Chapter Four: Liberty

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Unsteadily, Katalina held her head, feeling drained. The sword glinted a bit before retracting the extra blade that it had gained and returning to its original form with a snapping sound.

Reggie, Ryker and Zack hurried to the little boy's side. Alarmed. They dropped to their knees and began inspecting his state.

The tall, lanky boy laid on the floor looking lifeless. He couldn't be more than fourteen or fifteen years old. Some strands of buttery blonde hair fell over his closed eyes. He didn't seem to be breathing, which worried Reggie.

"Is he dead?!"

Ryker put his middle and index finger just on the side of the boy's neck.

It was silent for a second.

Ryker felt a small beat.

Then another.

And another.

That's when he came to a conclusion.

"No, he still has a pulse."

He glanced at the lot around him. "But I'm not sure how long he'll last cause his pulse is weak."

Reggie pursed her lips. "Great. How the hell are we supposed to get him to a hospital when we still don't have a clue how to get out of here?"

Ryker quietly observed the situation. Having no idea what to do.

That's when Zack turned his attention to Katalina. "Any bright ideas, genius?"

Katalina glanced at him, her vision a blurry mess. Her mind had strayed away from their conversation.

She blinked a few times. "Huh?"

"Are you ok?" Ryker's forehead furrowed a bit as he became worrisome.

Katalina forced herself out of her weird state of mind and held the dagger unsurely. She put it in the sheath then placed it in her back pocket. "Ye-Yeah. I'm good."

She scurried to the little boy's side and studied his state. "He doesn't look so good. We need to get him to a hospital"

Reggie rolled her eyes, annoyed. "Thanks Captain Obvious."

Katalina gave her a stink eye before ignoring her completely. "What are we gonna do?"

Her question was directed to Ryker, but Zack said something anyway. "That's what we've been trying to figure out when you were over there busy daydreaming like some sort of dream queen."

Katalina squinted her eyes into thin slits. Sending imaginary daggers at him. "Why are you and miss 'I'm-better-than-everybody' so annoying. Ever since we've been in here all you guys have done is given me shit and I don't appreciate it."

Reggie snorted and voiced her thoughts, not afraid to express how much she disliked Katalina. "Your presence irritates me and I can't wait to get out of here to be far, far away from you for good."

Zack folded his arms. A serious look on his face. "Dido."

Ryker sighed heavily. Exasperated.

"Can we just focus on the task at hand please. We have a dying teenager here at the moment so settle whatever score you guys have later in your own time."

"We don't have anything to settle." Katalina lifted one side of her lip in disgust. "So let's just get out of here and be over with it."

Katalina was raging. She stood and ran a hand through her hair.

The sweat and grime on her clothes was starting to affect her mood and all she wanted to do was take a long bath and brush her teeth. Oh how she hated disregarding her personal hygiene.

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