My Worst Nightmare

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I was terrified by the sight I was seeing. The person with the knife was wearing a black mask and black clothing.  He was covering all his skin except his eyes.

I saw him shouting at the teacher to find him, someone. The teacher said that she doesn't know who he was talking about. I went back to the toilet hoping this was a dream. This is my worst nightmare.

I had to get out of the bathroom because I can't lock it. The teachers have keys to lock the bathroom but I don't have them.

I decided to get in the bathroom stall and waited there for a couple of minutes. I was in the stall for about 15 minutes so if decided to get out.

As I got out I saw the man walk past the girl's bathroom. I quickly ran back in and waited there for another 5 minutes.

Once I was positive he was gone I came out and looked out to see if anyone was there. I went back into the bathroom stall because I was too scared to get out.

I called the police and they said that they're on their way. I waited for a mother for 5 minutes again. This time once the 5 minutes was over I came outside of the bathroom.

I doubled checked if someone was there, but there wasn't. I got out of the bathroom and went to the staircase.

Some type of alarm went off but it didn't sound like any other alarm. I ran as fast as I could up the stairs and ran to my classroom. My classrooms door wasn't open so I tried finding other classrooms.

I eventually found one open classroom and went inside. It was all empty and no one was inside. I locked the door and leaned my back against the door.

I was terrified. Who was that man?

I looked around the classroom for a while and saw things that I can use if the killer enters. My heart dropped as I heard the handle of the door started stacking uncontrollably.

There was a little window on the door so you could see who's behind it. I saw that it was my crush, Adam. I hesitated to open it for him but I did in the end.

He came in all tired because he was running. The only thing that could come out of his mouth was, "thank you."

The reason why I let him in is that if I was put in that position I would never forgive the person in the classroom and mostly I would die.

You probably might say that he could be the killer. I saw the killer and how he was dressed and how his body figure looked like so I'm positive he's not the killer.

It was so awkward because we didn't talk for a couple of minutes. I decided to start a conversation with him.

"So what should we do now."

Adam just looked up at me and said, "I don't know."

I looked down and didn't say anything.

He continued, "sorry if I seem a little rude it's just that no one let me in and I could've died."

"No, it's fine, I would've acted like that as well."

We then heard a huge scream. Me and Adam looked at each other in shock.

"My little sister is in there," said Adam.

I then realised that his little sister is one of my friends and I started getting nervous. C/n quickly grabbed my hand and made me go into this locker thing. He also went inside and we were in there for a couple of minutes.

I could feel his chest against mine. My heart started beating faster because I'm nervous. It was because of the intruder in the building and the fact my crush is so close to me.

Adam held onto the locker door and held onto me. I grabbed onto his shirt hoping that this nightmare would end.

I broke down crying and started putting his shirt near my eyes. He was held onto me to calm me down.

He then put his hand near my chin and made me look into his eyes. He covered my mouth so that I don't make any noise. He smiled at me, which made me calm down.

Adam then broke eye contact and tried to find something in the locker. He got these two sharp objects and gave one to me and he kept the other one to himself

"Why do we need this?"

"Just in case the intruder comes in this room."

I held onto the object tightly and waited in the locker. We then heard the screaming stop and I started getting nervous again. I didn't let it show though.

We then heard someone entering the room we were in. I held onto the object as tightly as I could. The lover had holes in it so we could see through it.

I looked through it and saw a man walking in the room and he was the same man I saw earlier. He was looking around the room until he turned in our direction and made eye contact with me.

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