30. The Lilac Party - Part 2

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I walked into the midst of the partygoers, nervous. I hadn't really figured out what I needed to do -- no surprises there -- but I had an idea of what I wanted to do.

"Tay, boogie with me?"

"Maybe later, if I see you."

"Oh, Vihokratana The Second, you got any drink tokens to spare? You don't need them, right?"

"I'm thinking I might, sorry."

"Has anyone seen Tay around? I'm really struggling with this ghost vision thing. Why do all of you have it so easy?"

"Dad, open your mind. He's literally behind you. You can see his suit, you drongo. Hey, hi there, Cousin Pat."

"Heya Golf. Tay, have you tried the punch? It stains your tongue but that's fun because then you could share it with someone who hasn't and--"

"Goodbye, Uncle Pat."


"Oab, I'm busy."

"Too busy to wish me happy anniversary at my anniversary party?"

Earth and Lee had just started their warm-up with an acoustic instrumental of Closer. Muk, in the goldest dress I'd ever seen in my life, was baring her incisor teeth at me while she clapped beside the stage. I poked out my tongue and pushed just my left shoulder back to glance at her husband.

"Happy anniversary."

Oab stacked his arms, stretching his lilac suit taut on his biceps. He'd recently got an undercut that I thought made him look like a gang member. I would have told him as much, in the past.


I raised my eyebrows at him as high as they would go.

"Nothing else?"

Oab's eyes flicked towards the stage and then back. "Nice to see you, man."

"Yeah. You too."

As Earth and Lee suddenly blended Closer into the chorus of Love Scenario and I was pulled into distraction trying to figure out why they'd play a song about a breakup at an anniversary, Oab swerved up beside me, pointed nose first.

"Seriously. I didn't think you'd let me see you."

I blinked at the cheerfully dancing guests, still percolating on Love Scenario like an old coffee drip machine. "What?"

"I didn't think you'd let me see you in that state."

A thread in my nervous system snapped, quite audibly, inside me. Every centimetre of my blue suit rounded on him.

"'That state'?"

Oab took a step back and shrugged. "I bet everyone's been telling you how surprised they are that you weren't able to pass on," he sighed. His voice carried a honeyed pity that made my uvula tense. "I wouldn't tell you that. You always did need me to force you out of your comfort holes. I figured you'd hide from my disappointment. But you've grown some balls after-all. Ghost balls."

A memory of Off talking about my balls in a similar way weirdly popped into my head and stilled the curses from rising. I spied a stick of asparagus on a table nearby and fwipped it at Oab's faltering sneer.

"Good try. You almost got me," I told him with a grin. "But you're a Book Two character. I haven't got time for you now. Enjoy your party, Dog Skin."

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