Chapter Four

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The school day had come to an end, I didn't want to admit it but I was extremely tired from teaching the children for at least five hours today. It was moreover the physical participation of getting the children's attention but I wouldn't trade being their teacher for anything else. I had just left the teacher's staff room and headed out of the school. Before heading out I bumped into my co-ed teacher, she wasn't all bad despite her being twelve years older than me, she was nice and tried to accommodate me, especially with the language barrier. " Ah, Teacher Luna you did so well today the children do enjoy having you" she said while smiling at me I just awkwardly bowed down to her I was extremely tired I needed to go besides I had plans after teaching and I didn't want to be late. "Co-teacher thank you I appreciate the light compliment" I responded to her, she had given me tomorrow's lesson plan and told me to dress for spring day tomorrow it was a small exchange of conversation together but I decided to break it and tell her I had somewhere important I needed to be, " no problem enjoy your night see you tomorrow" leaning towards the left while patting my shoulder. I was strolling down the hallway taking my time to exit the school building, I pulled out my phone and texted Lee stating that I'd be on my way and slid it back into my handbag.I finally left the building and headed for the restaurant I plan to meet Lee in. The walk was honestly refreshing after receiving such great news I couldn't get it out of my head that I will be a published author it was more so  like a dream then reality. But I couldn't shake this feeling of it I was extremely happy excited if you will, stuck in my own world I had actually accidentally bumped into an old lady. Which by the way she was not happy with the action that had taken place in fact she exchange the dirtiest look and continue to walk I was used to the funny stares, sly remarks this is what happens when you're in a foreign country they don't tell you but depict a loving and beautiful diverse and unified country. I've been here for a while now but they slowly changing which is a good thing but microagression is still a thing especially here in South Korea, more so anywhere in the world . I'll finally arrived at the restaurant it was a known Western style grill house and also pasta. The food was amazing that's why it became our spot I entered inside I eventually searched and saw Lee had settled with a glass of wine already. I was about to sit down on the chair in front of her then she said my name in so much enthusiasm "Hey Luna" Lee excited to see me I eventually settled down, The waiter came and asked for my order I asked for a glass of champagne with a smile on his face he took my order and left. " Hey girl  how you been?" I have a slight smile I told her I was all right she looked at me with doe eyes and continued with small talk. Conversation led to some laughter or two then it hit me I took out some paperwork from my handbag and slid it across the table giving it to her she gave me a confused look and grab the paperwork and read it. "No way is this for real" She looked up at me I could see the sparkle in her eyes she seem more proud of me that I finally just chased after my dreams. " Yes this calls for a celebration no?" I giggled at her and nodded my head to agree without wasting no time  she called the waiter and asked for around of champagne which to the waiter had agreed and went to get it. "Oh god I'm so proud of you friend well done on such a great achievement" she said as she held my hand and lightly squeezed it I didn't have much words to say I was more than thrilled myself grabbing her phone from her pocket and decided to text our friend Elisa Sharing the great news. It didn't take Elisa long to reply 'On my way'. Eventually the waiter came with our champagne bottle opening it with a huge pop along with pouring the nectar Imperial into the champagne glass And carefully placed it on our table. I took a few sips of the drink as it had a light sweetness to it together with a crisp taste giving it a fruity yet delectable taste " Ahh this is so nice" Placing my glass down on the table " This is your big break I'm sure you super excited" she smiled at me I looked at her and simply sighed replying with a simple yes. " Have you told Messiah yet". As she asked me  I choked on my drink while shaking my head answering her "why not?" She had crossed her arms awaiting for my answer, "I mean he has other things to do I don't think he cares that much" I had answered her taking a sip of my champagne once again. " Is that what you feel or you are simply assuming so? " She gave me a look of dissatisfaction I looked towards the other direction taking a deep breath " Come on he does" I said with a sarcastic laugh she didn't seem intrigued by my answer Leah had rested her back on the chair she was sitting on and took a sip on the Champagne before baffling me with her answer "I think, and this is just a direct assumption but there is something going on between you two" as I hear that sentence come out her mouth I was taken aback wondering where was this coming from. " Where did you get that assumption Lee?" My eyes grew bigger I didn't know what to say " Sis I know he spends most of his time with you then his friends the both of you seem extremely close besides friends don't act like the way you two do" she said waiting for my response but before I could say anything Elisa came in sitting next to us "Ohh thank god I made it on time" resting her hang bag down and catching her breath. In all honestly I was glad she interrupted us because I didnt know how to respond to such a question. " How are you doing Miss Almost Published Author!" A big smile planted on her face I looked at her and laughed " why you laughing this is big news I'm so happy and proud of you" holding my hands. " I'm happy that's all I'm going to say" I responded back to her " We need to celebrate this big achievement we need to drink to this babes Waiter can we get a round of shots please " she called for the waiter as he had responded with a shy nodded and processed to go to the resturant bar, " Ah come on guys we don't have to do all this" I feeling a sense of embarrassement  there was no need for all of this. " What do you mean we have to come on don't be a boring person you know we have to" knowing Elisa she won't take no for an answer I had finally succumbed to her demands and allowed her to win. " Alright let's celebrate" The waiter came with the shots and we dove into them, I felt the strong spirit gush down my throat the sensation felt strong I hadn't had shots in a long time but we were celebrating right so we order another round. It wasn't long before we gulped again, I was about to collect myself when I suddenly heard his name...  " Messiah over here" Elisa signaling him to come to our table I turned to see him and turned back I slid down my chair in sheer embarrassment 

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