Chapter 25

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Jamie and I had a meeting with Dr. White a few days later to discuss a treatment plan. We sat in her office, hand in hand. "Well the first step we would take is surgery to try to remove as much as the tumor as possible. We won't be able to remove it all. Glioblastoma is a nasty cancer that trickles itself into parts of the brain that are impossible to get out, but we will take as much as we can. You should feel some relief immediately as well as lessen your seizures," Dr. White explained to us.

"What happens after surgery?" Jamie asked.

"We would get you into clinical trials following the surgery. We are currently working on a chemotherapy that is making some great progress with its results and you're a perfect candidate, Calista. We would also have you do radiation for 4 to 5 weeks as well."

"Will I lose my hair?" I asked her.

"Most likely, yes, but you should only be taking these pills for a month or so, depending on how the surgery goes and how well the tumor responds to the treatment," she explained to me.

Jamie squeezed my hand, "You will still look amazing without hair."

"It's a security thing," I said to him. "My dad never touched my hair, so it's the one part of my body that I have that's still mine."

Dr. White asked, "I'm sorry, what happened?"

"Her biological father sexually and physically abused her when she was little, and she has PTSD from it," Jamie explained to her.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry to hear that, Calista," Dr. White said to me.

"When would we do the surgery?" I asked, changing the subject.

"We can do it this week," she said, looking at her calendar.

"Okay," I stated.

We went over the procedure and what I need to do leading up to it. Dr. White was very good at making me feel comfortable. I trusted her. I left that appointment feeling a sense relief and almost excitement as well. This surgery was the first step to me having a slightly longer life. I was ready.

That night, Jamie called Mr. Taylor, Mr. Cage, and Mr. Gellar over to our house to hang out and tell them the news. Everyone gathered at our house at 6 o'clock.

We greeted everyone and Jamie ordered pizza and wings for all of us. We had a good time playing cards, talking, eating, and playing music. As the night was starting to wind down, Jamie and I decided to tell them.

I spoke up, "So, you know how I didn't want to have any treatment?"

Mr. Taylor shrugged, "Yeah, why? Did something happen?"

"I decided to get treated. I go in for surgery on Thursday," I smiled.

They all cheered for me and Jamie said, "So she won't be at rehearsal this week or next week probably. It shouldn't be that long of a recovery, but she needs to rest."

Mr. Cage said, "You take all the time you need, Calista. We will be here when you are ready."

Mr. Gellar asked, "What will be your life expectancy after the surgery?"

"I'm not sure. It's going to depend on how much they can get out and how radiation and chemo go after, but we're hoping I'll get an extra year or 2."

"Wow, well, you kick ass at everything else, so you are going to kick cancer's ass," Mr. Gellar smirked.

Mr. Taylor added, "You got this, Calista."

"Thank you," I smiled at them.

The next day, we had band rehearsal. Jamie and I spent the day going over our music and preparing to teach our students. When it came time for band, we got in the car and headed to the school. Some kids were already there, talking to their friends and messing around with their instruments.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2022 ⏰

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