Cherry Blossoms

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Kojiro POV
The kid let out my secret. I guess it was bound to happen. Never did tell him not to say anything. The look in Kaoru’s eyes, I’ve seen before. Caution. I know what that Pink fried brain is thinking what else haven’t I told him. I smirked. Let him stew for a bit.
Man I can’t get over how good he looks. He definitely kept in shape, which only mildly surprises me. I used to have to threaten him to get him to the gym. Although he has leaner muscles, built more like a boxer or MMA fighter, than me, he was strong. I loved his strength.
“Kid?” I called.
“hmm,” was my only answer.
“There’s someplace, I think I should take you tonight.” I stated as I laid out all of the ingredients for chicken parmesan with a side of rice and salad.
“S?” Came his tiny voice. I smirked, of course he would have heard about it.
“That’s right.”
“Some dude named Reki is telling everyone Joe will be there.” He informed me. I raised an eyebrow looking up at four eyes watching me.
“Reki is a delivery boy. He skates and builds skateboards.” Kaoru explained. “He’s talented. Reminds me of you in so many ways.” He paused softly I heard him mumble “and me.” He turned away to go fiddle with his kettle.
“Kojiro?” it was a soft sound behind me. Sure, now he wants to bring up the deep stuff. I bit back the sigh.
“Yes, Kaoru?” I asked.
“Did you ever…” He paused. I didn’t turn around, a smirk played on my lips. “Had you ever…” He stopped himself again. I snickered.
“Come on, Pinky, spit it out.” I encouraged him.
“Did you ever think of me?” his voice had dropped even lower. I closed my eyes.
“DON’T CLOSE YOUR EYES WHILE YOU ARE CHOPPING STUFF!” He suddenly yelled. I heard an “eep” and a crash from the living room.
“STOP SCARING THE KID!” I screamed back before dashing around the corner. Miya was picking himself up from behind the couch. I paused a moment before going through our typical list.
“Anything broken?”
“No.” He muttered standing up and shaking out his limbs.
“Anything bleeding?” a shake of the head, a wince. I moved closer to him.
“Anything sore?” He touched his head. I brushed the hair away. He had a red mark from where he probably banged it off of the floor.
“Name, stats?” I demanded.
“Miya Chinen-Nanjo, thirteen, skateboarder, artist, dreamer and cat lover.” He went on to state the date and then proceeded to place his head against my stomach. “Ouch!” He muttered. I gently probed around his neck. He made no further sounds of pain.
“Is he…?” Kaoru asked.
“He’ll be fine.” I scooped the kid up in one arm. He laid his head on my shoulder, cuddling there. It was rare he did this. I laid my head over his as I hummed to him. He only allowed this kind of closeness when he was sick. I carried him to the kitchen.
“You have any aspirin?” I asked. Kaoru nodded before heading away.
With Miya clinging to me I went on with preparing our meal. “He’s nice, mean, and totally into you.” Miya stated in my ear.
“That sums him up. Did you do your mean routine with him?” I asked. A soft chuckle gave me my answer. “Did he pass?” I smirked. Small arms wrapped around my neck.
“mmmhmmm” He whimpered. He tightened his hold on me.
“Miya, I won’t ever leave you, you know that.” I reassured him, hugging him back. I rubbed his back. “He doesn’t come first, even if he has been in my life longer. Until you are ready to stand on your own, I will be here to hold you up.”
“I love you, dad.” I tightened my hold on him.
“I love you too, son.” I whispered. A sniffling sound drew my attention to the door. I smirked as Pinky wiped at his eyes. He thrust the bottle of pills at me. I shook two out got the water and held it out to the boy. He took them.
“I left my tail at the hotel.” He muttered.
“We can stop and get it.” I assured him. He clung to me as I worked. This was almost typical of him. At least it was until he became a teenager. He used to hold on to my back as we cooked together all the time.
“Dad?” He asked.
“Why is Joe a playboy?” I laughed.
“Because Cherry is in love with his skateboard.” I stated. A humph came from behind us.
“Carla, isn’t just a skateboard.” There was a soft ding.
“No, master.” The voice chimed out of the walls. I chuckled more.
“You made her into a smart home?” He held up his wrist. On it was a glowing bracelet. I had seen it when I first saw him. I hated it. Wondering who gave it to him.
“She is my assistant.” He explained. I felt Miya move slightly.
“You, ok?” I asked him.
“Yeah, but can I…” His voice died away.  He curled back against me.
“Of course.” I patted his back. “Now, for you, four eyes, every second of every day.” I looked up. Our eyes locked. His widened as he saw the sincerity in mine.
“The guy from Spain, well, in Spain, he was an American. They have these drag queen shows over there. You would have ruled them.” I pointed my knife at Kaoru to emphasis my point. “Anyway, when I first met him, he was in drag. He had pink hair, a slim build, I let my imagination get away with me. Bought him a few drinks. It wasn’t the same.” I added.
“Why?” Kaoru asked a smile playing on his lips.
“Probably because he didn’t yell at him or call him stupid or gorilla every two seconds.” Miya pointed out.
“Alright little spider monkey.” Kaoru snorted. Everything was ready to go in the oven. I slipped the pan in, and set the timer. Next, I started cutting vegetables for the salad. Kaoru picked up a knife. He pulled out a second cutting board. Working with me, we quickly sliced and diced the items, tossing them all into the bowl of spinach. As I put it in the fridge, Kaoru began to clean up.
Miya kicked him. “Hey!” we both cried at the same time. He laughed in my ear. I smirked.
“What?” I asked the kid. He shrugged. Before squirming out of my arms.
“Wanted to see the appeal.”  He chuckled. “I will go back to painting now, so you guys can make out a bit.” He was gone before I could say anything. My hand went to my shoulder. It was still warm from his body heat.
“They grow up fast, or so I’m told.” Kaoru said. I kept silent as I helped him finish the clean up. Leaning with one hip against the counter, I dried my hands on a towel.
“What about you, Pinky?” I asked
“What about me?” he retorted. I hung the towel over his shoulder as I dropped my writs on either side of his head.
“Did I ever cross your mind?” I asked. He stepped back, out of my reach. I frowned as he turned slightly away.
“Do you know why I was at the Cherry tree today?” He asked.
“You love Cherry Blossoms. It’s why you took the name. I’m surprised you don’t have more around here. Come to think of it…” I ran a hand across my forehead. “… I didn’t see any on your business card logo or the invite for graduation. You always put them in your designs.” I frowned.
“It’s been ten years since I’ve drawn a Cherry blossom.” He whispered. I gasped. “I can’t look at them without thinking of you.” He kept his face hidden from me. “This is the only day of the year I can stand to go look at that tree. Every year I go there hoping to hear the two words I didn’t hear until today…” His voice choked up. Inwardly I groaned. I had left him here alone with all our memories.
“Hello, Pinky.” I whispered as I wrapped my arms around his waist. One thin hand slipped into mine, lacing our fingers together. The other reached up to curl around my neck. He arched back looking up at me. I bent. Our lips met in the middle. Now we could start making new memories. I thought.

ConnectionsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora