chapter six

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My work day had finally finished to be honest it wasn't as bad as I thought it would have been. I was on Marks service and that made my day.

I hadn't gotten to see Mark much since our moment in the staircase. Now I was waiting in the lobby for Meredith. As I was waiting I spotted Mark at the reception desk handing his charts over. I bit my lip and waited until he turned around and when he finally did a smile grew on my face and one grew on his too.

We couldn't be together not in such an open space right now with people everywhere but all I wanted to do was be with him and I knew he wanted to be with me.

"What's got you smiling so much Lexie?" Meredith asked as she walked over

My smile dropped "oh nothing, just happy to go home" I lied. I wanted to say Mark but I knew she would be so disappointed in me and I didn't want that to happen.

A few seconds later Derek joined us. He put an arm around Meredith and placed a kiss on her temple.

"Should we head off now?" He asked and look at me then Mer

I nodded "yeah I guess so"

I didn't want to leave. I wanted to stay and be with Mark. Meredith and Derek began to walk off and I turned my head to see Mark. He was with Callie, they were both laughing. I smiled again and he looked at me. We didn't wave, we just smiled. It wasn't much but it was enough for us.

Once we got home I went up to my room unpacked my purse and took a shower. When I went back downstairs I noticed Meredith, Cristina, and Alex sitting together in the living room they each had a glass of alcohol and were laughing about something. I decided not to join them so I continued to the kitchen and saw Derek making dinner.

"Derek making dinner? What is this?" I spoke as I took a seat at the breakfast bar

"Be lucky it's not Meredith" he replied putting food on everyone's plate

"I am, her cooking is terrible" I laughed and so did Derek

"Who's cooking is terrible?" Meredith asked as she walked in with Alex and Cristina

"Yours" Derek spoke putting the fry pan in the sink

"It is not" she replied hitting him with a cloth

Alex scoffed "it's pretty shit Mer"

"My dog cooks better than you" Cristina added

"You don't have a dog" I spoke

"Exactly my point" Cristina replied

"Oh shut up" Meredith replied shoving her shoulder.

We all laughed and ate dinner together as a family. Once we were done Derek volunteered to clean and the rest of us went to the living room. As I took a seat on the couch my phone went off.

Mark: Lex

Lexie: Mark

Mark: Come over

Lexie: I can't tonight. Meredith would get suspicious

Mark: So

Lexie: So? We are meant to be a secret she can't know

Mark: True. How about just five minutes ?"

Lexie: you're kidding right ? I just told you I can't

Mark: No, I'm being serious

Lexie: How about you come here? I can sneak you in

Mark: That is a danger zone Lex. There are many people in that house.

Lexie: So

Mark: So? We are meant to be a secret they can't know

I smiled knowing that we copied each other's lines.

Lexie: True. I'll see you tomorrow then?

Mark: I'll be over soon create a path for me

I smiled again and thought about how I could sneak Mark into the house. The only way would be through the front door but I would have to wait till everyone went to bed.

After what felt like the longest two hours of my life Meredith and Derek finally went to bed and Cristina and Alex left. I stayed downstairs and pretended to clean the living room. As soon as I heard his engine my heart skipped a beat. I saw his lights turn off and went to slowly unlock the door.

I opened the door slowly and we shared a smile. Mark walked in and I gently shut the front door. We didn't speak, I was too scared that we might wake up Derek and Meredith.

Instead I took Marks hand into mine and walked him upstairs to my room in the attic. Once we entered I shut the door.

"Hi" I whispered releasing my hand from the knob and turning to face him

"Hi" he whispered back caressing my face

"Why did you want to meet up?" I asked as he let go of my face and held my hands in his

"Because I wanted to see you" he replied pulling me into him and wrapping his arms around my waist "I missed you" he added as he kissed my hair

My heart broke a tiny bit. I felt terrible that we had to be so secretive.

"I know" I replied hugging him tighter "I missed you too"

Mark let me go and walked me over to my bed. He pulled the covers away and tucked me in. He then lied down with me, my head was rested on his chest.

We soaked in the silence, Mark continued to kiss my head as I drew circles on his arm with my right finger.

"Your hair smells beautiful" Mark whispered against my head

"Thank you" I replied "You smell amazing too"

Mark pulled the hand that i was drawing circles on away and interlocked it with my right hand. He began kissing the back of my hand at random times.

"I like the way your hand fits mine" he murmured

Mark kissed my hand

"It's perfect" I replied slowly dozing off

He kissed my hand then my hair

My eyes soon closed but I was still aware of what was going on.

Mark kissed my hair, then my forehead, my temple, nose, lips, then finally my hand.

I could feel his grip loosen and soon enough he got up and cold air replaced his warm body.

"Mark" I spoke softly as I heard his footsteps

He didn't reply

"Don't leave me" I spoke again

This time the footsteps stopped and began to get closer. I felt his warm body again. He laid in the same position.

"I would never leave you Lex" he replied putting his hand into mine

Mark planted a kiss on my temple  and pulled me closer to his chest. We soon feel asleep.

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