Chapter One: Cross Country With a Bang

Start from the beginning

I outstretch my arm and when Fletcher breezes past Virgo, Alex taps my hand lightly. I secrety catch his small smile. 

"Umm, good work staying on," Alex says to Bishop, pushing his helmet high on his brow.

"Thanks," Bishop replies with no emotion.

Alex replies with a nod. 

The two raging alpha males still aren't on great terms with eachother. I don't think they ever have been. Bishop thinks Alex is a stuck up prick and well Alex just doesn't really like people which can give off I am to good for you since I'm the son of an ex-Olympian vibes.

Yes, Bishop doesn't approve of me dating Alex. Yes, I do notice the eyerolls and the snorts from Alex when Bishop gets to loud but they are trying more to get along.

Alex walks Fletcher on so he can go stand by Jasper on his small pony, Rexington.

"You are so lucky," Sarah whispers to me, leaning over Jupiter's side.

"Can you stop having a mild crush on my boyfriend please?" I taunt.

Sarah beams. "Never. And I don't have a crush on him!"

A loud tut comes from a certain person on a certain horse. I look around and see Georgia Bull rolling her eyes. She must of heard Sarah and I.

"Yes, Georgia?" I sigh.

Her incredibly freckled face creases into a fake smile. "Nothing. We were just listening in." She gesters to herself and Sophie, basically the only person who can stand her.

If I wanted to I could bring up the stormy look that clouded Georgia's face when Alex and Bishop had returned from their ride. She hates it when Alex rides well. They, of course, are the two best riders on the Junior Competition team and the Bull over there would love to over throw Alex as the crowned best.

But I'm a good person, so I won't bring it up.

"Liked what you heard?" I smile back.

Sophie giggles from ontop of Liberty, her grey Arabian mare. "Very much."

"Silly sixteen-year-old relationships are facinating to hear about," Georgia chimes in.

All I can do is share an eyeroll with Sarah. 

I look back to the two girls and watch as Aviation, Georgia's jet black gelding who has the same attitude problem, paws the ground eagarly to jump again. Sophie catches my eye.

"Sorry," she mouths. 

With a brush of my hand, I let her know I'm fine. 

Sophie and I have been on pretty good grounds lately. Despite her being a barn bully we have sort of made a truce between us. We are aquantinices at this point, though maybe we would be more.

If, you know, she wasn't joined to Georgia's hip.

"Right, Maddie and Sarah!" Antonio calls, waking me up from my thoughts. "Ready to ride?"

I bend down and wrap my arms around Virgo's dark brown neck. He has been tense and ready to go since we stepped foot into SEC's cross country section. 

"Not sure. Are we chocolate head?" I whisper to my boy.

Virgo bends his Thoroughbred shaped head to look at me with glossy black eyes. Followed by a strong stamp with his front leg.

He was ready.

Sarah and I share a look.

"Yeah... we are ready," I reply to Antonio.

"Fantastic!" Antonio grins. "You know the course."

I start gathering my reins but am interrupted by the sudden appearence of Fletcher.

"Don't do better than me, okay?" Alex jokes.

"Oh, I can't make any promises."

"Not like you could anyway, Madison Smith."

My scowl causes Alex's smile. 

Following Sarah trotting Jupiter away from the group, Virgo and I make our way into the forest at a trot. His movement is springy and big, like usual. I try using my weight to tell Virgo to slow down.

Jupiter trots into the first log nicely then strikes out in canter afterwoods. I feel Virgo's pace quickening from under me. I count the strides into the jump. Virgo breaks into canter on the last and I'm slightly unbalance by his sudden leap of the jump.

Oof, easy Virgo.

I tighten the grip on my reins and steadily, Virgo and I canter behind Sarah and Jupiter. The dry grass crunches below our feet and the call of magpies is soothing. The nature can't stop the excitement and adrenaline building inside of me though.

As Virgo and I fly over the roll top which is jump number four it feels like I'm flying. I'm in a dream. How could this be real?

Sarah whoops as we sit back and allow the horses to travel down the bank. Virgo pops down it without even a second thought. The flora blends from spindly gumtrees to thick and old pines. Jupiter and Sarah take the lead again.

We approach the jump that Rosie nearly threw Bishop at. 

Hopefully that won't happen to us boy.

Jupiter's legs quicken at the sight of the tiger trap jump. I eargly watch them canter up to the jump. I can't wait to jump it.

Sarah taps Jupiter with her crop and my eyes are fixed on the fleabitten-grey's movement. 

It suddenly happens so quickly. 

At the right time Sarah lifts into the saddle but Jupiter doesn't follow. Like a truck slamming to a stop, Jupiter digs his hooves into the ground. I watch in horror, trying my hardest to pull Virgo to a stop, as Sarah flies straight into the jump. 

Everything suddenly starts to slow into a blur. A grinding and crunching sound rings faintly around me. I suddenly feel myself get thrown in the saddle.




All of a sudden I am on the floor, legs scuffling around me, my body in flames.

|The first chapter of my second book!! Hopefully every likes what is to come!|

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