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"She rings like a bell through the night
And wouldn't you love to love her?
She rules her life like a bird in flight
And who will be her lover?"

Rhiannon by Fleetwood Mac


Nerves were never something I dealt with anymore. I haven't been nervous since I started this job. Until today. Our boss found out about what happened with Harley and has called us in for a meeting. Everyone is shitting bricks, besides Harry. 

Harry isn't worried because his dad is the boss, but Desmond is one of the scariest men I've seen in my life so far, and I've seen a lot of scary men. 

I was quite calm until this morning when I woke up to an empty bed, normally this wouldn't worry me but Harry said he would be driving us but now he is nowhere to be seen. So fucking inconsiderate. 

Quickly grabbing the apartment keys off the kitchen bench, I run out of the apartment slamming the heavy oak door behind me. With fire in my step, I continue to run down the steps, counting how many levels I've run down as I go.

I stop running as my feet reach the landing that leads into the garage. My eyes scan the garage for an old car that is easier to hotwire, the first car I see is a metallic blue... thing. It looks old enough. Sprinting over I cover my knuckles with my jacket and punch the window so it smashes, opening the door from the inside.

Finally unlocking the door I use my bag to wipe the shards of glass off the leather seat and slide in. I throw my bag on the passenger seat, my hand venture under the steering wheel. My fingers stop searching when they feel the wires, I grasp onto them and pull the wires so they snap, I grab the yellow wire and twist the end with the red one whilst I pushing on the gas.

To my advantage, the cars starts and I don't waste any time, the precinct we are meeting at is in the middle of fucking nowhere, and considering I live in the city, it's going to be a longish drive.

My fingers navigate the dial to turn up the radio, leaving it on the station it is set on. A song I don't know just starts to finish as a high pitch girls voice overtakes the radio. "Good Morning New York, be careful on the roads today as serve weather warnings have been sent out through the city." Great. just what I need, to be in buttfuck nowhere and there be a storming heading towards me.

The ladies voice picks up again, "Now this song is dedicated to all the blue-eyed brunettes listening because you're hot. Here is Rhiannon by Fleetwood Mac!" hey, my day may be shit but at least one of my favourite songs is dedicated to me.

The song starts to play as I turn off the city streets and towards Maine. Following the dirt road, it begins to look like a death trap, but that's what my job was right? a death trap?

"Rhiannon rings like a bell through the night/And wouldn't you love to love her?" I begin to yell, it's not like anyone can hear me scream out here. "Takes to the sky like a bird in flight/ And who will be her lover?/ All the life you've never seen" I sing again.

With the wind blowing through my hair and the peacefulness of this old country road, I begin to smile. It's been a while since I've been able to let my hair down and be stress-free. I continue to sing along to the 80's rock songs while following this neverending dirty road.

As time passes the sky ahead of me turns from bright blue and sunny to dark grey and cloudy, the change in weather starts to make me panic. I really shouldn't be out here alone, what if I get lost? What if this car breaks down? There is probably no service out here and what if I miss the turnoff? 

My intrusive throughs are cut short when check the rearview mirror to see a black SUV behind me. How long have they been behind me? The only thing on this road is our precinct and as far as I'm concerned the boys don't own a Black SUV.  

My hand flies over to the passenger seat, feeling around for my phone. I lift the phone to my face to register face ID and go straight onto Contacts, whilst driving and trying not to run off the road I manage to press Harrys caller ID. Looking down I quickly press the speakerphone and wait for him to pick it up.

Straight to voicemail. You have to be joking. In frustration, I throw my phone back onto the seat next to me and step on the accelerator, the car behind me starts to fasten up until they are now tailing me. 

I'm useless at driving so quickly I pull to the side knowing I am better off if I can fight these people off. I rummage through my bag to grab my gun and knife. Swiftly I tuck the gun into the back of my pants whilst I keep the knife visible in my hand.

I hide behind the passenger door out of sight and wait for them to exit the car, as soon as I hear a car door open I crouch down with my knife ready in one hand and my other hand rested on where the gun is positioned in my waistband.

"Oh the pussy is hiding, this is a joke" a thick Irish accent laughs from the other side of the car. You're shitting me, it's Niall. Jumping to my feet I look at the four boys on the other side of the car starring at me in shock.

Instead of greeting them, I get to the point, "Where's Harry?" they all look at me confused. "What is he not with you either?"

Liam opens his mouth them Niall cuts him off, "Hello to you too Gorgeous, no he is not with us. We thought you two were together." then his eyes divert to the car, "When did you get this car?"

"I didn't, I stole it because Harry was nowhere to be seen this morning and my cars are at my apartment," I answered quickly grabbing my belongings off the passenger seat so I can get into their car.

All the boys look at each other in shock, "So you're living together, this is so cute. Living like an old married couple, even fucking like one-" Niall's words were cut short as I pull the gun from my waistband and shoot a bullet right next to his foot, purposely missing.

My eyes scan around all the boys who have a smirk on their face, "One more word and the next one goes in your shin," I tuck the gun back into my waistband, "Now let's get going before we're late."

"She ma'am," The boys say in sync from behind me. An unexpected noise starts to bellow from down the road. All five of us turn our heads to see Harry's black sports car speeding towards us and starting to slow down the close it got. 

Louis lowers his head and mutters an inaudible sentence and the rest of the boys urge him to go on. "I think he's fucking high, " he said a little louder. Great. Fucking great Styles.

As the car comes to a sharp halt and the driver's doors is swung open, a wobbling Harry exits the car with bloodshot eyes and bruises littered all down the side of his jaw. "What did I miss- omg Airlee. She looks so pretty," he says with droopy eyes. 

Shit, Slowly he makes his way over to me and as much as I am mad I pull him into a tight hug. I missed him. Anger takes over me, and I immediately pull away, "No, no you left me this morning, turned your phone off and then come here high and beaten up and expect me to be happy, no not happening." I begin to yell, I begin to beat my fists against his chest in anger.

Harry's lips turn up into a smirk, "You done, we're going to be late" he says as he picks me up and stumbles into the car. Getting in last, I try to crawl over Harry to take the seat next to him but am stopped by his hands pulling my hips down into his lap so am I straddling him.

Great, he's horny, high and painful and we have to go to a meeting where we need to be sensible, sober and the least annoying versions of ourselves. Looking into each other's eyes I take his face in both of my hands, "Oh Harry, you're lucky I like you".



Hey, trying to write again! Idk I am trying to write the calm before the storm so buckle up loves !! Keep staying healthy and hydrated, love you all <3

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