I put a spell on you

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We all make it to the town hall and see the place is packed. A live band plays from the stage and everyone dances. "How are we supposed to find Mom and Dad?" Dani asks, standing on the balls of her feet. "Dani, you and Binx go take one side, Max and I will take the other." The two smaller of the group nod and head into the crowd with Binx on her shoulders.

Max looks at me and grabs my hand. "If you wanted sometime alone with me, you could've asked. Now might not be a good time, but I don't mind." I roll my eyes at the statement. "I sent Binx with her because she's likely to be taken, and he knows how to ward off the three longer than any of us. It's also dangerous to be seen all together. If any of the three spots us, they'll spot Dani. She's small and can hide in a crowd."

Max's face falls at my explanation, and I slightly frown. "Look, we're in danger, we can worry about dating once this is all over." I pull him into the crowd and miss his face lighting up. We  go deeper into the crowd till a hand lands on Max's shoulder. Max jumps in shock and twirls around to be met with an older man. "Dad?!" Max asks, surprised,

"I am not Dad. I am Dadula!" Mr. Dennison raises his cape to prove a point. The man notices me and smiles. "Well, who is this charming beauty?" He lifts my hand and kisses it. "Sorry if this is personal, but are you this y/n Max's been talking about?" I raise my brow and turn to the blushing boy. "You talk about me? Never mind! Something happened, and we need help!"

"Dani?" Mr. Dennison asks with fear. "No, Dani's fine. She's looking for Mom." Max assures his dad. The man nods and looks at me. "Would you mind if I talk with him?" I nod in understanding and lean to Max. "I'll keep an eye out." I whisper loud enough for him to hear and walk around the crowd.

As I look around the room, I hear Max on the stage, accusing the sisters of who they are. The room bursts into cheers as if they're special guests. Winnie then thanks Max for the introduction and the three get on top of the stage. Winnie takes the lead mic and begins to sing.

I put a spell on you
and now you're mine.
You can't stop the things I do.
I ain't lyyyyyin'.

It's been 300 years
right down to the day,
now the witch is back
and there's hell to pay.

I put a spell on you
and now you're miiiiiine!

Hello, Salem! My name's Winifred, what's yours?

I put a spell on you
and now you're gone.
My whammy fell on you
and it was strong.

Your wretched little lives
have all been cursed,
'cause of all the witches working
I'm the worst!

I put a spell on you
and now you're mine!

[Watch out!]

If you don't believe,
you'd better get superstitious.

Ask my sisters!
"Ooh, she's vicious!"
I put a spell on you,
a wicked spell,
I put a spell on you.

Ah say into pie,
Oppa mabey uppen die.

As she starts to chant, a fog billows and head straight over to me. I back up in fear of what it's for. Max, Dani and Binx see this and run up to me in hopes of helping. 

Hey, hi, say, bye-bye-i-i-i-i-i-i!
Bye bye

The fog reaches around my neck and fades away to reveal a chocker hug snugly around my neck. I realize that it's the same one from the house.

 I realize that it's the same one from the house

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Max grabs my arm and pulls me out of the building. "What is this?!" I ask as I try to take it off, but it doesn't allow me. Binx takes a close look at it before responding. "A talisman. They're used to bring power and good luck." 

"But why would they give it to me?!" I ask incredulous. Binx takes a moment to think. "It might be that your their sister. When siblings truly love each other, we often get gifts for them. I think they're trying to get you to remember by showing how much they love you."

I lift up the stone to inspect it. "It feels weird getting gifts from someone you grew up with but don't remember." I mumble.

"They're coming!" Dani informs us. We all panic and run off for a place to hide.

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