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"Saijal! let's go to the office together today!" I told Saijal once everyone alse had left..

"Yes sir!" She mock saluted me...

"So Mrs Divika Aggarwal Singh Oberoi! How did you like the food today?" I asked Divi, It was just me,her, saijal, bhabhi,Adi, Rudy and Riya sitting in the living room and talking...

"It could've been better you know!" Divi said sassily...

"Acha ji?" I asked while raising an eyebrow at her...

"Alright! That eyebrow thing you've been doing today! it's intimidating!" She a ccused me and I just shrugged as a reply...

"And yes, the crepes were amazing!" She said making me grin...

I don't know why, but I really wanted her to like it...

"Waise, I liked it so much that you're making breakfast every Saturday and Sunday!" She said making Riya giggle...

"I am not making any promises! but I will try to make food more often now!" I declared...

"Pata hai bhai! Now only if you start singing, you'll be the old Ved bhaiya!" Rudy commented....

Earlier, when I used to be sad, happy or anything, I just used to sing, but since the last 5 years I never felt like singing...

Not wanting to change the atmosphere, I simply changed the topic...

"Aah! Rudy come to office today and guys please excuse me, I'll just get ready for office!" I excused myself and went to change.........

I was tying my tie when I looked at myself in the mirror properly..

What happened to the always fun Ved? Why was Riya so shocked to see you in the kitchen? Why was Divi so shocked when she tasted your panna cotta! This is not acceptable Ved! You can't be a brooding asshole only because of like 4 people! Ved be yourself! The lovely, jolly person! You are no longer that asshole! You were never that grumpy person Ved! 

I had just smoothened the tie when Divi walked in....

"Hi beautiful!" I called to her with my smile and she just looked at me shocked..

I raised my eyebrow at her....

"Woah Woah! just friends! remember?" She said while raising her hands in the air...

"Of course Divi! It's just harmless flirting!" She let out a sigh and I chuckled...

I went and caught hold of her waist she looked at me shocked...

"I am not that bad of a lover you know!" I said.. She looked at me amused....

"Oh my my! Where is that grumpy no-nonsense guy?" She said while searching for somewhere...

"Alright Alright! Mrs. Oberoi you met the wrong Ved! Today the actual Ved is introducing himself!" I said moving back and bowing a little...

"Hi beautiful! I am Ved Singh Oberoi also known as your husband!" I said and took her hand, kissed it, she just started giggling at that making me laugh....

I don't know tell when did we laugh, then Divi decided to say something..

"You know! I like this Ved!" She said with a smile....

"I mean he's so much better then that asshole who used to call himself my husband, I mean what a loser man!" She said while trying not to giggle...

"Aye!" I said while pulling her from her wrist!

"It's still me only yaar!" I said with a whine and she gave me this beautiful smile!

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