Ocean Eyes

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Hey everyone.  I know this chapter is a week late but I forgot that Connecticon was last weekend and I had a weekend pass.  My best friend got it for me as a late birthday present.  It was a lot of fun though and I even got to meet a good amount of Voice actors.  For example, I met Aaron Dismuke who voices Tamaki Amajiki.  I also met Leah Clark who voices Toga Himiko.  Then there was Caitlin Glass who voices Mina Ashido.  It was a lot of fun to walk around and see the cosplays too! I even got a lot of photos with the voice actors and a few with Cosplayers.  If y'all are interested then I can post them in a separate chapter of their own. ~But I guess I'll leave that up to you~

I was going to release the chapter yesterday but I had to stop half way through for a family friend's wedding.  By the time I got back home it was eleven at night and I was a little too drunk to continue.  Drink responsibly people (Also I'm 23 so it was legal lol). well anyway, enough of me rambling about my hectic weekends and on to what y'all are really here for.  The Chapter!!!


With Izuku and Shoji

We see Izuku now standing next to Shoji as they hide in the bushes.  Izuku's arms have been healed to the point where they are no longer broken.  This however has left him physically drained with only enough energy to move around.  "That thing just now, wait, don't tell me" Izuku says.  "Yah, if we want to get through here, we have to get through Dark Shadow first" shoji responds.

Through the trees Dark shadow is seen having grown larger completely covering Tokoyami who is struggling for control in the middle of the large mass.  Dark shadow lets out a large growl/roar sending a shiver down Izuku's spine.  "Stay away... from me... you'll die!" Tokoyami grunts out as he struggles more. "Tokoyami, no!" Izuku says worried for his friend.  Dark shadow starts to move through the forest slowly as he knocks down trees and flattens bushes in his path.  "But how did he get this way?" Izuku asks.  

"Keep it down. After Mandalay told us what was happening and that we shouldn't engage we were both on high alert.  Even then one of the villains got the drop on us.  in a flashback it shows sharp blades coming from above as Shoji and Tokoyami dodge.  Shoji however had one of his duplicated arms cut off as it starts to bleed.  "Shoji!" Tokoyami yells as he tumbles back.  "I hid in the bushes after trying to cover Tokoyami even though one of my arms was cut off" the multi-armed student explains.  "Really?" Izuku asks worry evident in his voice.

"It looks bad but it's not like it's lost forever.  My Dupli-arms are capable of making duplicates upon duplicates. it was one of those that was cut off.  The thing is he couldn't stand seeing me injured like that.  The quirk he had been surprising began to rage and take over" Shoji says as Dark Shadow continues his rampage.  "The darker it is the less control Tokoyami has. I had no idea his quirk could explode like this.  if I wasn't exhausted, I would have been able to make some fire and help." Izuku says.  "It's probably fueled by his righteous indignation and regret.  He was trying to hold it back but they made it wilder.  He started lunging at any sound he heard dishing out indiscriminate attacks" Shoji says as Dark Shadow smashes through another tree not too far away.

"Forget about me! Go! Find our classmates instead! Stop this, calm down Dark Shadow!" Tokoyami yells out.  "His quirk has a weakness to light; we need to find some fire or make it back to camp.  Then he should be able to regain control.  Midoriya, I know these are strange circumstances but I can't just leave him here like this.  You forced yourself to get here even when you have such low energy.  If you are dead set on finding Bakugou then I can distract dark shadow for you and you can run" Shoji says as he prepares to do exactly that.  "Hold on, the fire and camp are both really far away.  you'll be in danger if he-" Izuku says but is cut off when dark shadow sees them and smashes through the tree causing the two to dodge.  "I know that! but to save people you have to take risks. That's what makes a hero a hero. Will you stay with me and help Tokoyami?" Shoji asks.  "Of course, I will, I even have a plan" Izuku says

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