Dancing in the rain <dr strange fanfic>

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Rain drizzled down the window; each raindrop chasing one another as they all gathered in a small pool at the bottom. The grey sky gloomed over the sanctum sanatorium as you gazed out from the cold room and out onto the streets. The streets that were unsurprisingly covered in puddles, with rain bouncing off the hard, damp pavement outside the sanctuary that you and Stephen had been stuck in for days through the rain and storms.

You hated being stuck inside. If it wasn't for Stephen you probably wouldn't have been able to keep yourself occupied. He had taught you more about the ways of magic and the nervous system in the past few days than in the whole 5 years you had known each other. You had both been under the teachings of the ancient one for a few years, before you decided to stay together in 177A Bleecker street.

"You alright" you heard strange ask from the door. You turned to face him, coming out of your daydreams to admire him. He had his usual robes on, with the eye of agamoto hanging from his neck, resting just above where the two blue fabric of his clothes crossed paths. He was unwrapping his hand from some sort of bandage, it wasn't injured though, so he must've been training before he came across you looking out the window.

"Yeah I'm fine, rather be outside though," you replied honestly. In return, strange let out a gasped laugh as he smirked and walked towards you. Your eyes met his and you followed his gaze as he walked towards you slowly, causing you to take a few steps from the window and face him with your whole body.

He placed both his scarred hands on your waist and slowly swayed your hips in time with his. Only briefly removing one hand to remove some hair from out your face, not breaking eye contact. You brought your hand down round his waist and pulled him close, resting your head on his chest as his arms wrapped around you tighter. You both swayed together, there was no music playing so you only had the sound of rain flowing outside and bouncing against the roads outside to listen to as you both got lost in the moment of bliss.

"You want to go outside?" Stephen asked, breaking the silence with his deep, calming voice. You could hear the rain had died down a bit, but was still lightly tapping against the windows, loud enough to be heard.

"Mhm, even if it is raining" you replied, your eyes were still closed and you sounded slightly more sleepy than you would've liked. But strange took one of your hands in his and held it out, and lifted it slightly out and above your shoulders height,  as you rested your fingers on his palm and his thumb supporting them ontop. You moved your eyes to meet his once more, and a smile appeared on your face as you saw his, looking more like a cheeky smirk than a smile.

"Hope you don't mind if I do this then-" he remarked and before you could respond, he was pushing you backwards, sending you back and giving you butterflys in your stomach as you landed backwards on the wet pavement that had once just been outside a window. The orange sparks forming a circle appeared, showing the room you had previously been in inside it, with strange within it, trying to hold back a laugh after watching you fall backwards.

He stepped out and momentarily  turned around to close the hole, and you watched his hands the whole time he did so. When he was back facing you again, he held out a hand, already wet from the rain. You soon realised you must be wet too, from the rain of course, judging by Stephen's damp clothes and wet hair, with clear raindrops appearing on his cheeks and gliding down his cheekbones. You lifted a hand to meet his, as you were pulled up from the floor by the strong man before you, and placed within his arms, in a dance position.

One hand on your waist and the other holding your hand; ready to guide you when needed. And your hand resting upon his shoulder and the other enclosed in his. You had never properly known how to dance, but you were in the cold, dark outdoors and in the pouring rain; not able to be seen and heard. You could already feel your clothes slowly begin to stick to your arms as the rain dampened it to almost see-through.

The water had already started to glide down your lips, and spread out along where your lips met, allowing you to feel water slowly coming into your mouth. However, it was soon whisked away as Stephen began to twirl around with you, your feet pattering louder than the rain on the street. You both laughed at the thought of how bad you were dancing together but you soon had a steady flow of rhythm as you spun around together outside.

Stephen then stopped and let go of your waist, spinning you out on your own, still holding your hand and stopping you from escaping his welcoming grasp. Before you twirled back into his chest after, encased in his arms by the end, looking up at him from under his chin. It was Stephen who lowered his head to encase you in a tender kiss, with water dripping between your lips that were bonded together.

This is how you both stayed for a few minutes together, kissing under the moonlight, amongst the rainwater gathering in the street and falling effortlessly from the sky. Then returning indoors only to be greeted with the cloak of levitation wrapping around you to keep you warm.

Avengers/marvel ~ one shots Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon