Boy: Come on! You're almost there! 

Seraph: Don't have to tell us twice... [cough] Ah shit.... 

Seraph coughed out some blood as he feels himself getting weaker. 

Texas: Hold on a little longer. There should be a doctor at the town. 

Seraph: That is if we know where we are... [grunts] 

Seraph replies, finally reaching the outdoors as he and Texas sighs. 

Boy: U-Umm... About that... I'm not familiar with this place...

Texas: ....

Seraph: ...... great..... just what we needed...


The sound of rumbling alerted the trio as they look back at the mines. The ground shakes as they hear multiple footsteps getting closer. Then they saw it, a large group of golems infused with Originium marching from the mines file by file. 

Seraph: You got to be kidding me...

Boy: I-Is this the e-end of us...? 

The boy shutters, hiding behind Texas who pulled her two swords while Seraph pulled out Lumina as he grunts. Texas looked over to Seraph, worrying about his condition. 

Texas Thoughts: At this condition, Seraph wouldn't be able to last longer... I have to step up. 

Texas thought to herself, gripping her swords tightly.

Seraph Thoughts: So tired... but....

Looking at his other hand, instead of the Orb of Light, in his hand was a glowing dark purple orb. Seraph can't help but have a feeling to devour.

Seraph: .... Texas listen...

Seraph started, surprising Texas as she notices his body starting to glow purple. 

Seraph: Take the boy and get out of here... [cough] Something BIG is about to happen.

Texas: What?! I can't just lea-! 

Seraph: There's a moment in Triumph for those who wanted to be the hero they wanted to be... please... let me handle this.

Texas was taken back by Seraph's response, but nodded in response as she takes the boy and runs to a safe distance, leaving Seraph behind.  

Seraph: So this is it... [cough] my moment of Triumph....

Feeling the Void empowering him, Seraph felt himself going limp, his eyes glowing with a mixure of different purples. As he begins to hear voices. 

Seraph: So tired... so hungry... must... heal...

"A flash of violet pulled my eyes from down sight."

Seraph: must... go on...

 "A aircraft careened out of the smoke, burning black-indigo. And I saw her, riding the wing, but she was gone in a blink as the ship smashed into the earth."

Seraph: hope...

"She reappeared in the middle of a legion, and in a second half-heartbeat, rose into the air and dropped an explosion of void the likes of which I'd never seen."

Seraph: fate...

"I had believed I was a Voidwalker... until I beheld my mentor."

Seraph: destiny...

"From the smallest atoms bloom the greatest explosions."

Seraph: DEVOUR

Suddenly, Seraph was engulf with the Void as he begins to float towards the golems, his arms crossed as he felt himself charging up. 


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Then, Seraph exploded, the large group of golems were reduce to atoms as a giant Void explosion echoed with a shockwave for those that dare to be in its path. 


Just a few miles away, both Texas and the boy felt the shockwave hit them, nearly causing them to fall down as they look back to see somewhat of a galaxy-size explosion.  

Texas: Seraph!

Boy: Was that him?! 

Meanwhile, both Mostima and Exusiai heard a boom followed by a hit from the shockwave. They look to see the same explosion. 

Exusiai: What the-?!

Mostima: They must be there! 


Breathing heavily, Seraph felt the last of his energy fade away as he collapses to the ground, the Void slowly fading from his body. 

Seraph: Ha... ha.... could this day get any worse...?


Seraph: ....I just had to jinx it! 

Suddenly, the ground surrounding Seraph begins to rumble before collapsing. A earthquake was happening and Seraph caught himself in one.

Texas: Seraph!!! 

Hearing his name called out, Seraph looks back to see Texas and the boy heading towards. 

Seraph: Texas?! I told you to get out of here with the bo-

Seraph was interrupted when the ground begins to break itself, distancing him from Texas. 

Texas: Jump for it! 

Texas shouted, her hand holding out for Seraph to grab incase he jumps.

Seraph: Are you sure this will work?!

Boy: Trust her, sir! 

Taking a deep breath, Seraph risks it all and jumps, his hand reaching out to grab Texas'.

However, Seraph didn't make it by a inch and fell deeper into Terra.


Texas: SERAPH!! 

Texas could only watch in horror as Seraph descends further into the darkness, screaming for his life.  The Phoenix lets out a loud screech as it follows after the descending Seraph, not wanting to lose him. 

End of Chapter

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