Facts!! (Random-!)

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Ask and Dare house~

Fubuki: Miyuki...? What are you doing?

Fubuki asked the little Albino who was tying a red bandana on Shu. Almost the bladers in the house were tied with colorful bandanas but no one knew what the real purpose of the red -eyed girl was.

Miyuki: Colours! Your name!

Rantaro: What does this have to do with my family name in color?

Lui: Dosen't make sense at all. Just waste my time..

Miyuki: It does!

Free: Mind to explain..? *yawn*

Miyuki: Mr. Daikokuten?

Jinuemon: Sure.. *place a white board behind her*

Miyuki: Ehem. Let me list you name first-


Valt Aoi : Aoi = Blue

Shu Kurenai : Kurenai = Crimson

Wakiya murasaki : Murasaki = Purple

Rantaro Kiyama : Ki = Yellow

Lui Shirosagi : Shiro = White

Dante Koryu : Koryu = Rainbow

Delta Akane : Akane = Red

Aiger Akabane : Akabane = Red


Chris: Make sense..

Miyuki: Yeah, Koryu almost sounds like it reference to 'Kohryu'. And plus- Kohryu also means 'Rainbow dragon'! For me it sounds like Hyper Flux!

All-Miyuki: *look at Dante*

Dante: Wow.. I didn't know that.

Delta: Of course you didn't. 😑

Miyuki: Another thing.. Actually Kiyama is not only mean yellow..

Ranjiro: what?

Miyuki: Kiyama mean 'Yellow mountain'.

Bell: I'm sure it prefer to Ranzo..

Ranzo: 😊💢

Miyuki: Kiyama sounds like an Arabic words.. Qiyamah..

Rantaro: That means..?

Miyuki: I don't know..

Ranjiro: 💢

???: Apocalypse.

Miyuki: *turn around* brother!

Mizuki: Hey little midget. *ruffle Miyuki's hair*

Arman: Apocalypse?

Dante: Isn't that Arthur's bey?

Rantaro: Why the hell my last name has to do with that peacock's bey!?

Mizuki: Not a bey. A day. Kiyama. Sounds like Qiyamah in arabic words means ''Apocalypse Day'. I'm sure it prefer to Ranjiro's Bey.

Ranjiro: Raknaruk?

Mizuki: Ragnarök, in Scandinavian mythology, the end of the world of gods and men. The Ragnarök is fully described only in the Icelandic poem Völuspá (“Sibyl's Prophecy”), probably of the late 10th century, and in the 13th-century Prose Edda of Snorri Sturluson.

Silas: Nerd.

Mizuki: I wonder why Raknaruk never destroy a bey.

Basara: Yeah, he did. *point to Ranzo *

All- Dynamite Blader/Free/ Valt/ Miyuki: *stares Ranzo with wide eyes*

Ranjiro: you did WHAT!?

Ranzo: It was an accident!! I didn't mean to!

Miyuki: How did you know all these things brother? Your teacher at school taught you?

Mizuki: Nope. Library. Also Akaba.

Aiger: That's my family name..

Mizuki: Akaba means 'Red blade' and Akabane means 'Red feather'. I think the red blade reference to Achilles. Your name also has a meaning.

Aiger: Really?

Mizuki: Your Japanese name. Aiga. Means family. I'm sure it show how close you with your family, Akaba Aiga.

Miyuki: Hey! I found something about Shu!

Free: Really?

Miyuki: Yeah, SHU stands for "Special Housing Unit". This is essentially solitary confinement. Given the COVID-19 pandemic, the SHU is being used to quarantine inmates, regardless of security classification.

All- Shu: *laugh heavily*

Valt: I'm s-Sorry Shu- Pfftt-!! *snickers* I CAN'T STOP!! XDDDDD

Hyuga: I thought you want to say something cool!! XDDD

Lane: *hold his laugh* Pfft-!

Shu: ...💢

Miyuki: Shu also has another meaning.. Ehem- Shu is a Chinese surname. It is 43rd in the Hundred Family Surnames, contained in the verse Xiong, Ji, Shu, Qu. Šumuru sinicized their clan name to the Chinese surnames Shu, Xu or Xiao after the demise of the Qing dynasty.

All: ...

Mizuki: In another rumor i heard, The people of Shu Han, known as the Shu, are described as having golden eyes and straight black hair. Shu Han and Ravka have been at war for centuries.

Naru: Sounds like evil..

Mizuki: It just a story. Who knows it true or not. But if it is.. I'm sure it reference to Red Eye. Evil, Dark -

Valt: Don't say like that!!

Mizuki: Meh, i'm just kidding.. Plus, i don't think a cute person like him can be that bad..

Miyuki: 'What the Fuq bro..? That's my mama..'

Lui: Oi, Aikawa- Wanna fight?

Mizuki: Hmm... I thought you guys hate each other..

Lui: That was a past you damn-

Valt: Lui the kids here!

Mizuki: So you're couple?

Everyone in the living room remained silent after hearing the black bluish -haired male statement. Valt and Free looked at Lui with a cold look while Fubuki and Lane looked at each other.

Shu: We just a rival.

Mizuki: 'But your face said otherwise Kurenai~'

!!-Beyblade Burst Random-!!Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя