd jacket. He was picking something from their garden. I can't really see it from where I was but carefully I observed him plucked something and rush inside their home.

As usual, I beep the horn and waited for Otis to come out of his house. For a moment, I looked to the mirror to see if I looked gorgeous. Then suddenly I remembered our conversation last night, I smiled a bit and recalled his response to me. He said he love me back. How lovely it is to have someone loves you back. I was so distracted in my thoughts that I didn't saw him waking beside the car and handing me something.

Otis: Rubes, this is for you. I hope you like it, you reminded me of this.

I look to his hand and found a single white rose. It looks so beautiful. Is this what he was picking from their garden the moment I arrived earlier. It was so beautiful and the scent was lovely. He said that it reminded him of me. A rose. Me.

I took the rose from his hand and feels a blush in my cheeks. For a moment I felt the world just stops. Otis, standing beside me, I look through his eyes, it is as if he is shy, like before but happy. I heard some birds singing in the trees. Were they singing for me? For us? Then I felt the morning breeze through my skin as it snaps me back to reality.

Ruby: It is very lovely Otis. But if you do not want to be late, you must get in the car instantly.

I observed his expression changed from happy to being blank. Wait, not blank, more like annoyed. And I felt so bad for being mean to him again. I did not intended it to be mean, it was just that I was so distracted with my thoughts. My thoughts of him.

We drove silently to school. And I parked to our usual spot. I know Otis is usually silent but this is killing me. I grab my bag and gave it to him. He took it and our fingers find one another as if it's given. We started walking when I saw Eric waiving happily. A step behind Eric is Adam, wearing his usually odd looking of an expression.

We entered our school hallways and find our lockers. Then I think I saw someone that looked like Anwar? Or maybe that is Anwar? Just with bruises I think? Oh no that's not a bruise. That is some kind of an allergic reaction from something.

We walked towards him and I hear Adam screamed not that loudly but very awkwardly at Anwar.

Adam: Ahhhhhh! What's happened to your face?

Anwar: What's happened to your face?

Adam: Nothing.

Anwar: Nothing's happened to my face either.

Adam: Something's happened to your face, mate.

Then we met Liv halfway and has this shocking expression towards Anwar's face.

Liv: Anwar, your face is hideous.

Anwar: I know. I look like a crazy fucking mofo.

Ruby: Well, should you go to the hospital?

Anwar: No, I think it's just stress hives.

Liv: What are you stressed about?

Anwar: It's really hard being me. Okay?!

Then it hit me. I forgot the rose in my car. The rose Otis gave me this morning. I can't leave it like that there. Not like this when my car is a convertible. If I leave it there, It probably won't last long. But I want to preserve it. But I can't let Otis know that I forgot his rose. So, I stopped walking, and the whole pack mimicked me. I faced Otis and kissed him briefly and told him to see him in lunch. Took my bag from him and shoo him goodbye.

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