Chapter 16: A Night Of Discovery

Start from the beginning

Alma looked sympathetic before grasping Caroline's hand in her own and softly gliding her thumb over the blondes. "Anyway, to put it simply, I wanted each of those people dead." "Well, yes, that's quite understandable." Caroline gave Alma a weird look before carrying on.

Alma took a sip from her glass while Caroline composed herself. "Well, one night I had this dream... it involved this building and my bullies. They were screaming out in agony while this thing, this force, pulled them apart limb from limb." Alma took a rather large gulp while Caroline took a sip to help with her dry throat.

"Well, they were ripped apart and then fed to wolves, if we want to be exact." Alma took another large gulp. "Then what?" "I woke up and went to school, my bullies didn't show up that day, or the next or the next, I believe that my peculiarity may have killed them." Alma took another sip before moving closer to Caroline, who was drinking to avoid looking at Alma.

"Is that all?" Caroline lowered her glass. "No, that's the bit I told Olive and Emma." "So, there's more?" "Yes." Alma sighed before topping up her wine glass. Caroline continued after doing the same with her glass.

"Right, once I turned eighteen, I found out about the fact that one one my old bullies had three younger siblings, triplets. They were being put up for adoption as their mother had just passed away and their father didn't want them in the first place. No one was willing to have all three and the siblings were begging to not be separated, so I did the only thing my brain could think to do in that situation."

Alma took a sip and Caroline followed suit. The alcohol was helping with the emotions that came with the next bit of the story. The problem was that half the bottle was gone, Caroline had at least three under her bed encase they ran out anyway.

"What did you do?" "I adopted all three of them. Lillian, Chloe and David." Alma thought for a few moments. "Wait, I know those names." "You do, you have seen some of my memories after all." "Right, and that doll you gave to Claire?" "It belonged to Lillian, given to her by her grandmother." Alma laughed slightly. "So, you took in your murdered ex-bully's siblings." Caroline let out a chuckle before taking another sip and continuing.

"I wish that's where the story ended." Alma took a sip of her wine. "Continue..." "well, people starting talking about the fact that this random eighteen-year-old had taken in three twelve-year olds. Some of those people were taking it too far and shouting dusting things at my children as they walked to school every day. Well, they deserved to be harmed." They way Caroline spoke had Alma shaking on the spot.

Alma took a rather large gulp while Caroline smirked into her glass. " l hope you know that I never intended to use my peculiarity on my children. I would have killed myself before I let that happen, but I didn't know better back then, I didn't know what I was capable of doing." Caroline took a rather large gulp before topping up her glass again.

"To put it blankly, I mind controlled my children into doing horrific acts against people who said things about our family." Alma choked on her wine. "Well, people were getting suspicious, authorities were involved. Well, they tried to break up my family..." Caroline let out a sadistic giggle before taking another gulp of wine, Alma took a rather large sip as well.

"They took my children away; I didn't do much other than wait until their charges were cleared. I took my mind control off of them and they almost broke down from guilt. So, I needed to keep them under my control." Alma took another gulp before topping up her glass, the bottle was almost finished by this point.

"Well, as you might suspect, people were starting to wonder why my children were walking around like zombies. At this point I started to realise what I had done, the amount of blood of my children's hands all because I got power hungry after finding out how easily I can kill people."

Caroline emptied the rest of the bottle into her glass after gulping the rest of it down before getting up and retrieving another one from the box under her bed.

"How long have you had that under there?" "Since I got here." "You drink quite a bit then?" Caroline hummed in approval before taking another sip. "Only when memories become too much for me to handle on my own." "How often does that happen?" "More often than I'm willing to admit." "Hm, you could always invite me to drink with you at least you won't be alone then." Caroline laughed. "at least."

Alma took a sip of her wine as she watched Caroline think, if she was being honest, she quite liked the cruel side of Caroline she was seeing or was that the wine talking.

"So, your children?" "Right, well soon enough I had to relinquish control. The guilt eventually drew each one of them to suicide. Chloe by jumping off of a cliff, David by stabbing himself in skull with a pair of scissors repeatedly and poor Lillian took her own life by drowning herself in the nearby lake." Caroline let the tears run freely down her cheeks.

Alma thought for a few moments, she could hear the obvious regret in Caroline's voice as well as the physical proof staining her pure white cheeks. Could she risk it though? Having a murderer in her own home, she hadn't done anything yet and she was cautious around the children. She was scared of hurting them even. Alma thought that yes, she could let Caroline stay but if anything were to happen, she has to leave.

Caroline froze at the arms wrapping around her waist and pulling her closer. "Alma?" "Yes dear?" "aren't you scared? Or even upset?" Alma had lost most of her conscious thoughts due to the wine. "No, and to be honest, I'm a little turned on by it." "What the fuck!" Alma moved away from Caroline's arms and crossed her own. "don't shame me! It's just the thought of you killing someone, I think it excites me in a way, I don't know it might be the fact that you could kill me right now."

Caroline moved away from Alma and lent over the armrest; she would regret this tactic. Alma changed to her bird form and moved closer until she was directly on top of Caroline and changed back. "What? Why did you-?" Alma placed a finger on Caroline's lips. "This dress is awfully tight and difficult to move my legs in so it was easier, though, I don't suppose you could help me."

Caroline was trying to fight of the effects of her wine as she knew if she gave in then things would go downhill fast.

Caroline moved her head away from Alma's incoming one, to which she received a tut." help with what, my dear." "Oh, you silly girl. To remove it of course." Caroline turned red in the face and Alma let out what mostly resembled a Cackle. "Come on dear, we both know that you like me." "Well, I... Um-" Alma took the distraction to place a single kiss on Caroline's lips. The wine kicked in.

Caroline pulled Alma on top of her fully and started kissing her roughly. Alma kissed back with equal strength. Soon Caroline's hands had found their way to Alma's neckline. "Are you sure dear?" Alma looked at Caroline in the eye with a look of indifference plastered on to her face. "I'm sure Caroline, I want you to fuck me senseless."

That was the last bit of that evening that either of them could remember. 

My Precious Bird (Alma Peregrine X OC) Where stories live. Discover now