"Something wrong sensei?" Hawk asked

"No" dad mumbled "Show him what you got"

Hawk nodded, the three of us did our special fist bump, and Hawk jumped up into the ring. I didn't want to watch, but three kids from the same dojo all fighting each other? It was unheard of. I didn't want to fight my brother either. We were already in a rough spot with him training with Mr. Larusso, and dad flipping out. I honestly didn't know what I wanted to happen.

"One point Hawk!" 

Oh wow- I had been so zoned out I missed half the fight already. Eli was of course basking in the cheers, he loved it.  

"Remember what you learned Robby!" Mr. Larusso shouted from the stands.

Oh Jesus, please don't start this now. Robby took a deep breath in, I watched, it was almost like he was meditating or something. Whatever it was it worked because Robby got a point. 

"That was a lucky point, it's gonna be your last" I heard Hawk tell Robby

"Why? Leaving early to fix that stupid haircut?" 

Oh no. Eli loved his hair. His hair was his pride and joy, it was his confidence booster. It was like, a lucky charm or something, and my older brother had just insulted it. When Robby turned around to walk back to his spot, Hawk lunged forwards, kicking him flat in the spine.

"What the fuck" I gasped.

Dad instantly lept up from his position, running over to Robby. I followed after him

"That's enough! Illegal contact! You're disqualified" the ref announced

"Bullshit!" Hawk exclaimed

I looked back and Hawk gave me a confused and... betrayed look. Oh please tell me he's not thinking what I think he is.

"Are you okay?"

"Get the hell away from me" Robby spat

"Hey, back on your side" the ref grabbed dad, i shoved him off, looking down at my brother

"Robby, are you okay?" I said panicked

"I said im-" he looked up at me with an annoyed look, but it softened when he saw the worry in my face "I'm okay squirt"

"Hey, let's go" the ref grabbed my arm, pulling me back to my side

I stood beside my dad, Hawk was glaring holes at me, but I was angry at him too.

"What the hell were you thinking man?" Dad smacked Hawk

"What was I supposed to do? Be a pussy?"

"You're a pussy for not obeying the rules" I shoved him.

He spun around giving me a wicked look, but I was too red to notice I was getting mad at the one person that could keep me calm.

"Hey, whose side are you on?" He growled "I saw how quickly you ran to help that jerk"

"Yeah and ya know why-"

"With that disqualification, Keen earns a trip to the finals!" the announcer talked over me, hawk couldn't hear

"..... what?"

"Forget it" I rolled my eyes, cracking my neck and turning to watch the fight.

It was Miguel vs Robby first, and then it would be me against the winner. Just as I had called. I didn't wanna fight either of them. Both of them were brothers to me, in whatever respect. I was scared something would happen, and I'd lose them both.

Psychotic Kids '-' Eli MoskowitzWhere stories live. Discover now