Chapter Six

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*****Warning this chapter has details of a sexual assault*****

Holding my breath I slid under the foam, opening my eyes to see the bathroom ceiling wobbling with the effect of seeing it through water holding my breath I stayed under till the urgency to breath overtook me and I sat up with a swoosh spilling the water over the sides of the tub as it sloshed to and fro, grabbing the shampoo I scrubbed at my unruly mop. Satisfied it was as clean as it was getting, I stood and rinsed of the suds under the shower head allowing the hot water to run over me soothing the muscles in my tense shoulders.

I had never really been all that fussed with parties they get too loud, and I get bored usually winding up in the kitchen. But I had promised Jude I would go.

Turning of the shower and pulling the plug I stepped of the tub, roughly drying myself on a towel. I brushed my teeth shaved and slapped on some after shave before leaving the bathroom for my bedroom. I was just reaching the door, when the front doorbell rang, "What the fuck" I grumbled as I went to see who it was. shit it was Jude what was he doing here so early I looked round at the clock then realised it was already 7:30 He was on time it was me who was late crap. I slung open the door letting him in "Hi, Sorry mate take a seat in the living room help self to a drink I won't be long".

"No worries Parties don't get going till its later" he smiled "And besides, I can help you choose an outfit" he smirked.

"I can dress myself Jude I am not a kid".

"No you always dress like a dad going to pick up his kids, we are going to a party not the school run" He states pushing me rather unceremoniously into my bedroom " See what did I say about your dress sense" he eyed my selected jumper jeans and sneakers with distaste I did not feel they deserved, before flinging open my closet and grabbing an armful of clothing which he dumped onto the bed.

"I do not look like a dad" I pouted at him.

"So how is it going with the boss man" he asked, as he selected clothing from the heap on the bed only to deposit it onto a rapidly growing pile on the bedroom floor. I tutted loudly scooping them off the floor and folding them into a neat pile.

"Well" he prompted.

"It's going great" he was looking at me sideways like he did not believe me, I rolled my eyes "He is amazing really, oh my god his kisses make my toes curl, I cannot believe that he actually likes me, I still I keep think I will wake up soon and it will be just another day in the office with me moon calving over my unobtainable boss" I gushed.

He smiled, plonking himself down on the corner of the bed "I am sensing a but here".

"There is no but it really is great" He was not looking convinced "really".

"Kyle, I have known you for five years, I'm your best mate I can tell when you have a but".

I sighed pausing the clothes folding "I just get a feeling that something is off, something not being said".

"That's not good".

"No its fine, I just get the feeling that something is odd, its probably nothing after Just a feeling that there is ..." I left the thought unfinished to be honest I could not think of what exactly was off, if anything it was just a feeling a niggle really after all no one tells you everything about themselves after a couple of dates, "getting to know someone takes time and I am sure if there is something he wants me to know he will tell me Lets sort out this outfit before we end up not going out at all"

"How about this" he grinned holding up a very see-through shirt that I had bought on a whim and bottled out of ever wearing.

"Absolutely not" I exclaimed snatching it out of his hand and slinging it to the other side of the room.

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