Cautiously I took out my phone from the bag.

3:46 A. M

<<13 Missed calls : Sasha>>
<<5 Missed calls : Dan>>
<<2 Missed calls : Forever Single>>
<<15 unread messages>>

"Fuck" I stuttered. I shook his head a bit to wake him up, "Ya! Get up", but he didn't respond. Instead, he subtly pulled up his leg, in a position as if lying on a bed and I was his pillow. Comfortable, huh?

"Get up, mister" I moved my thigh a little to shake off his sleep and he did woke up, "Just five minutes more", he murmured.

What the fuck?! Is this person for real?

"Get up or I am gonna... I'm gonna.." I looked around thinking what all I can do, "I'm gonna throw you in the lake."

"No! I am hibernating."

"What? It isn't even winter... Wait!! And you aren't even an animal."

"I can be whatever I want to."

"I'm done, I'll count till 3 and if you don't wake up, I'm getting up and you are losing your comfort."



At this point we heard someone approaching. I panicked. We weren't supposed to be here, infact it's illegal to spend the night here.

"ya!!" I whispered, "Get up fast!!" and finally someone rose up from their beauty sleep rubbing their eyes and then stretching themselves as if nothing had happened.

"Just how ignorant are you? Huh?" I snapped.

"What are you talking about?"

"Why are we still here?"

"Ask yourself, you slept! What is my fault."

"Okay, I agree I slept, but you could have woken me up!!"

"Whats the big deal? Let's go now!"

"Fuck this shit!! We cannot! The gates are probably closed, it's 4 in the morning, and most importantly we are not supposed to be here!"

"I have an idea!"

"Thank god!"

"It involves fire" he said calmly.

"Absolutely not!"

"What's more satisfying than seeing things burn?"

"A lot more things. Well.. I have an idea too."

"Can't be better than mine."

"Look someone is coming here. You can go and say to him that you are a foreigner and you lost your way and I sneak with you."

"Why would I be the scapegoat?"

"Because it's because of you we are here. Do you have anything to say?"


"God! What wrong had I done to be punished this way. So, what was your plan?"

"We could burn some sticks there and it would serve as a distraction for whoever is coming and we can hide till then."

"Why not just hide?"

"mmm... I don't know."

The volume of the sound of footsteps foot steps increased.

"Why is my heart beating so fast? Am I dying?" he questioned.

"No! You're scared. You're hyperventilating."

"How do you know? What if I die?"

"Can you please shut the fuck up?"

"You'll be responsible." he whispered only loud enough for me to hear.

All we could do was try a futile attempt to hide. I hugged my knees, forming a human cacoon and he copied me. But as I said, futile! We got caught and that too in a very awkward position.

"We are so dead" I whispered.

"Now, I hate this negative attitude. Look at the bright side!"

"Yay! We are so dead. Wohoo"


"What a nice change of landscape, right?"

"Dude, this is a police station!" I reminded him, taken aback by his awe.

"I was being sarcastic."

"Sometimes, it's better to keep your mouth shut and give the impression that you are an idiot than open your mouth and prove it!" I snapped as we were sitting on the chairs waiting, while the officer was eyeing us.

"Your ass must be so jealous of all the shit that comes out of your mouth." he sighed.

"You have an entire life to be a jerk! Why not take a day off?"

"Remember me asking your opinion? Me neither!" he answered.

I took a deep breath to calm myself down or most probably, I was going to beat the shit out of him.

"So, you two slept there?" the officer questioned, positioning his specs on the tip of his nose. We nodded unanimously.


We nodded again.

"Okay. You two can leave." he said.
"Really??" he questioned and I gave him a death glare.

"Well, I thought you both were couples sneaking around but now I think I misinterpreted. So, yes, you can leave."

"I see. That wasn't a nice assumption from the start." I said, involuntarily, the words just spurted out.

"I always have an empty prison cell, if you want to say." he glared back.

"Oh no! She just blabs. Blabs a lot. Sorry for concerning you." he said as he turned around, turning me with him.

As we moved out of the station, the sky was already in the lighter shades of blue. Finally!!

"Well, he did interpreted wrong!" he whispered right into my ear, I flinched.

"What the- you scared me." I almost yelled. He leaned closer to look into my eyes, "he doesn't know, we even have a kid together."

My breathing became heavy and my heart was pounding some inches out of my ribs. "W - what?"

"Oh honey, you forgot about Yeontan? This isn't good" he mocked and then turned back waving his hand, "byee" he said. It took me a moment to answer.

"Wait here you little piece of shit!" I yelled as I ran back towards him but he got into taxi and I missed him. Did I just lost? What were we even playing and this wasn't even a competition but fuck it! I hate that I lost.

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