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Kojiro POV
I stood looking in the mirror. The white dress shirt stretched acrossed my shoulders nicely. The light grey suit jacket and pants set off my skin tone making it look almost golden. I loved it. Selecting a tie that had greys and blues mixed together I slipped it over my head. My hair was another thing.
Out on a skateboard, it didn’t matter if it was slightly messy. The wind blown look suited my beach boy appearance. Today, however, I wanted to look better than my best. Today, I wanted him to remember me. Today we would be graduating high school and moving out into the world. Today, I would be leaving my best friend. I wasn’t sure if I would ever see him again. I had yet to tell him.
My parents died in a freak accident last year. They were fixing up the antenna on top of the house, when heat lightening struck. The doctors said that my father took the brunt of the strike. It burned his heart. He shielded my mother, but since she was standing on a metal roof, it wasn’t enough to save her life. She lived two days in agony.
They had a small fortune saved. I stayed in the house, until last night. I sold it three weeks ago, just finalized all the paperwork yesterday. Everything I owned was either in storage or a backpack. That was all I would be taking into my next adventure.
I wanted to honor my father and become the chef he always thought I could be. To do that, I planned to travel as far and wide as I could. I would learn from anyone who would teach me. Someday, I hoped to return to my hometown. I planned on opening a restaurant right here. Maybe by then, I could have the person I love, love me. I doubted that, since he was dating someone else. My leaving would just solidify that relationship.
It was cliché, I knew, but I was in love with my best friend. Our other best friend knew this. He also beat me to my confession and stole the love of my life away. So, I played the part Kaoru thought of me to be. I was a playboy. Had women dropped over my arms daily. Never was I in the presence of the same woman twice. I let them flock to me, because they meant absolutely nothing to me. The only one that had ever touched my heart, was the pink haired vixen I fought with on a daily basis.
I gelled my hair to hopefully stay in place during the ceremony. To me, it looked weird. To him it might just look like I at least cared a little bit about my appearance. I went to get my graduation gown, just as the phone rang. The front desk called to say my taxi was ready.
Putting the backpack over one shoulder, I hung the garment bag with my cap and gown over that arm. I walked out, there was no need to look back. I did that enough over this past year. Starting today, I would only look forward. I strolled down to the front desk, handed in the keys and finished up my check out. Walking out I got into the taxi. I told the driver my destination. There would be no graduation parties for me. No drunken confessions. No one night stands. I would leave this town without a mark from me upon it, aside from the wheels on my skateboard, which now sat in the storage shed. I was even burying Joe the skater this day. From now on, I was simple Kojiro Nanjo, a chef in training.
As we neared the school, I scanned the students. Searching for any sign of the flamingo pink hair. My eyes flirted over all the heads, but I didn’t see him. Wouldn’t it just be a kick in the ass if he boycotted graduation? Well, I had planned on that! I wrote a letter. If I didn’t see him, I would send it from the airport. My swan song to him, the mystro of my life. I had hoped to see him one last time, to say good bye. Maybe get a farewell picture… A flash of pink locks zipped past my window. The driver stopped at the door. I smirked. He was here.
“Thank you.” I paid the driver leaving him a nice tip. Stepping from the car, I slung my items over my arm. He hadn’t seen me yet, too busy watching his boyfriend presiding over his court. I smiled walking toward the doors. I wouldn’t bother him just yet.
“Kojiro” A female voice whined out. I smiled at the pretty red head, not knowing or caring what her name was.
“I went by your house today to give you a ride.” She pouted claiming my right arm. “There was a moving van in the driveway. Strangers said it was their house...” She pouted, waiting for an explanation.
“It is, I sold it yesterday.” I confirmed.
“But, where are you going to live? I didn’t get an invite to your grad party either!” I pulled my arm away, moving toward the doors. I could see that pink head turned slightly in my direction as he listened in.
“That’s because I am not having one. Now I need to get a few things done before the ceremony. See you ladies there.” I laughed heading, again, towards the building.
“See you at the party at S tonight!” several female voices squealed. Nope wasn’t going to be there either. I knew that even as I planned the night with the other two founders of the skate scene. I just didn’t tell them.
Finally I made it into the cool hallways. I had asked the principle if I could keep my bag in his office. He had graciously agreed once I told him why. Secretly I think he was just glad I would be out of his hair. What little there was left. After taking care of my things, I went to put the gown on. He found me then.
“You didn’t answer her.” He accused in his superior tone.
“Didn’t think it mattered, Pinky.” I said.
“Where is your skateboard?” He demanded.
“With the rest of my things.” I smiled at him. “Come on, or we will be late.” I tried to pull him to the door. He stood his ground. For anyone else he was a pushover. For me he fought tooth and nail. I honestly believed it was because deep down, he hated me that much. I had forced my friendship on him. Well, now that wouldn’t matter.
“Kojiro, what have you done?” He asked. His pale face going even paler.
“Nothing that concerns you, now I’m heading to get lined up.” I walked out. I knew if I stayed alone with him, I would ruin everything. Adam was waiting outside.
“Joe, were is your board?” He asked.
“In a safe place.” I stated. I led the way to where the teachers were getting us set up.
We walked out. All our friends and families lined the bleachers as we threaded our way through. We took our seats in front of the crowd. The speakers were boring. After a time it got to the diploma part. We walked the stage one at a time. I had no one waiting to take a picture of me receiving my prize for spending all my life in this school. I shook their hands and returned to my seat. I clapped for Adam and Cherry, secretly taking pictures of him. I wanted as many as I could for the years ahead.
It took forever, but soon we were released. I made my way to where Adam and Cherry were talking with their families. I got Cherry's mom to take a picture of him and I together, before Adam showed up to jump in. I laughed and smiled all the while avoiding the question of what I was going to do now.
In the end, it came down to it. I stood under the very tree I had first seen his incredible face. Looking up into the pink foliage, I knew where ever I saw a cherry tree, I would think of him.
“Kojiro, you're scaring me.” He whispered. “Tell me what idiotic idea is rolling around in that gorilla brain of yours!” He demanded.
“I am really glad you came today, Kaoru. I was afraid you would boycott.” I smirked. “This is fitting. Saying good bye to you, in the very place I first said hi.” I saw his head jerk out of the corner of my eye.
“G g g good bye?” He stammered. I lowered my gaze to look at him.
“This is were our footprints end. The spanning years from our first meeting to our last, was it worth it? Did you ever want any part in my life?” I asked. He frowned.
“What are you going on about Gorilla?” There was no venom in his tone. In fact it shook ever so slightly. Maybe the robot had emotions after all. He stood so still, like he was bracing himself for a storm.
“I’m leaving. I sold my house, I put everything in storage, now I am only waiting for the taxi.” I told him keeping my voice firm.
“Were are you going?” Was his voice cracking? No, he wouldn’t give me that much emotion.
“I plan to travel. Where ever I want.” I said. “My first plane will take me to America. It’s a big place. I think maybe three years should be enough to explore it all.”
“TH, the three y, years?” He gasped out. I nodded.
“I want to be a chef, Kaoru. Like my dad had planned for me.”
“You are going to be gone three years?” He asked his voice quivering.
“No.” I said. He looked a bit relieved. “I will be gone much longer than that.” I said. Adam came up then. He saw how his boyfriend looked, what terrified, relieved, I was always bad at reading the little bit of emotions he showed around me.
“What’s going on?” Adam demanded.
“You win. I’m tired of fighting you for his attention or affection.” I stated. “Just know, Cherry, you always had a choice.” I lifted the bag to my shoulder. I had changed my clothes. My cap and gown were being donated for next year. “I was always in love with you, and Adam knew it.” I said as I watched the taxi weave through the crowd towards me.  A shiver ran over his body. His deep angry eyes flashed to Adam.
“My plan is, someday, to return. Open a restaurant here, back home. But I don’t even know where home is any more. I will see where the wind takes me. It might just be best if I never return.” The taxi pulled to a stop before the cherry blossom tree.
“You'll write, call me, won’t you?” Kaoru asked. I shook my head.
“I will follow the advice you first gave me. I will leave you alone now. Thank you for allowing me the pleasure of your company all these years. Soar with the angels, Cherry. You deserve happiness. With me in your life, I doubt you would have ever found it. This is good bye. Permanently.”  I held my hand out. He scoffed at it, refusing to touch me. I sighed, what did I expect. To me he had been my best friend. To him, I was nothing but his biggest nightmare. I turned to Adam. He shook my hand.
“Safe travels.” He stated. I nodded.
“So long, Kaoru.” I whispered as I moved to get in the taxi. He didn’t move. I told the driver to take me to the airport. The car began to move. I bit my knuckles to keep from crying. I would hold out until we got to the highway. I told myself.
A flash of pink had me looking up. He was there outside the window on his skateboard. I rolled the window down. He looked down at me. His head dipped into the window. Thin elegant fingers clutched my hair as he yanked my head to his. His lips touched mine. He forced his tongue inside my mouth. I returned the kiss, eagerly. It had always been something I had wanted to do.
When he pulled away, he was crying openly. “We were always more than friends. You were my soul.” He let me go. “I will be your home.” The taxi pulled out into traffic. My last look of him was standing on his skateboard, tears streaming down his face as he watched me drive out of his life. Adam had reached him, he was in the arms of the man he had chosen. I turned away.

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