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    "Good mor-" there was a long pause Hyunjin heard- a yawn, probably, "-ning, Kkami. Why were you not laying with me when I woke up?"

When Felix came into view, the tiny Chihuahua in his arms and his face buried in the long coat, Hyunjin giggled. He looked absolutely dorky wearing Hyunjin's old robe and the pair of Bugs Bunny slippers Hyunjin bought months prior.

Not that Hyunjin's apparel was any less dorky. The house had been far too hot that morning when he woke up, so he had completely disregarded his sweats and went for a pair of boxers with pickles all over them. His robe was also an ugly shade of orange.

Fashionable. He knew.

With a jerk of surprise, Felix's eyes shot open and darted to Hyunjin. He no longer looked sleep logged, and was wide awake as he set Kkami down.

"Hyunjin! Good- uh, eheh," he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly and kicked the Bugs Bunny slippers off his feet and to the side, "good morning! I didn't think you had today off."

Hyunjin chuckled, rolling his eyes as he grabbed a second coffee mug and poured coffee in it. "Didn't. I called in sick and played hooky." He grabbed the second mug and approached Felix, handing him the mug. "Also, wear the slippers. I never do."

He then walked over to the couch, dropping down on it and sinking into its cushions comfortably. 

Felix slowly sat down on the couch after sliding the slippers back on his feet, still shy because of the fact he had been caught wearing them in the first place.

"I called in sick so that I could talk to you about something," he said after a second, turning his head to glance at him. "And because I needed a day off."

With a slow nod, Felix lowered the mug from his lips. "What about?"

The corner of Hyunjin's lip twitched. He didn't know how to word it without seeming desperate or lost. Even after thinking about it for as long as he did- since he had woken up at five in the morning.

He sighed. "I'm stuck. I've been stuck for a while."

Felix nodded in agreement at that and crossed his legs on the couch wordlessly.

"I wanted to ask if you'd be willing to help me out more," he proposed, mimicking Felix as he crossed his legs, "like going out to chat with people. And I'll talk with the head of forensics about letting you into crime scenes to help with observations."

"Hyunjin, I'm not qualified to help. Even if I were to agree, I don't have the training nor the skills. I'd be pretty useless."

Then, Hyunjin snorted, and shook his head. "Qualification means nothing right now. I'd be willing to give up my job if it means finding out who killed your parents and who keeps killing." He turned and glanced at him. "You're meticulous and you're smart.

"It's really tempting, Hyunjin, but I don't want you to lose your job over this."

"I won't," Hyunjin said bluntly, "but you don't need to agree. It was just a suggestion."

"Like all the times you make excuses to talk to me?" The other popped up behind him, qnd for a second he felt faint and dizzy.

Hyunjin turned and glared at him. "I do not make excu- you know what, whatever," he snorted, "it's not important. Just wanted to give you something to do."

Felix swayed in his spot slightly, before he relaxed into the spot a bit more. He then leaned against Hyunjin a bit, humming lightly. "You don't have to make excuses to talk to me, by the way," he muttered, "but if you'd really like me to help you out- I can. But I'll have you know, if you get fired? It's not my fault."

"I wasn't ever going to blame you," he said, bringing the mug to his lips, "Me getting in trouble will have all the blame put on me, I promise."

This brought a smile to Felix's lips, that he quickly covered with the mug of his own. Hyunjin wished, though, that he didn't hide his smile. Even though it was small, and half of what his usual smile was, Hyunjin wanted to see it.

He couldn't deny it anymore, really. Felix was attractive- very attractive. And it was incredibly heartwarming to see him happy. Whenever he was really happy, so excited that he was shaking his hands (it had only happened once that Hyunjin had seen) Hyunjin always felt himself melt.

He may not have known him well enough to know for sure whether or not he had a, what people would call a 'crush', on him, but he knew that he was infatuated. Hell, maybe he was even a step up from infatuated- whipped, maybe.

Though, whatever that emotion was, it was definitely enough to drive him towards wanting to test the waters a little bit more. Besides, he had already kissed him (a thing that came and flew from his mind), so this couldn't at all make their relationship any more awkward.

Felix cleared his throat, wiggling in his spot slightly. "Can we both agree that, if you're going to be staying home a day that you aren't meant to be staying home- that you'll tell me you're staying home?"

With what he said, Hyunjin let out a laugh, tipping his head back slightly. "Why?"

"Because..." His voice cracked, and he cleared his throat- clearly embarrassed, "because you scared the absolute shit out of me. I thought it was someone else and then I thought that you were going to end me for wearing your slippers." For extra emphasis, Felix wiggled his feet against the ground.

That caused Hyunjin to giggle as the slipper's large ears jiggled from side to side. "I'll tell you the next time I decide to call in sick when I'm not really sick. But I didn't want to wake you this morning to tell you I was staying home."

"You could have stayed in bed," Felix whispered softly.

With an arched eyebrow, he turned his head down and gazed at Felix- who was once again hiding his face with the mug. "What was that?"

"I said," he cut him a glare, "you could have stayed in bed."

A smile pulled on the corner of his lips, and he nudged Felix's side with his elbow. "So you'd have an excuse to cuddle me?" He teased, "Maybe I'll consider it next time."

Felix nudged him back, trying to keep his lips from pulling into a smile. He still failed to do so, though. "I wouldn't need an excuse to cuddle you. I know that."

"Oh? How do you know that?"

Gazing up at him innocently, Felix shifted closer to Hyunjin. He shimmied forward on the couch lightly, before he lightly rested his head on Hyunjin's shoulder.

With a tiny sigh, Hyunjin wrapped his arm over his shoulder, lightly rubbing his upper arm.

Felix then chuckled. "That's how I know."

He rolled his eyes. Of course.

Raising his mug to his lips again, Hyunjin drank the rest of the coffee before he let out a small sigh and glanced down at Felix again. Even his mug was nearly empty.

Makes sense for someone who always has so much energy. "Would you like me to get you more?"

Felix raised his head and looked at Hyunjin cluelessly. He then glanced at his mug, smiled awkwardly, and shook his head. "I can get up and get-"

Before he could finish, he took the mug from his hand and stood up. "I offered to get it. Don't worry," he smiled.

Felix whined, but Hyunnin still walked away and into the kitchen. He then set the mugs on the counter, humming lightly before he took a couple of steps backwards towards the wall blocking him from Felix.

"Oh, and, Felix?" Hyunjin said, peering out of the kitchen back towards the couch. "I'd like to take you on a date. If you'll allow me."

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