Dying! Ace x Dying! Chubby Reader

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A/n: this is a Hanahaki Disease AU!

(Y/N)'s POV

Before Ace-san, me, and Luffy separated in Alabasta, I gave both Luffy and Ace-san's a vivre card and Ace-san gave one to me too in return. I was the captain of Cat Rose Pirates, meaning of it is we are like Cats, flexible and keen, while Rose is we are like beautiful roses.

"Be safe, (Y/N)"Ace-san said as I nodded then he kissed my other hand as a respect, me, him, and Luffy are both well how do I say this? Those two are brothers and I'm....I'm somewhat like a freeloader between their relationship.

"I will and you too, Ace-san"I said and yeah he is a year older than me and I am 2 years older than Luffy, we departed from one another and now I'm heading to a hospital. My crewmates were about me since I have this stupid disease called Hanahaki Disease, I cough up flower petals. It's a stupid disease of one-sided love, with who you ask? With Portugas D. Ace, I sighed and I stumbled on the deck of my ship, my members were shocked and aided me.

"I-I don't have much time anymore...."I said weakly while everyone took me to a nearest hospital, after a few months. I was diagnosed and I stayed in a hospital, my right hand man was taking care of me while everyone in my fleet gone to adventures without me. I admit they have improved, I then remembered how Ace-san proposes his dream to us when we were younger

~Le Flashback~

Ace, Sabo, Luffy and (Y/N) was on the forest, Sabo and Luffy have known that Ace likes (Y/N) since Ace acts so cunningly and flirty towards (Y/N).

"Ace! I heard you like (Y/N)-chan~!"Luffy said as Sabo chuckled

"Huh? Who the hell told that to you?!"Ace asked as (Y/N) was not there since she was looking for fish

"I did! Also it seems (Y/N) likes you too!"Sabo said and Ace blushed, his freckles was more out there, from his blush.

"N-no she don't!"Ace said and Sabo smirked

"Really? Have you asked her?"Sabo asked and Ace looks at him

"S-shut up!"Ace said as (Y/N) smiled and scared all three of them

"Ace-san! Luffy! Sabo-san! What're you talking about?"(Y/N) asked innocently and Luffy has a loud mouth

"Ace like y-----"before Luffy could even say something, Ace covered Luffy's mouth and told him to shut up and told (Y/N) to ignore it which she did with a huge smile on her face.

"Well okay! And Ace-san, your covering Luffy too much"(Y/N) said and Ace scoffed and let Luffy's mouth go as the poor boy gasped for air. After Sabo died, Ace proposed his dreams to become a Pirate to Luffy and (Y/N)

"I also promise to marry (Y/N)....after I become the most worldwide known, pirate"Ace said and (Y/N) blinked as Luffy nodded

"M-marry....? A-as in husband and wife...?"(Y/N) asked as Ace nodded with a smile but he was crying

"Yes...."Ace said and it made (Y/N)'s little heart have hope, after a few years, Ace began his journey. And then (Y/N) did too, apparently she inherited the Light-Light fruit that her mother ate. But after a few years, (Y/N) realized that it was just mere promise from Sabo and Ace isn't sincere to what he said to both Luffy and her. That is what she thought all years while having this uncommon disease called Hanahaki Disease.

~Le Flashback Ends~

"Captain! News!"my right hand man said as I got the newspaper in my hands and saw Ace-san.....

"Execution at Marineford?!"I asked as I asked for the vivre card, mine was slowly burning and so does Ace-san's vivre card. My eyes was covered by my hair, I sighed and stood up.

"Call everyone in Cat Rose Pirates, ready to sail to Marineford"I said and Suzuki, my right hand man's name nodded

"You should stay here, Captain (Y/N)!"Suzuki said as I held onto his shoulders, tears dripping

"....h-how can I stay still if....Ace-san is dying?!"I asked and I coughed more flower petals but I didn't care, I took off the dextrose around me, I prepared myself and everyone fleeted towards Marineford. I've become worldwide when I was half way to finding some members, I saw Whitebeared-san's ship next to mine.

"ACE-SAN!"I shouted as I saw Ace-san at the execution platform with Sengoku....

"(Y/N)! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!"Ace-san asked and I smiled

"So you went along with us to save Ace, didn't you, (Y/N)?"Whitebeared-san asked and I nodded but he looks at me

"You seem weak, leave this to us"Whitebeared-san said as I coughed up flower petals

"Captain!"Suzuki said as I glared at him and he stayed put in his place, we fought and at the middle of fighting. I saw Luffy, he grabbed me and I smiled

"(Y/N)! Let's save Ace together!"Luffy said and I nodded then a lot happened

Ace's POV

What are they doing here?! More importantly, (Y/N)?! She looks so weak yet she is giving her all just to save me, what happened to her?!

"ACEEEE!"I heard Luffy and (Y/N)'s voice while they went to me

"LUFFY! (Y/N)!"I shouted then they uncuffed me, (Y/N) hugged me

"I'm glad your safe, Ace-san!"she said and I hugged her as well, she then coughs flower petals with blood?

"Oi, oi, oi (Y/N)!"I said and she smiled, I sighed and I knew she isn't well. Is she sick? After that, both of mine and (Y/N)'s vivre card from Luffy was winded out and Akainu was targeting him, I was about to rescue my brother but (Y/N) leaped through me since she can teleport where there is light. I widened my eyes when Akainu punched (Y/N) on the stomach.....it wasn't supposed to be this way since she's also a devil fruit user.

"(Y/N)!"I shouted as Akainu was about to punch her again but I leaped through and took the punch as it went on my stomach just like hers

"ACEEEE! (Y/NNNN)!"I heard Luffy shouting as I smiled, I then collapsed on (Y/N) as she collapsed to Luffy backwards, after we talked to Luffy, I looked at (Y/N) who was breathing weakly.

"Y-your so bold....(Y/N)"I said and she smiled

"Y-you are too....Ace-san"she said and I smiled as I kissed her

"I love....you (Y/N)....since c-children.....m-marry me"I said

3rd Person's POV

While Jinbe was looking after Luffy, Ace confessed his love to (Y/N) who was shocked

"A-Ace...."(Y/N) said as she smiled while both of them laid beside each other and intertwined their hands

"I-I love you too....Ace"she said as both Ace and (Y/N) was smiling after their death, all people are shocked about this tragic love story of theirs. Shanks stopped the war and the Navy won by an inch, Shanks looked at both Ace and (Y/N)'s lifeless body as their hands intertwined. Shanks smiled but sadly

"Kids these days....how tragic"Shanks said as his people and (Y/N)'s fleet went to the grave to patch them up and make a suitable grave for the three dead people, Ace, (Y/N), and Whitebeared. One person smiled and looks at both (Y/N) and Ace's grave. One bottle of sake, four cups, and two can rings alligned to each other

"....you both go to heaven, didn't you, Ace? (Y/N)? You two are happily married"Sabo said as he smiled

"What a tragic love story you guys had"Sabo said and he walks away from the grave, he then turns back since wind rushes passed him as if in a mischief of presence, the soul of both (Y/N) and Ace appeared in the grave. They happily smiled


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