Chapter Thirty one

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Meeting his brothers and there mates was nice it was a very emotional reunion with lots of hugging and tears their mates were nice too I especially hit it off with his baby sister Cassandra and her mate louis she was very pretty long dark hair cascading down her back like a silky water fall and large almost black eyes giving her an almost anime quality her mate louis was only a couple of years younger than me all the mates were lion shifters and i felt slightly out of place being the only human at the table. I did not get to speak much to Mark during dinner as he was busy catching up with his brothers I did not mind too much as his mother and sister kept me very entertained with stories about baby mark. 

I was sitting enjoying the warmth on my face from the sun in their spacious back garden it was gorgeous filled with roses the scent from them filled the air with a almost sickly sweet perfume making me drowsy the culmination of the long car journey and the late night the evening before was beginning to have an effect on me, his mother had set a delicious buffet lunch and the children were busy racing around the garden being chased by their respective fathers the ladies were all sitting around the pool in bikinis gossiping amongst themselves, as i closed my eyes and started to drift off.

''So when is he moving in then the house is ready they just need to choose the furniture''.

Instantly I was alert I kept my eyes closed feigning sleep 'so this was why Mark had brought me here it was to butter me up and persuade me to move onto the property' I thought to myself straining my ears to here the whispered conversation.

''He has not spoken to him yet then?'' his sister asked 

'To be honest I have not even spoken to Mark about it yet'' and that was his mother.

I mentally apologised to mark he had obviously no clue about the house, I fumed feeling a tad ambushed.

''Well he will have to move back in soon he is after all a member of the pride he needs to come home and take his place now that he has his mate'' that sounded like Miranda his elder brother Karl's mate.

''Don't be too sure Mimi, it isn't as though his mate is a shifter he is not as accustomed to our traditions''. and that was Sophie, Jonathans mate. 

''I am sure Kyle will fit right in and we can all help him adjust'' chipped in Louise Lawrence's mate.

I had, had enough of the hearing them at that point and opening my eyes blinking to readjust to the sudden brightness I stood up and walked back into the house, stalking into the kitchen i poured my self a glass of water and slowly swallowed the cold liquid giving myself time to calm down i felt ambushed mark had never even mentioned that we would be expected to move onto his parents property was this why he had not minded me when I suggested that his apartment had not felt like our own home. I felt ambushed not wanting to spoil the afternoon with my now pissed mood I went upstairs to the room we were sharing for our stay and flopped face down on the bed okay maybe it was a little childish of me it was was not as if mark knew about the house but he did know about the tradition of moving back to the pride once you have found your mate.

What did his family expect from me was I to be a little housemate like all the lionesses? I loved my job. I may be the submissive in this relationship but that did not mean I was ready to quit my job and become a house husband/boyfriend, I shuddered at the thought imagining myself in a apron cooking for my lord and master Mark. never nope not going to happen. the door creaked open I knew it was Mark he had that gorgeous aroma off his seeping from every pore since we had mated I could smell it even more sandal wood and ...... i breathed it in letting it calm my sour mood. 

''Kyle what's wrong?''

I tried to ignore him pretending to be asleep. I just was not in the mood for talking at the moment, I was waring though between the need to be on my own and the urge to wrap myself in his scent and calm myself in his arms.

''I know you are awake Kyle please babes what has upset you?''

 Damn him and his lion superpowers, '' I heard your mother and sister in laws talking about a house we are expected to move into''.


''The house they have prepared for us to move into now that you're a mate you are expected to return to the pack but of course yo knew that didn't you''. I raised myself up and turned to face him.

his eyes registered surprise and a couple of other emotions I could not quite fathom he swallowed before speaking ''it's not what you think...''

''I think that it is exactly what I think Mark when was you going to tell me that you where planning on us moving here?''

''I was not planning to move here Kyle, I did not know they had arranged a house I swear it though I did know that they would expect us to live here once we were mated''.

''You have had months to tell me this Mark I feel that the only reason we are here is so I can be ambushed into this...I want to leave''.

''Please babes don't I have no plans to move here at all, possibly in the future but definatly not now and I would never do that without talking to you first''

Look I get it I do they are your family your all shifters and have your traditions but I am not a shifter Mark I try, I do every day I compromise a little on what I want to do to fit in with you and Artemis needs, most of the time I give in and go with what you want but I am not budging on this I have a home friends a life I am not moving onto your families pride lands period ''. I yelled, tears fell that I scrubbed angrily from my face. I did not care if the entire pride heard and I certainly  would not be coerced to comply they were not my traditions. I was sat up now on the bed glaring daggers at Mark his eyes looked hurt and confused and for a moment my heart convulsed, he stood looking unsure if he should speak for a moment before he seemed to decide against it he turned and walked back out of the room.

I needed to go, I no longer felt comfortable here, I liked his family I do from what I have seen of them they had seemed they were very nice warm and welcoming, but I did not know them. I needed my family and friends, friends that Mark and I had in common I would not give them up to live in caged the rest of my life here. I snatched my phone from where I had left it on the side and dialled an Uber arranging for it to collect me from the gate before taking Marks keys.

Sneaking out of the bedroom I could hear them all talking the sound of their voices carrying up the stairs they were all in the kitchen their discussion sounded heated but I did not stop to listen. I made my way out of the house and ran to the garage.  Marks car was parked  out in front, unlocking it I climbed into the driving seat and with shaking fingers I turned the key in the ignition it roared noisily into live as I stuck it in reverse and turned it to face back up the long driveway we had only travelled up yesterday pressing my feet to the accelerator I speed forward. I could see the front door throw open in the rear view mirror as Mark ran down the steps, I turned my eyes from the view and pressed my foot firmly to the floor as I sped away. 

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