Chapter 2: New Comrade

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Azur Lane 

Jeanne: So what's our mission?

Prince Of Wales: We manage to intercept Sakura Empire transmission, they said will send 30 sirens ship worth of food, material and other to Sardegna Empire.

Hood: Our mission is to make sure the convoy never make it to Sardegna Empire.

Bunker Hill: How many sirens will we face?

Prince Of Wales:  If we didn't count the supply ships, we will face around 10 or more sirens.

Kirov: Do you sure this isn't a trap? there's no way the sirens will put little defense on their convoy.

Benson: Hey I think found the sirens convoy. Pointed her hand to a direction

After spotted the siren convoy they quickly engage it

Hood: Weird, I don't remember the sirens are this weak.

Bunker Hill: We better head back before more siren appear.

???: Where do you think your going?

Portal appear out of nowhere and sirens ship start come out from the portal

Prince Of Wales: We have been surrounded!!

Kirov: I knew it

Siren 1: Tiny rats just  got stuck on cage

Hood: Everyone!! prepare for battle!!

At first Azur Lane manage to handle it but, they were soon outnumbered and have no other choice but to retreat.

Jeanne: There's to many of them

Prince Of Wales: We need to retreat now!! Hood send send SOS signal.

Siren POV

Siren 1: Fufufu look at them, in a matter of minutes they will fall.

Siren 2: What do you expect from Azur Lane? they just grow weaker from time to time.

Siren 1: We could finish them here right now.

Siren 3: Sadly we can't, our order is to take them hostage.

Siren 2: Let's just hope they can entertain us more .

Azur Lane POV

Kirov: Bunker Hill!! take out those bomber!!

Bunker Hill: I can't, my fighter are engage on a dogfight.

Prince Of Wales: Everyone regroup!! we shall retreat!!

Benson: We can't retreat!!

Jeanne: What should we do now!?

Hood: Retreat, I will hold them off

Prince Of Wales: Hood you can't, they are to strong for your self to handle!!

Hood: I know.

Benson: We can't just leave your here.

Hood: There's no other choice, it's the only way!!!

Jeanne: Hood right, we need to go Wales

Bunker Hill: It's the only option we have.

Prince Of Wales: I can't just left you here whit those sirens!!!

Kirov: Sorry Wales. hit her neck and fall unconscious

Bunker Hill: You better get out alive Hood....

Hood: I will, now go!!

The girls carry Prince Of Wales and leave Hood alone fighting the sirens

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