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Zombina: Great... I need another one a you like I need a hole in the chest

Manako: *Ahem* Speaking of...

During the brief mayhem the zombie girl had neglected the fact that the ricocheting bullet had lodged itself in her chest...

Zombina: Gah! M'girls! Just one sec...

Whilst Zombina rummaged her hand through her cleavage like she was rooting for change Manako made the inevitable and uncomfortable call to Miss Smith on how to proceed, Dopple however had already taken off somewhere...

Miss Smith: As I was saying... *Vrrr Vrrr Vrrr* Ah one moment (Thank the-!).

Smith couldn't get a thought in as Manako blurted the situation they had on the lower floors before she lost the nerve to get to the point. Smith bit her lip discreetly contemplating the situation

Miss Smith: (Fantastic, I've got a building full of higher ups, politically sensitive representatives and a potential liminal threat running around; Not looking good for our argument ...or my raise)

Higher Up: Something the matter Smith?

... ... ...

Miss Smith: No, Nothing to worry about, everything's *Under breathe* fine more or less

Feline rep: Pardon?

Miss Smith: Just some 'miscommunication' downstairs is all, nothing serious.

Manako: *Over phone* SMIIIIITH WHAT DO WE DO!

Miss Smith: Ahahah Excuse me, I need to make a call.

Miss Smith stepped out of the meeting; power walking down the hall to a surveillance room and contacting her team to ready up again...

Zombina: Coms in

Manako: Me too

Tio: I'm here too, know the sitch

... ... ...

Miss Smith: Dopple? Come in.

Zombina: Forget it, she already took off.

Miss Smith: (Hmm We could really use her expertise here). In any case split up and cover the ventilation access points, and No more discharging heavy firearms inside the building unless absolutely necessary- Zombina!

Zombina: Tch...

The zombie girl made her way down halls with a basic combat pistol. The others also travelled light; discreetly traversing the lower floors with other human/liminal agents.

Some time had passed since the search began and real time and radio silence harmonised through the intricate tunnel corridors except from a faint rummaging in the armoured walls.

There was a [Colour] glow from a vent grate and Ben dropped out checking his surroundings in a considerably casual fashion for someone mid escape. He wandered as he glanced at all the various sized door stretching across the walls, looking closely... there was a lot of heavy lockdown extension concealed within the wall. The hero tested his luck and progressed forward(Probably).


Ben: *Squint* *Under breathe* Be an exit be an exit be an exit...


Approaching one of the doors he slid a small hatch open on the door only to be greeted with a vicious hissing, instantly shutting the hatch.

Ben: Not an exit.


Ben had only just consciously realised the present whisper like rapid ticking noise tickling his ears.

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