Teacher! Shanks x Student! Chubby Reader

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A/n: modern AU and One Piece x My Hero Academia crossover! She's the older sister of Ochaco Uraraka but she has the powers of Tomoe from Kamisama Hajimemashita.

3rd Person's POV

(Y/N) Uraraka, 24 years old, a college student and she has a younger sister named Ochaco Uraraka who is in her high school days in becoming a hero. They are poor sure, but (Y/N) is a scholar at One Piece College, she's like a prodigy but less strong. It's already the 24th of December, Christmas is tomorrow, (Y/N) has one secret that she doesn't say to others, she is in love with her teacher names Shanks, he is their advisory teacher and Sports Teacher, meaning he is in charge of their power course, (Y/N) sighed and looked at Shanks. He is a hunk man, a 37 old man....(Y/N) knows he is old and he knows a lot of things that she probably don't but....to (Y/N), he is so hot and probably the cutest boyfriend material. He is like a joker and at the same time, he is serious. That's what (Y/N) like about men, fun but with seriousness. Shanks makes a boring class into a fun one, (Y/N) love that about him. Although she's 23 years old and (Y/N) is in love with a 37 year old man who happened to be her teacher.

"(Y/N)-chwan~! What're you thinking about?"(Y/N) heard her friend, Sanji Vinsmoke asking

"Nothing....so what are we doing today?"the chubby girl asked and Sanji smiled while Nami and Vivi looks at me

"We are planning to invite you to the party in Luffy's house tomorrow, you'll meet many handsome and nice guys besides Sanji-kun"Nami said and (Y/N) looked at her

"H-handsome....? L-Luffy's house? D-do you you think they'll like me...?"she asked as Nami looks at her

"Of course they will! You're gorgeous as hell!"Vivi said while (Y/N) chuckled

"Of course, you'd agree...."she said and everyone sat down because the teacher is in front, (Y/N)'s crush.

'Shit his scar on his eye is so hot. Like I want to touch them and his body is so ughhhhhhhh. Why am I thinking like this again?' (Y/N) thought as she sighed and ignored her feelings

"I'll say this to you once before class starts, (Y/N)-chwan~! You're gorgeous~!"Sanji said to (Y/N) as she blushed since Sanji kissed her knuckles

'He is flattering me too much' (Y/N) thought again while smiling and mouthed thank you to Sanji who smiled too.

"Ms. Uraraka, my office later after class"(Y/N) heard Shanks say which made her and the other students widened their eyes

"A-am I in trouble, Shanks-sensei...?"(Y/N) asked and Shanks just looks at her which made (Y/N) blushing to this point.

'His eyes are so damn attractive, I am loving every inch of him now' (Y/N) thought

"You'll know later"Shanks said and (Y/N) nodded, feeling nervous and thought of what if scenarios on her head. Dismissal is on now and Shanks gestured (Y/N) to follow him

"(Y/N)-chan, good luck. I hope it's not serious"Nami and Vivi said while the poor chubby girl just nodded as she walks behind Shanks who greeted most students and teachers while (Y/N) just nod, they reached Shanks office and (Y/N) as a good student, closed the door.

"A-a-am I in trouble, sensei?"she asked and Shanks sat down as he laughed

"No, your not. In fact you are great, relax, I'm not gonna bite ya!"Shanks said and (Y/N) was begging to bite her which resulted her to have a tomato face right now

'Thinking about how he'd be so likely to bite me.....bite marks....love marks? WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST THOUGHT?!' (Y/N) asked herself

"Are you okay, (Y/N)-san?"Shanks as a good teacher asked and (Y/N) nodded while her phone rang

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