He stayed silent.

His face was completely blank, the guy didn't give a shit about the kiss. He's a cold hearted son of a bitch who just wants someone to sleep with every night.

"You've taken advantage of the wrong fucking girl Riddle."

"You owe me." Mattheo said

"If owe you?!" I exclaimed


"I don't owe you anything you son of a bitch" I whispered loudly in his face as I had gotten so angry that I had gone extremely close to the guy

"Don't fucking talk to me like that." Mattheo said

"What are you going to do, huh? Kill me? Go for it! Since I have nothing to loose otherwise! Kill me again Mattheo do it!"

"Shut up."

"No Mattheo I won't shut up! You've treated me like shit all fucking day! I thought we were friends in the beginning!" I said as I had began to calm down

"Mattheo your fucking with my mind"

He nodded slowly to himself..

Silence was filling the room, I was surprised that no one had woken up yet. I sat down on the couch feeling emotionally drained not knowing what to say next.

"Notice how you've been calling me by my first name all the time.." Mattheo said as he had began to calm down too.. I looked up at him and I swear I saw a little blush forming on his cheeks..

"Yeah.." I said

"Isabella" I heard Mattheo


"I said Isabella." Mattheo said while smiling, I had to study his face just to be sure if he was smiling genuinely or just fucking with my mind

"Y-you just said my first name.."

"Yeah I did Isabella"

"You're not doing this to fuck my mind right?"

"No, not this time" he said now sitting next to me, what had just happened? We fought and now we're friends again, holy fuck..

"You can call me Bella Mattheo" he nodded as if he approved of the name 'Bella'

"And Bella.."

"Yes Mattheo?"

"I'm sorry." Mattheo said genuinely at least I hope he did, either way I smiled and gave him a nod "Me too" I said

"Good for you." Mattheo joked making me punch his arm lightly as a joke and saying "Piss of will you?"
Mattheo laughed making me join in the laughter though it died after a few seconds

"About the kiss Bella I—"

"Just forget it, it's fine, I'm fine" I interrupted

"Thank you."

I was in the great hall waiting with Enzo for the others to come while I took I bit of toast and began to put some butter on it.

They came shortly into the great hall and sat down next to us, Draco next to me. "Malfoy you look awfully tired"

"Oh you mean that?" He said sarcastically rolling his eyes "I had a rough day yesterday."

"What did you do mate?" Blaise asked

"Nothing I just—"

I didn't listen after those words because I saw Mattheo and his older brother entering the hall, Mattheo looked much more colourful in some way, like his pale skin had lightened up a bit, he didn't look as tired nor as angry, he actually looked happy and less intimidating..

He was approaching the table and sat down next to me with his brother on his other side "Hey Bella" Mattheo spoke up "Hi Mattheo" I said smiling, Enzo choked on his food

"Holy shit are you okay Enzo?" I asked

"I'm—" cough "I'm fine" Enzo said as he seemed to be okay now "Did he just call you Bella?" Enzo whispered

"Yeah so?"

"Bella! You two were enemies a day ago!"

"Yeah well we settled and became friends, problem?" I asked while taking a bite out of my toast that I had made.

"No— no you might as well introduce us" Enzo said

"Oh right!"

"Mattheo this is Lorenzo but you can call him Enzo" I said pointing at Enzo "Blaise, Rain, Draco, Theodore but he usually goes for Theo and that's Pansy— my sister.." I pointed at Pansy whom sat far away from us, reliefing

"Well if it isn't Malfoy" Tom began

"Rough day?" Mattheo chimed in as sarcasm filled his voice and his look

"Slept bad?" Tom said making a sarcastic sad face

"Leave him alone" I said rolling my eyes and pushing Mattheo though he didn't budge

"Miss Parkinson and Mr Riddle don't forget that you both have detention this afternoon." Professor Snape said, he came out of nowhere!

"Fuck sake he scared me" I whispered under my breath then answering "Yes professor, I haven't forgot." I said nervously

"Me neither." Mattheo answered

Suddenly Pansy came behind me and Mattheo with her minions behind her almost drooling over Mattheo

"Hey Mattheo.. mind if we sit here?" Pansy said in a flirty matter, making me feel sick, Mattheo looked extremely annoyed by the girls presence

"I'll take that as a no"

"Actually yes we do mind" I said now standing up "Bella don't bloody do this you'll get more detention Mate" Enzo said

"Shush Enzo"

"Pansy just face it the man doesn't want to fuck you" I said fiercely "Excuse me?!" Pansy said shocked

Mattheo and everyone around us burst out laughing and also 'Ooo' ed the comment I had just said

"Pansy are you deaf?" I asked

Pansy had lost for words, this felt so fucking good to put her in her disgusting place.

It was then she opened her mouth and said;

"Wait until father hears about this!" Pansy said making me burst out laughing "Oh for fucks sake Pansy don't act like Malfoy"

"I'm not like that!" Malfoy said

"Yeah sure" I said rolling my eyes "Go tell daddy and mommy what I've done, what will they do?"

"You're a bitch you know that"

"Yeah I know" I replied as my smirk didn't leave my lips, I could hear Mattheo and our friends laughing in the background at Pansy.

"Alright alright that's enough Bella" Mattheo said, still laughing, the guy couldn't hold himself together

"And Pansy."

"Yes Mattheo?"

"Respectfully fuck. off."

A/n: I'm a fucking queen for writing this chapter in two days, I started yesterday lol (European time lol) Anyways I'll try to write and post a chapter once or twice a week. It's hard I'm having a math test in two weeks and if I don't get good oh my god I'll die 😭

So basically I have to study asf 🥲

Hope you liked this chapter I'll see you in the next chapter❤️❤️

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