loving you is an island

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"Okay," Mark said, Haechan nodding in cue

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"Okay," Mark said, Haechan nodding in cue. "So when do we start?"

Matthew frowned at his two brothers. One biological, one adopted. At this point everywhere Mark was, he'd see Haechan close by. When he had reached the kitchen, he saw Mark waiting for Haechan to get a glass of water.

"Why do you have to wait for him?" Matthew asked Mark, Haechan saying that Mark was bored. Matthew did not understand the logic but he chuckled. They really were the best of friends. That was why he was a bit nervous.

If Mark said no, Haechan would say no. He knew it'd end that way and his morning meeting would be fruitless. They did not bat an eye, however, and simply nodded.

"Hyung, does that mean I don't have to study business anymore?" Haechan asked, casually biting down onto a croissant. "That sounds nice."

"I mean... Aren't you going to think about it first?" Matthew asked, frowning at both of them. "Haechan, don't you have family to discuss it with and—"

"Nope." Haechan popped the 'p' and shook his head.

"Mark—" Matthew began, Mark shrugging.

"I mean, I am taking music in order to become a musician but if you can give that to me, why study?"

That made sense, too.

That was how it started.

Mark and Haechan worked as a team and it wasn't long until they were signed within a sub-label. They were okay with the little attention they were getting. The reality was that acoustic music did not typically do as well as EDM but they enjoyed it.

Busking at places, composing songs. Mark and Haechan both got their license and Matthew handled their VISA's. Mark's dual citizenship was easy to handle, Haechan's one was a bit tougher considering he had no father to sign his papers. Because they were in Canada, he had to wait until Haechan was nineteen to be considered legal and his birthday was fast approaching.

The moment Haechan turned nineteen, he was on fire. He was a man of his own now and he went back to Korea a few times to get himself emancipated from his father to cut all ties to the only man that was supposed to be family.

But then he had no idea where his father was.

He then went back to Canada with Mark to live his life on the streets. Festivals to sing at and drums to play. It was a living dream to Lee Haechan. He was introduced to weed—Haechan indulging in smoking greens and writing the best songs.

They were a small band and their fame had yet to come but they were living the life.

They got a call from a Matthew one day telling them that they had to think of a band name. He would make it official to debut them and he had to make sure he knew what to call them.

Haechan and Mark were in a conundrum. They had to choose the best name for both of them.

"I just want our listeners to feel happy," Mark told Haechan, the male nodding in the tent. They both had their notebooks out, pitching ideas. "How about one-word band names? Like...."


"Why would they feel happy to hear 'crash'?" Mark made a face. "It can be an album name if we ever write sad songs. Angst-y ones."

"How about 'Yellow'?" Haechan asked.

"Like the song from Coldplay?"

"Right..." Haechan chewed on the tip of his pen, Mark slapping it away from the male. "What is your most favorite thing in the world?"

"Watermelons," Mark said without missing a beat. "You?"

"The sun."


"Because Haechan, bro," Haechan pointed out and Mark laughed.

"Right, right." Mark paused. "I mean, there is nothing as comforting as eating watermelon on a sunny day."

Haechan nodded, deep in thought when it was like it clicked in both their minds. Their eyes met, Haechan and Mark snapping their fingers in unison.

That is how 'Watermelon On A Sunny Day' was born.


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