Goodbye, little sister

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A shadow swiftly flies through the air, a cape billowing behind the figure. A town soon comes into view before a boy sleeping restlessly in bed with the animals going into a state of panic outside.

The boy wakes up in a fright. He looks to the other bed in the room to see that it's empty. "Emily!"

The boy leaves his house and hears a faint singing voice, but ignores it as he continues the search for his sister. He notices his friend in the distance and quickly rushes up to him.

"Elijah!" He calls out. Elijah turns as his friend grips his arm. "Elijah, have you seen Emily?" He asks desperately.

"Nay. But look. They conjure." Elijah points to pink smoke flowing out into the air deep in the forest. "Oh god. The woods!" The boy realizes. The two boys then run into the clearing to be met with the sight of a young girl following a dancing woman carelessly.

"Emily!" The boy calls out in pure fear, but she does not take notice. "She's done for." Elijah breaths out.

"Not yet! You go wake my father, summon the elders!" The boy orders, to which his friend complies. The boy bolts into the forest, following his sister. He reaches to a house, where the door closes behind the girl.

The boy sneaks up and peek inside the house to see three cloaked figures huddling around something. They move out of the way to show Emily sitting politely in a chair, her face seeming to be in a trance, and the figures revealing themselves to be old women. The boy makes his way around the house, trying to find a way in. 

He climbs up the water wheel and crawls up to the upstairs to hear a surprisingly young voice. "I simply do not like this, Winnie! Why must you take this young girl's life, if not for your youth?" The boy peaks in and sees that there's someone else in the home.

A young, beautiful girl who looks to be his age stands in front of the woman with bright h/c hair. Her hair is long, down to her waist, but it's clean and healthy. The firelight helped her gorgeous locks shimmer. 

Her dress is long and black, but she turns around in a huff and the bottom half is a skirt that covers her back way. The front reveals to be pants stopping at the ankles. Around her neck bared a necklace warped snuggly onto it, an charm of silver dangled from the thread.
(I know this didn't exist in this timeline, but I wanted to add this so badly)

"Oh sister, please." The Winnie says and continues the concoction. The young girl speaks again. "I sincerely doubt you wish for eternal you just because you want to stay with me."

The three women stop and stare at her. "Darling." The blonde speaks up. The other one continues. "We love you from the bottom of our hearts. You have all our gifts and a heart worth more than any jewel. We can never bear the thought of breaking your heart by us leaving."

The young witch goes to say something, but Winnie  flicks her finger, and she falls to the ground, dead asleep, she then is floated to the beds so to get comfy. "Sleep tight, youngest sister." All three bid.

"Now, lets' get younger. For our baby sister." Winnie demands. "For our baby sister." The other two repeat in agreement. They finish the potion and walk over to the child with a large spoon.

"Open your mouth." Winnie orders. "No!" The boy finally speaks up, grabbing the three's attention. They turn to see him and the blonde gets excited. "A boy!"

The boy jumps down, ready to fight. "Get him, you fools!" Winnie barks.

"I got him." Mary says as she hobbles over to him. The boy moves to the potion with two of the sisters on the other side. He pushes the cauldron, causing the two to knock over the ingredients behind them. The the boy then tips the cauldron over, and all the contents spill out.

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