In the arms of love

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Kaoru POV
Joe’s return was a big hit. His coming back and beating Adam, Mr. Undefeatable, huge news. Everywhere I went the following day I heard it. Whispers of Joe’s name spoken behind hands. No one talked about S, but everyone knew about S. I hid my smile behind my fan. Currently, Joe was being a grouchy ass bear on my love seat.
It had been late when we returned home last night. His left leg was in a cast. He had a huge bruise acrossed his back. Otherwise, he was fine. Miya had been happily painting the wall when I left. I needed to pick up supplies, for my business as well as for the extra people in my apartment.
“Cherry, how is he?” Reki asked. He came around the truck. I had sent both the boys home last night.
“He’s fine. Has a broken ankle but he will survive.” I informed him.
“What about that restaurant? Is it good?” He looked even more concerned. I shrugged.
“Don’t know yet. I needed to pick up some orders before we go check it out.” I finished loading up the back of my truck, closing the gate, I looked over at him.
“How’s the board coming?” I asked. I knew Reki hardly slept. Whenever I looked at him, I saw so much of myself in his face. Last Christmas I anonymously mailed him a weighted blanket. It had helped me find sleep better. Some nights, after I left S, I would check on his house. If I saw the light on in his window, I snuck up to see what he was doing. More than once, I had shimmed through the open window to wrap the blanket around him if he fell asleep at his work table.
“It’s toast. I’m going to have to redo the entire deck. I’ll get it ready by the time he can walk again.” He smiled waving he dashed away, packages stuffed in his bag. He zipped through the intersection and raced down the hill. I smiled. He was a good kid.
“No, you need to put it over there. Why would the dog be in the tree?” Kojiro was complaining.
“If you don’t stop it, I will shove this brush somewhere it’s not suppose to be!” Miya yelled back.
“You think you…”
“Now, now, fight nicely or no one gets ice cream!” I stated shaking the package. They both shut up. I smirked. So alike.  After I got everything put away, and we had our treat, I helped Kojiro to the car. We put the address into the GPS. Kojiro was watching the landscape go by.
“What are you thinking?” I asked. He snorted. Rolling his head along the head rest he looked over at me.
“That you drive like a granny.” He stated mildly. I smirked.
“Better than a gorilla.” I teased back. He snorted.
“I don’t know about that, never rode with one.” We chuckled. The restaurant was up ahead. Pulling in I was shocked. It looked pretty decent. Miya had looked it up online this morning. It hadn’t been one that was on their list since it wasn’t for sale.
“Kaoru, do you know what this is?” Kojiro asked sitting up straighter.
“Your new restaurant.” I answered.
“This was the Shindo family estate restaurant back when the old man was still alive. You couldn’t get a seat in here. The reservation list went out like two years.” He gasped, eyes bulging.
“I’m sure you can return it to its glory days.” I shut the car off. Kojiro climbed out. Miya handing him his crutches.
“I doubt that. Man, I’ve always wanted to see the inside of this place!” He gushed, eyes shinning. I stepped to his side. My hand reaching out to rest against his on the handle of the crutch.
“You told me to have faith in you.” I whispered. He turned that adorning smile on me.  I gave him one back.
“Thanks, Pinky.” He cooed, linking our pinkies together. My cheeks warmed a little, I fanned my face. His soft chuckle told me I hadn’t hid anything from him. Miya rushed ahead with the keys. He pulled the door open, holding it for his injured father. We all moved inside.
Piles of covered furniture greeted us. I stood watching the dust float around in the sudden light. Miya was opening the curtains. “It’s all here?” Kojiro whispered. He moved inside. I went with him, I hated being alone, plus our fingers were still locked together.
Miya pushed open the door to the kitchen. The jangle of the keys clipped to his belt loop could be heard as he rushed around. He was back to hold this door as well. I smiled down at him. He gave me a pouty face, but he couldn’t keep it. His smile came out as his eyes went to the face of the man who raised him. I could see the love they had for each other.
“There are stairs in the back. I didn’t see where the went to.” He offered as we came into the kitchen. Kojiro smiled his quirky side grin at the kid.
“Go on, let me know what you find. And Miya…” He waited for the boy to pause, turn and look at him. “… be careful! I mean it!” He ordered. Miya’s cute little laugh filled up the air around us as he hurried away promising he would be fine.
Watching Kojiro’s face as he was torn between following the boy or exploring the kitchen was priceless. I never thought I would see this side of him. No, I smirked. That was wrong. I never saw this side of him towards someone else. He had always been this caring towards me. I leaned into his arm.
“Kojiro, he’ll be OK. After this, let’s check you guys out of that hotel.” I suggested. His laughter rumbled through his body.
“I can’t sleep on your couch until I’m healed, Pinky.” He snickered.
“No, but you can sleep in my bed. I have a spare room for the little kitten.” I remarked as I trailed away. He tightened his hold on my pinkie. I smiled behind the fan.
“Kaoru…?” I turned. The look of shock and wonder on his face was delightful. I moved back to him. One of his arms wrapped around me as he held his crutches with his arm pit. I snuggled into the space given to me.
“I’m not going to let you go, gorilla.” I mumbled into his chest.
“Then marry me.” He offered.
“Soon, but not until I get a better proposal than that.” My fan whacked his shoulder as I moved away. We could hear the little feet running around upstairs.  Grasping a white cloth I pulled it off of what ever chrome appliance it was covering. I was gently, but rudely shoved aside.
“No way! This thing costs like a million bucks!” Kojiro cried.
“Then maybe you should sell it and get you some manners!” I grouched. He smirked.
“Sorry. I still love you, four eyes.” He washed that grin over me. The fan hid my blush as I ducked away from him. Had I said it back yet? I couldn’t remember. Leaning against the wall, I watched as he moved around peeking under things. I sighed.
“I love you, as well, Kojiro.” I stated. His hulking back was to me. It froze in the middle of flexing for something. I fanned my heated face. What was he going to do? My heart hammered in my chest. I realized, aside from saying it to a blood relative I had never uttered those words in my life.
“I love you, Kojiro Nanjo!” I stated louder. The mountain gorilla slowly turned to face me. He was hampered by the crutches and the somewhat small space he was currently investigating. Red eyes flashed as he looked at me. I ducked behind my fan.
A moment later he was pushing it down. “Say it again, please?” he begged softly. I lifted my heated face to look up at him. He gasped. I wrapped my arms around his neck. Bringing our lips to almost touching, I looked into those eyes. “My heart has always belonged to you, you idiotic gorilla. I love you with the very depths of my soul.”
“Kaoru…” my name on his lips was sealed there as I pressed ours together. It seemed fitting. He held me, a bit awkwardly with the crutches, but I didn’t care. His arms were around me, his body before me. He was here, he was really truly here and now I could live again.
As he pulled away, he lifted me slightly higher. Nuzzling his face into my neck, I felt him breathe in my scent. I closed my eyes as I hung from his shoulders. My home wasn’t four walls, white and sterile looking. My home was here, in his arms. It was the only place I ever felt safe.
“I love you more than I can ever express Kaoru Sakurayashiki. One day, I will propose like you deserve. Then I will take you on a whirlwind world tour. There are so many places you could leave your mark on this world, my love.” I swiped the tears away.
“Stupid gorilla, you are the only world I need.” I smirked. “Can I leave my mark on you?” Before he could answer, I moved the cloth away and bit into his shoulder. He jerked slightly but didn’t pull away. My teeth went deeper into his flesh. I heard his intake of air, trying to stive off the pain. He let me bite him. I couldn’t believe it!
“Feel better?” He asked when I let go. I kissed the small wound.
“Yes. You’re mine now and forever.” I stated.
“Ditto, love.”
“Will you two stop,already!” We broke apart when we heard his command. “I’ve been waiting for like five minutes!” Miya stood on the staircase, arms folded and scowling at us.
“What, feeling left out?” Kojiro asked.
“No!” He cried, stomping one foot. Kojiro scooped him up. He rubbed his face against the boys until the teen was laughing. I stepped up behind him. I caught his back, pressing him into Kojiro.
“Miya, do you think he is big enough for us to share?” I asked the cat boy. He giggled.
“Yeah.” He wiggled to get one arm free. I was shocked when he wrapped it around my neck. He then leaned his head against mine.
“Will you adopt me too, when you guys get married?” He asked. I hugged him tighter.
“If you wish.” I said.
“There’s an apartment upstairs. It looks fully furnished.” He informed us. “And bigger than his little place.” He told Kojiro. I smiled at the two of them. No, I smiled at my family.

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