Start from the beginning

"Hey, pretty. Want a little taste?" The same man in the lobby who always has something gross to say to those who pass by.

"Suck your own cock, you pig," Jimin nips, turning his back to face the woman at the front desk. "I had someone break into my room," he says flatly.

"Oh, sorry," she mumbles, inspecting her nails.

"Hello? I said someone broke into my room and stole my shit. Are you gonna do anything about it?" he snaps.

Her eyebrow quirks and she looks over, clearly irritated. "What number?" Her voice is scratchy, a clear indication of years of smoking.

"Room number twenty-four. My phone is broken so call my emergency contact with any updates." Jimin hoists his bag further over his shoulder. She simply blinks at him and looks away, returning to her nails.

Jimin rolls his eyes and walks over to the wall phone, picking it up to dial Taehyung's number. After a few rings the call is connected.

"Taehyung, it's Jimin," he mentions, hopeful.

"Jimin? Why didn't I recognize the number? What's going on?"

"Tae, someone broke into my apartment room. The wench at the front desk is doing jackshit and my phone is busted. Is it okay if I crash at your place for a few days? I've had a shitty night and I really don't have the patience to deal with it right now." Jimin keeps his back against the wall, his eyes kept pealed.

"Holy shit, Min. Of course you can. You know where I live. Did anything important get stolen?"

Jimin nibbles on his lip, hesitant with his answer. He doesn't like lying when it comes to Taehyung but for now, it seems like the safest option. "No, nothing important. I don't really have anything valuable. Even my phone was the oldest possible fucking model."

"Okay, well that's good, at least. Meet me at my place and I'll have some ramyeon ready. You can do some more explaining when you get here."

"Yeah, okay. Thanks, Tae. I'll be there soon." Jimin ends the call by placing the phone back on the wall. His eyes linger over the tattered wallpaper before landing on the lady at the front desk who hasn't budged an inch, and the gross man sitting on one of the sofas. "Seriously fuck this place," he says under his breath.

By the time Jimin is back on the road, the weather has cleared up. It's still dark, however the rain has stopped and some spaces in the sky are openly showing speckles of stars. Taehyung's place isn't too terribly far away and in fact, it's a decent distance away from the club. He doesn't live by himself but he also doesn't live in an apartment which by Jimin's standards, is much better.

Jimin can see that the lights are on in the kitchen as soon as he pulls up in front of the house, on the opposite side of the road. Taehyung is pottering about in the kitchen and like he had promised, he's caught moving a pot to the center of the dinner table. Already, he feels a strong wave of relief crash over him, granted that's the effect that Taehyung has when he isn't acting like a toddler and handing out phone numbers without consent.

Another thing that Jimin finds himself being thankful for in this time is his car. At least he can come and go from places as he pleases. Even if he had to sleep in it, he wouldn't mind. He reaches for his bag in the passenger seat and tosses it over his shoulder, making his way toward Taehyung's front porch. He punches the code in and pushes the door open, closing it behind him.

The very first thing that he can smell is freshly cooked ramyeon, but the very first thing that he sees is Taehyung's roommate standing at the bottom of the basement steps with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. He seems to have just gotten out of the shower as he rubs at his light pink hair, looking Jimin in his eyes. They've met briefly so needless to say, seeing him half-naked is definitely a step up.

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