17. What was that now..?

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"What are you blushing now?" Niko asked and put the phone back into his pocket. I just poked him back as an answer and went to the bathroom. Obviously they all knew that there was something going on between me and Niko and well, he did not really try to hide it either. Most of the evening he was holding me close to him or even on his lap because there was so many of us that we were lacking the seats. He would keep whispering stuff into my ear, making me blush and giggle every now and then. And according to Robyn he had been talking about me the whole week, so.. Yes, they definitely knew and the poor guy for sure heard a lot about it. But so did I.

We said byes to Ro and Joel and walked down to the parking lot. The taxi was already waiting for us and Niko opened the door for me. He then went to the other side and sat in.

"Did you have fun?" Niko asked and told the driver my address.

"Yeah, I did... Just that.." I started and looked at my shoes. My heart was beating way too fast but I knew that I did not want to spend the night apart from Niko. Last night felt too good and I haven't slept that well for a weeks, so I knew I needed him to be there tonight as well. And I guess I needed him next to me for the rest of my life also but that was not the news to spat out just yet.

"Hmm?" the man took my hand and caressed the back of it.

"You wanna come over..?" I asked quietly. Niko gently squeezed my hand and pulled it into his lap.

"I'd love that.. But I need to feed Rommi first.. Or we could stay over my place, if that's ok?"

I nodded and let him pull me closer to him and Niko then told the driver the new destination. Two months my ass indeed... He didn't even need a month.

Rommi was already waiting for Niko nearby the door and greeted him by purring and rolling himself on Niko's feet.

"Hi buddy" he smiled and picked the cat up. He made a soft meow and Niko carried him to the kitchen where his food was. I followed them there and just adored how Niko took care of his little friend. While he dealt with his cat, I took a glass and filled it with water before drinking it.

"Can I use your shower?" I then asked. Niko turned to look at me and nodded.

"There should be some clean towels in the bathroom, on the topshelf" he smiled. I nodded and went to bathroom. Of course Niko wouldn't have any make-up remover so I had to get rid off my make-up just with water. After washing my face I reached for the towel, stripped down and went to shower. The water hit my body and I closed my eyes. My thoughts wondered back to Niko and what he said that one time on the phone, that how he wanted to be in the shower with me. Thinking back to that made my body react and I couldn't help but to think back to the previous time when I felt his naked body on mine. How gentle he was and how good he made me feel. How my boobs perfectly fitted into his hand and all the sensations he made me feel. God I wanted him so badly but I was not ready yet. I knew I was falling for him and I have no idea what I was waiting for. He was literally there, I could just go and let him have me, but there was this silent voice in my head that told me to wait a bit more. And I couldn't fight it.

After showering I realized that I'd probably needed to ask Niko to loan me a shirt because my tight t-shirt would be too uncomfortable to sleep with. Besides it smelt like onion rings so I decided to rinse it under the water and leave it to the bathroom to dry. Hopefully it would have enough time to dry before I had to wear it again. I wrapped the towel tightly around me and stepped out form the bathroom.

"Do you have any shirt you could give me to sleep with?" I asked Niko who was just connecting his phone with the charger. He turned to me and I saw from his face that he did not expect to see me wearing just the towel. He opened his mouth but not a word came out so he closed it and tried again.

"Sure, hold on" he opened the closet. He then pulled out a white t-shirt and handed it to me. I thanked him with a smile and pulled it on me before removing the towel.

"You can lay down, I go take a quick shower also" he gestured the bed. I nodded and put the towel over the door to let it dry.

Niko went to the bathroom and I laid down in his bed. Just as soft and comfortable as I remembered. I closed my eyes and again, the flashbacks from our naked bodies rolling on this very same bed came into my mind. Jesus girl, now is not the time... I felt my nipples getting hard and panicking I started to think how to hide that from Niko. I did not want to give him a wrong impression because I knew I was not ready to sleep with him even tho I was feeling needy as hell at the moment. That had to wait a bit more. I opened my eyes and saw Niko standing next to bed.

"Geez.. you scared me " I laughed. His shower really was a quick one.
"What you were dreaming about with such a lovely smile on your lips?" he asked amused and sat on the bed. Shit.

"Nothing.. " I buried my face into the pillow. Even it smelt after him. Goddamn this was gonna be a difficult night. Niko laid next to me and without any warning I was pulled hard against his body. The burning feeling took over my body again and I maybe let out a silent sigh. Only that it wasn't maybe. I did let it out and immediately wanted to disappear into air.

"Hmm.. what was that now..?" his hot breath hit close my face as his right hand played with the edge of the t-shirt I was wearing. He let his fingers carefully go under the shirt and move up all the way to the side of my left breast. Oh god how badly I wanted him just to take it into his hand...I caught his eyes in the darkness and I could hear my own heart beats echoing in my ears. Those loud du-dums were all I could hear before it started to mix with the heavy breathing. I did not know what to say to him so I just buried my face to the crook of his neck because I loved the closure I got from him that way. The man chuckled softly and moved his hand from my side boob to the back of my left knee and pulled my leg over him. He needed some closure too. It got so damn hot under the blanket that I was struggling keeping my body still. I knew that if I now moved, even a bit, it would woke up something in him too.

"Damn this feels good..." he whispered and pulled me as close to him as it was physically possible. 

"It does..." I whispered quietly against his neck and kissed the sensitive area between his ear and jaw. I wanted him to know that I was enjoying his closure too. Niko's hand moved on my butt and I felt him squeezing it lightly, which caused me to smile. Damn his hands on me...

"Sweet dreams.." he whispered and kissed my head. We both knew that we wanted so much more but he respected the fact that I wanted to wait and I loved it. Even tho I'm sure he knew how much I was struggling with it now.

"To you too.."

A/N: Guys, thank you so much about the feedback! This story has already gained so much read and votes that I have no words to thank you ♥♥♥ And special thanks to all those who are leaving such an amazing comments, reading them really makes my day 

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