Trafalgar Law x Shy Chubby Reader

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3rd Person's POV

(Y/N) was with Luffy and the others, they made an alliance with Trafalgar Punk Hazard since then, (Y/N) haven't been thinking anything else except for Law. Meanwhile, they were lounging in the Thousand Sunny's deck, (Y/N) was just minding her own business, well let's say, she's staring at Law that is resting then Law felt someone staring at him so he suddenly looks at (Y/N) who widened her eyes and avoided eye contact.

"(N/N)-chan, are you okay? You look red, are you sick? Do you need Chopper?"(Y/N) heard Nami asking which made the poor chubby girl who was blushing shaking her head

"N-no, I'm fine!"(Y/N) said as Sanji made a big deal about it so he called Chopper and the chubby girl sighed.

"I don't have a fever guys, calm down please"(Y/N) said then the Straw Hats nodded and Nami looks at (Y/N) then nudged her on the shoulder

"Have you taken interest in him?"Nami whispered as she pointed at Law....which made (Y/N) blushing

"W-w-what?! N-no!"she said and Nami chuckled like an evil child

'Oh no, this is bad news' (Y/N) thought as she sighed

"I'm happy for you but....don't forget that we just made an alliance with him. Not like he's gonna stay here forever"Nami said which made (Y/N) sighing

"I know....that's why I'm avoiding him at any cost...I'm too shy to even get close to him"she said shyly and just smiled while Luffy went on to call Sanji for them to eat, (Y/N) sighed and she was hungry too. She stood up and began to walk towards the dining room, (Y/N) then saw how Law was surprised

'Oh yeah....not to mention, he isn't social like everyone in the ship' (Y/N) thought so she decided to break out of her shell and talk to her crush

"Don't look too surprised, Law. We're always like this, let's go"she said and boy she was surprised of what she had said, she was surprised that she is talking to him so casually!

"It's surprising....AND I DON'T LIKE BREAD!"Law shouted at everyone and made (Y/N) chuckling a bit

'So he doesn't like bread?' (Y/N) thought and Law looks at her

"Let's just go, Law"(Y/N) said and she grabbed Law's hand as she literally blushed and screamed in the inside but she smiled, (Y/N) led him to the table while she sat next to Sanji. (Y/N) was late for introduction but she's the older sister of Sanji, she didn't really have those curly eyebrows since (Y/N) just adopted him as her younger brother.

"I made you your personal favorite, (Y/N)-chwan~!"Sanji said as he laid a plater of (F/F) in front of (Y/N) and she smiled while she dig in

"Thanks Sanji, I appreciate you"she said and Sanji doesn't call her nee-chan since (Y/N) doesn't like being called like that when everybody is there, (Y/N) felt someone looking at her and Sanji

'Weird....I feel like someone is staring at me and Sanji....' (Y/N) thought and just shrugged it off, unknowingly, Law was the one staring at them

'Why are they so close and why is he like that to her? Are they related or something? Wait what am I even thinking and worrying for?!' Law thought as he shook his head.

(Y/N)'s POV

A lot of things happened when we arrived at Dressrosa, Luffy, me, and Law were fighting Doflamingo. My powers is Megami no Kajitsu...meaning goddess fruit. It's like a Devil Fruit but more in the goodness of powers, I mean I am basically a Goddess.....I have wings of a Goddess, a heavenly power of a Goddess. But I get beaten up by Doflamingo, I saw Law being beat up by him too. I tried to move to protect him but my body can't so I went unconscious, I then saw Cavendish-kun and I saw Law who was looking at somewhere...

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