Chapter 10

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Ruby Point of View

It was just a normal school day for me except the fact that there's this occurring thought that lingers to my mind. The condom. I'm not really sure whether we had used one. I'm kind of 99 percent sure of it. Or is it about 96.5 percent? I can recall having it put in the bin, right? It was a bit hazy really with the alcohol and all.

I decided to find him. Otis. He was at the chemistry laboratory, still with his lab coat on. I was outside on the lawn, where I tried to get his attention. He too, was having a hard time, I think. Looking from a far, I can tell that he's still having a hungover. I waived to him multiple times before I finally get his attention. After realizing it was me, he hurriedly dismissed himself from his class and awkwardly went down to see me.

Ruby: Okay, so... you know how I said I was 99 percent sure about the condom?

Otis: Yes.

Ruby: It's more like 96.5. The details are a bit hazy. And I think I remember it putting it in the bin, but I can't be sure.

Otis: Okay. What should we do?

With his bike, we managed to get to the nearest drugstore. I told Otis to get it for me immediately, but realizing that I had to buy it in person, which is humiliating, of course, but seemingly, Otis uttered the most surprising and very heartfelt speech ever heard for the entire day.

Otis: It's not humiliating. Okay? I mean, stuff like this happens all the time. Condoms break, or people forget to use them, or they go missing. It's nothing to be ashamed of.

He has this expression that you can clearly see that he is very sincere with his every words.

Otis:I also want you to know, if you are pregnant and chose to keep the baby, I'll quit school, get a job and provide for you both.

He squeezed my knees, it's his gesture of reassuring me, despite all that had happened. Otis Milburn is such a gentleman. Having witnessed him say things like this, means everything to me. It's like he cares for you and he doesn't care about what other people might say.

We found a log that's been left for ages. We sat on the log and Otis and I, get to have a friendly conversation. It was the first time really for me. Having someone to talk to. Not being mean. Just normal. It's kind of new, but the thought is refreshing for me.

I remember  it was earlier, when buying the pills that the lady asked for questions mainly for screening their customers, that I managed to share the condition about my Dad. He was diagnosed with having an MS and it was a first for me, feeling opened.

Otis heard it, and as expected, he wears this look of sympathy, and its just very overwhelming for me.

Otis: Were you sad because of your dad?
Ruby: Yeah, a bit. He had to quit his job, and my mum's really stressed about it.

I can't bear it. He still has this very same look of sympathy. I needed to change the subject.

Ruby: But mainly, I was upset because overly plucked my left eyebrow, and just got them asymmetrical.

He managed to change his expression. This time, with a smile in his eyes. He looked closely to my eyebrows, now checking whether if I did overly plucked it.

Otis: They look very even to me.
Ruby: Thank you for checking in. A lot of guys don't.

After I took the morning after pill. I hopped to his bike and we took the route back to our school. It was an eye opener for me really. Having to find someone who doesn't judge you for who you really am.

While riding in his bike and clutching my arms around him, is when I think that I came to realized it. Being this close to him, I can really hear his breathing. The rhythm just puts me at ease. With the soft breeze of air in the woods as well as the sweet harmony of the birds,made me conclude that I don't just like him. For all I care, I might actually love him at that point.

*** pls follow me. I am currently writing. Will update as soon as possible. Don't forget to upvote every chapter. Thank youuu ☺️

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Sep 25, 2021 ⏰

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