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The only things on his mind after the night before was the fact his kitchen was now covered in cocoa powder (that Felix claimed he was going to clean up when he woke up), and figuring out what had happened to his case file.

Even if that meant bribing his partner with coffee.

"Seungmin," Hyunjin set the coffee down on the desk beside his own, "can I have a look at your case file? I just want to see if I have the same information and that it's correct."

His partner looked up from his computer, peering through the thick framed glasses perched on the bridge of his nose. He had then looked between him, and the cup of coffee on his desk. Though, without much of an argument, Seungmin did open the drawer to his right and pull out the obnoxious yellow folder, handing it over as he turned his eyes towards the screen again. "Any particular reason?"

He dropped himself onto his own chair and nudged himself closer to his own desk, knees tucked beneath it as he shrugged. "No reason," he lied, "Just wanted to make sure that I had things right."

"You're usually very confident in your work, Hwang."

Hyunjin tensed, his thumb and pointer finger pinching one end of the yellow folder tightly. Seungmin was right about that. Usually, he didn't have a reason to doubt his own files. His own interrogations.

Shrugging the comment off, he adjusted his blazer after a moment and rested his elbows on the table. "I just want to make sure I didn't miss anything. I want to make sure we get Sangyeon and the other victims the justice they deserve."

Seungmin hummed at that. A typical response from him.

Seungmin's file wasn't much different from his own. Though, he knew that Seungmin didn't have much information other than the provided autopsy summary. The other calls, though, Hyunjin knew that Seungmin had.

Resting the folder on the desk, Hyunjin flipped through the pages and sighed. A lot of it was so much more in depth and organized than his own. Though, he knew that his own would look similar to this.

Had it not been tampered with.

Chewing on his bottom lip, Hyunjin read through the file for a moment before he closed it and pushed himself away from the desk.

Of course.

Hyunjin dropped Seungmin's folder on his desk, and then squeezed between the two of them. He took quick, rushed steps towards the single office that Rivera was often found in. Flattening the black blazer down on his chest, he leaned in and knocked his knuckles against the wooden door a few times.

The older man raised his head, but remained leaning against his desk. "Ah, Hyunjin," he said, offering a wrinkled smile, "what can I help you with?"

Dipping his head towards him, he stepped into the office. "Would it be alright for me to request the security footage for the last few days?"

"Might I ask why?" He asked in return.

Hyunjin scrunched his nose and then rubbed beneath it, "I have reason to believe that someone tampered with my case files. I want to see if it's someone who works here."

At that, Rivera furrowed his eyebrows and nodded his head. A breath of relief left Hyunjin's lungs as Rivera motioned for him to follow.

The security footage, when he had begun going over it, appeared empty the first few days. Aside from a few others coming in to retrieve their own things, there wasn't much providing the idea that anyone had swapped Hyunjin's out for a false one.

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