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content warning: description of a murder scene. proceed with caution.

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Before he was turned away, Hyunjin held up his badge and stepped beneath the lifted caution tape that was put up.

Despite it being a day off, he was still forwarded the call that someone was needed. He couldn't complain, really- he shouldn't complain. Working overtime meant more money- more money meant he didn't necessarily have to worry about not having a place to stay.

His only worry was the fact that he had left Felix at his home alone again.

After what happened earlier that day- with Felix kissing him and all -he was scared that someone had followed them home after it had happened.

Hyunjin knew he shouldn't dwell on the topic all that much, sure. He didn't have to think about why Felix did it and had no problem with tugging his own mask down and smacking their lips together like they had been dating all their lives. Was his worry really with Felix being in potential danger, or was it the idea of not feeling that again?

Stuffing his badge back in the band of his pants, he sighed out as he grabbed his pad and pen. The first thing he did was note where the victim was.

And it wasn't behind the counter.

Hyunjin's jaw clenched as he rounded one of the aisles shelves. His breath immediately got caught in his throat, and he faltered on the balls of his feet a little bit.

He lifted his hand to cover his mouth and immediately turned away. His eyes rolled slightly as he closed his eyes, pinching his lips between his teeth. He couldn't even force himself to turn back and look at the victim.

The other agents and officers were dodging around him, even going as far as to move him out of the way as they tried to get to the body.

"Hyunjin, are you alright?" Eric asked abruptly.

It felt as though he jumped out of his skin at the sound of his voice. Once he saw who it was, he released a breath of relief of seeing a familiar and friendly face which wasn't lying lifeless on the ground. "I don't know, Sohn." He turned and glanced at the body, "It's just surprising. I guess."

Eric rested a hand on his shoulder comfortingly. "Sam, I know that you knew him well and all, but it happened- there's nothing we can do about it now."

Even Eric sounded choked up, Hyunjin noticed.

He shook his head in response to that, swallowing another lump in his throat as he turned and looked back at Sangyeon's lifeless body, surrounded by the glisten of his own blood. He didn't even know what he was doing in town- he had no reason to be there.

"We aren't allowed to work the case," Hyunjin said after taking a moment to let it sink in that a fellow agent was now dead. His voice still shook as he spoke again, "we had personal connections to him. We shouldn't even be here."

Almost immediately, Eric nodded his head in understanding and began to walk towards the exit. On the way there, Hyunjin handed his blank note pad to another agent to use instead, and stepped outside.

The pair walked away from the crime scene, and it felt like it took ages to do so by the time they reached Hyunjins's white Sedan.

"I'm really sorry they called you out here, Sam."

Instead of replying, he just shrugged it off and pulled the keys from his pocket, dangling them from the keyring on his finger. "It doesn't matter. Not like I wasted gas to get here, right?"

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