See you later

Começar do início

I felt my heart snap when she said that. I knew from the expression on her face exactly what she was talking about. We hadn't planned our next meeting yet but I think we both knew that next time it'd be me going over to LA to meet all of her family. That meant that whenever she next sees Tom he probably won't even remember who she is, and that thought shattered her.

Tom pulled out a tissue and patted his watery eyes, "I'm going to miss you too darling."

Billie rushed to dry her face too but with her sleeve, "Tom?"

"Yes love?"

"Thank you for helping me find my one great love..."

Fuck. My heart.

Tom looked proud, shocked, but very proud. "Thank you for letting me play a part in you two finding each other."

The three of us spent hours in the cafe reminiscing every encounter that we'd shared together. We were in hysterics as we spoke about the look of pure disbelief on my face when Billie first ever walked into the cafe. We teared up when we talked about the time we all sang 'cry to me' at the top of our voices in my car. We uncontrollably smiled when we chatted about the family dinner at Tom's, and how wholesome that evening was. We babbled on for ages. I never wanted the breakfast date to end.

Of course though, everything that has a beginning comes to an end. Your morning coffee, a perfect summers day, a long-running series, a hug with someone you love; it all ends. Nothing lasts forever, that's just the way life works.

"Look at the time!" Tom looked down at his watch, "I'm sorry, I wish I didn't have to go but..."

Billie cut him off, a painful smile on her face, "it's ok Tom."

The old man stood from the table and opened his arms, Billie jumped up and accepted his hug.

"I guess this is goodbye..." she muttered into his wide chest.

Tom let out his famous belly laugh, except this time it was infused with sadness. "It's not a goodbye sweetheart, it's a see you later!"

I think Tom was her hardest see you later. She'd made a bond with Tom before she even came over here. They'd FaceTimed and texted each other. He was also the first person she met, even before me. Not to mention that he was the whole reason she was here.

"I'll see you later..." she sniffled as they pulled away.

Tom tipped his hat, "it's been a pleasure cherub!"

With that Tom reluctantly left the cafe. We hung around for a while, Jules was extremely busy but we didn't plan on coming back and Billie wanted to say a proper goodbye to her too.

About half an hour later Jules made her way to our table, "sorry girls! I didn't realise you were still here, can I get you anything?"

We both shook our heads in sync as we stood up. I decided to speak first, "no thanks Jules, we just wanted to wait until you weren't as busy to say goodbye."

Her happy expression faded, "wait... is it time already?"

"Yep, it's time..." Billie stated dismally.

Jules pulled her pinafore over her head and hung it on a chair before wrapping her arms exceptionally tightly around Billie's body, "I'm going to miss you so much darling, you better come back!"

"I'll miss you too. You can't get rid of me that easily though, I'll be back." I heard Billie say into the hug.

Jules wiped a single tear from her cheek as she pulled away, "I love Reese a lot..." she paused to look toward me, then turned back to Billie, "and I don't approve of many people, but I approve of you and I hope you know I think of you as family now."

Billie began crying again, the poor girl couldn't catch a break from her emotions. "You're family too Jules, I'll..." she paused to clear her throat, "I'll see you later."

Jules nodded, "see you later darling! I love you!"

"I love you too Jules..."

With that Billie and I headed out of the cafe. Billie suggested going to my safe place by the lake and I quickly agreed. We went there the first time we left the cafe, and it'd be wrong not to go the last time we leave.

"I'm going to miss this place..." Billie sighed as she dropped her body onto the grass, landing in a cross legged position.

England has been her home for the last month. I think she adapted to the quiet lifestyle that my town offered. I'd definitely adapted to having her here, it almost felt like this was it - this was our life now. I sat down next to her, "I'm going to miss having you here..."

Billie gently patted the gap between her legs, I laid my body down and rested my head there. "Close your eyes."

I followed her instruction and as I saw black I felt her fingers running through my hair, "whenever you miss me, come here. Lie exactly like this, close your eyes and I'll be right here with you."

A tear rolled down the side of my face, "ok."

"It doesn't matter where I am, I'm yours." She spoke softly.

I nodded, unable to talk due to the growing lump in my throat.

"You're worth the miles Reese..." I felt her thumbs wipe away the water from my eyes.

"Whats an ocean anyway?" I finally giggled through my sorrow.

"An ocean separates lands, not us."


Author note


Thank you for your patience. It's been a few days since I uploaded, and usually I upload daily so I apologise.

I've been so poorly, I still am :'( I've been far too exhausted to even think about writing/proofreading.

I couldn't watch the iheartmusic festival last night because I'm in the UK but I just watched it now and omfg😍she looked soooooo good, like the fit the hair just wow😍

I apologise for the short chapter but I couldn't carry this one on for any longer, the ending is near🙈

I hope ur all ok. Thank you for all of your comments, reads and votes. They mean so much to me<3

5,160 Miles [Billie Eilish]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora