Chapter Twelve

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Mark dressed again and sat on the ground, I sat next to him hugging my knees to my chest, I did not say anything waiting for him to speak, the sound of the water fall rushing into the pool, and the wind rustling through the trees filling the silence as I waited for him to collect his thoughts.

"I am a lion shifter I lived with my family until I turned eighteen, I have a sister who still lives with my parents and two older brothers, we have not had much contact over the years until recently, I have spoken a lot to them over the phone, they left home on bad terms with my father, they had gotten into several fights, his lion was unable to tolerate them once they became adult male lions.

"But you are his children", he frowned.

once we become adults our lions perceive all other males as rivals".

"He is a good person Kyle it's just male lions..." I paused trying to think how to explain "they have to leave when they reach adulthood, to find their mates. If they do not then the pride leader will chase them out or fight them, they cannot tolerate possible rival males in their pride, though in our case it is usually in families rather than prides that is more our wilder cousins' way of living, but for us, it is very much the same. Our human selves may think differently, but for our lions having other sexually mature male lions around is intolerable even if they are our children".

"Why did he fight with your brothers?" he asked shocked.

"My father loved the twins very much they were his firstborn children he tried to suppress his lion, to stop him from chasing them away, He never really explained to them what was going to happen once they reached maturity He was afraid of losing them, and of the pain, my mother would feel when they had to leave"

"I can understand that but still..".

"He knows he made a mistake in not telling them, It was a long time before my brothers came to terms with what happened, but they forgave him, they have mates of their own now and have moved nearer to home so they see each other often. I did not want us to end up fighting, as had happened with my brothers so I left home, first to go to college then I moved here and started the business. we still talk a lot on the phone my mother visits when she can. Once I have mated I can return to home and spend some time with him, his lion will not see me as so much of a rival then, you would like my father honestly he is a good man I would love for you to come with me and meet him".

"I would like that," he said, What made you choose three falls," he asked

"Mainly my friend Johnathan he was born and raised here and wanted to set up his business here after college once we graduated, we set up the business and ran it together, until six years ago, after he met his wife they decided that they wanted to be nearer to her family In Oregon, so I bought him outrun the business now run it on my own. I love it in three falls, I cannot imagine wanting to leave".

"you said earlier that we were soul mates how do you know I am yours?

"When I met you... I knew you were the one for me like wolves we have mates, they are like the other half of our souls, and when we meet them we are immediately drawn to them, you are my mate."

I sat looking into his deep blue eyes, "so I am like the other half of your soul?"

"Yes, you are".

He looked anxious, I reached across and took hold of his hand, you said you knew when you first saw me that was over six months ago Mark why did you keep your distance?"

"Truthfully, I was scared" he was staring down at our hands, rubbing his thumb across my fingers "I was afraid you would reject me once you knew about me about us".

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