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There was a fashion event for charity in Paris which i have been  working on to get tickets and show my photography skills but all this life changing events  happened and i  know I won't be able to go there-

The sadness i felt had negative impact on me i became more dull and kinda lost the motivation or will to live .
What if i ask Issac to go there as my substitute? He has pretty good knowledge about photography so maybe he was skilled ? Let's see what happens or my ticket will be go in vain :(

I had asked Issac and strangely he did not decline but  promised to help me because he was going there for a business meeting anyways so it was a win win situation looks like God is on my side.

I had barely interacted with Asher he tried to talk  but I ignored him and did not respond. All his existence does is bring me pain and stress.

I don't know how i am going to live in a lion's den. I desperately want to go out and I don't know how ? It makes no sense hoping for freedom is like thinking pigs can fly my life is a joke-

I can't give myself false hope by keep believing on lies i  myself, but this world's never really been about truth or lies.

In this is world, there's only one thing that's worth knowing: hard facts. Despite this universal truth, people misguidedly choose to only accept the facts that appeal to their way of thinking. They're so limited. They can only accept the truths that are comfortable for them. So, this is simply about wanting to hang on to your personal power. Realizing things may not have been as we accepted them to be unsettles us. It's overwhelming and confuses me sometimes.

After a week Issac left for Paris and i was pretty much excited for the event itself even though i am not the one who is attending but still fashion shows are quite entertaining.
* Paris *
3rd person's P.O.V:
Fashion show or charity event was in 2 days now and Issac had few meetings lined up, the day before charity even and after a week he had  meetings for 3 consecutive days. The mew project has been started and it was under Issac's  supervision.

He was roaming in the city of love called Paris. There was something in the air of Paris which made it romantic and pleasant. Issac had a meeting earlier that day and now his schedule was free for a week now from project related  work.
He went to the local cafe and heard a bunch of people talking about the person who had arranged the charity event was  a lady knows as Miss Kat but people call her K . It spiked his interest in their conversation as he sipped the  coffee and felt it's bitter taste in his mouth and then he had a piece of cheese cake. He low-key wanted to know more but it was almost evening time and he had to head back to his apartment and video call Jennie who has become more closer and he treats her like a big brother.

When he talked to Jennie about Miss K she got so excited and told her bunch of stuffs she knew about her favourite fashion designer who had her clothing line across the world (KS) her brand was internationally famous and grew more and more each day he was interested in her no doubt here but he wanted to meet this K person and see the words which are going around about her are really true.
Next day he woke up got freshen  up and headed towards the local  bakery an old grandma ran since ages  he's been visiting her since he first visited Paris when he was 12 and had helped the grandma and would spend hours there in her bakery to get free baked goods and her famous coconut cake and chocolate chip cookies.
Since then whenever he went to Paris he visits her and both of them are close the grandma and grandson type of relationship has been going for more then a decade.


(i made up this I've never been to Paris so everything mentioned in this story person place or any name are not real but if they are it's pure coincidence and unintentional )

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