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    "Hey, Felix?" Hyunjin called, pushing the door open as he stepped inside, "you doing alright?"

There was a thunderous crash in the kitchen. He could only assume it was from Felix, who let out a series of very accented curse words before stepping out from behind the wall. "You're home early."

A relieved sigh left his mouth as he shook his head. "Just for a few minutes, Seungmin's sitting outside waiting for me so we can go talk to that guy at the apartment," he nodded, "I'm glad you're alright then."

A look of confusion washed over Felix's face. "Why wouldn't I be?" He stepped out of the kitchen, leisurely walking towards the front door as he untied the apron around his waist. Now he just looked concerned. "Did something happen?"

"No!" Hyunjin's head shot up, and then he shook it in denial as he let out a small, awkward laugh. "No, it's alright. I just wanted to make sure you were alright and weren't having any problems. Considering I left before you woke up and all..."

Felix laughed, his eyebrows furrowed as he poked Hyunjin's shoulder. "You leave while I'm asleep all the time, of course I'm fine."

He nodded his head reluctantly. He couldn't help but think about what Seungmin said earlier. He had a lot of confidence that Felix was more than alright, that there were no issues going on that he should worry about. But Seungmin was right when it came down to it.

Felix was in danger. Regardless of how high the security is at his place. It had already happened once, someone breaking in.

"Oh, I know what this is."

Hyunjin looked at Felix after unknowingly turning his gaze to the floor. He was smiling widely, his eyebrows raised so his expression looked almost smug. But, despite feeling like the answer could be harmless, Hyunjin decided to humor him, asking a very sassy, "uh-huh, and what would that be?"

"You're looking for excuses to talk to me now," he stated matter-of-factly.

Hyunjin harrumphed, but heat was beginning to creep up his neck as he shook his head. "No. I'm just concerned, don't flatter yourself," he sneered, "you live in my house- I deal with you every doggone day."

There was never a need for Hyunjin to want to talk to Felix. There was only the strong urge to protect him and make sure he was safe. And because of that, he didn't know why his neck was beginning to turn red with embarrassment.

He wasn't making excuses to talk to Felix. He was just concerned. A concerned friend.

"Idiot," Felix then chuckled, swinging the apron at Hyunjin's face. "I'm only teasin' you. But now it's all the more believable."

He sneered at him again, turning on his heels to face the door. "Fine then. I won't check on you ever again."

"Fine," Felix retaliated with a smug smirk as he folded his arms over his chest.

With furrowed eyebrows, Hyunjin kept his eyes on Felix for a moment. He looked him up and down, observing his relaxed posture as he leaned all his weight onto one foot. He was far more relaxed than he had been in the past.

"Well? Aren't you going to leave? I thought you had work to do," he motioned towards the door with his apron.

Hyunjin snorted. "I'll leave when I wanna leave, this is my house."

"Uh-huh. Isn't Seungmin waiting outside for you?" Felix's eyebrow arched, and he relaxed back onto the heels of his feet. But he didn't seem very amused by his own press towards him leaving, at least not about Seungmin. "I'm sure he's getting very impatient."

YOU WERE BEAUTIFUL    ──    hyunlixOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora